
Spellings in Blue class are given to the children on a Monday. We test spellings the following Monday.

New spellings are given on paper for the children to bring home and are posted on the spellings section on the class page. We do learn about the spelling patterns in class, practise spellings in different ways, and encourage the children to think about which ways work best for them.

Please encourage your child to practise spellings and think about the pattern at home. We are aiming to embed spellings in children’s long term memories not just to have learn them for a Friday test. Knowing them by Friday is a good start though! For spellings to remembered long term, most people need to keep practising  and  recalling them from the memory many times.

New Spellings 11th September

Monday 11th September
LO: learn words ending in ough but not all sounding the same

Relationship and Sex Education

Dear parents

Please find attached a letter about our delivery of Relationship and Sex Education in Year 5 and 6.

Relationship and Sex Education 2023

For Year 6, this is the same information as last year.

If you would like to know more about the materials used in this learning I will be available after school on Tuesday 4th July. Alternatively, you can contact me by email if Tuesday is not convenient.

We will be delivering these lessons over these last few weeks of term.

Mrs Bernasconi



We have had some questions about whether to wear PE kit or normal school uniform on Monday as we are going swimming.
The younger children have worn PE kit to make changing easier and to keep the children warm.

As the forecast is for another warm sunny day, I would suggest that they wear  PE kit ( including school t- shirt) or normal school uniform – whichever will be cool enough in our very warm classroom and they find easiest to put on when damp after swimming.

Mrs Bernasconi




Please don’t forget your swimming kit on Monday morning.
We have the swimming section of our PE curriculum this half term – at least we have the good weather for it.

Mrs Bernasconi

Maths Homework – Year 5

Year 5’s homework this week is about properties of 3D shapes.  Some interactive slides (with questions to answer at various points) plus a short activity have been allocated on Clasrrom Secrets Kids.

Enjoy the Coronation!



E- Safety Workshop

Richard from Amazing ICT talking to parents

Thank you to all those who joined us on Tuesday evening – this was a very informative talk and all present joined in with the discussions.

The feedback was great and we all learned something new this evening. This is such an important part of our children’s lives and it was great to share ideas on how to guide and protect our young people.

Parents who came tonight requested that we share the National Online Safety website and app. (both pictured above).

Richard has also been kind enough to allow us to share his presentation – the pdf contains hyperlinks to some of the suggested sites. Parents_Esafety_ 2023_compressed  It contains some very useful information on  parental control apps plus family settings on devices and games.

Blue Maths Homework

Year 5

I have allocated some activities on co-ordinates on Classroom secrets kids as this was our focus at the beginning of the week.

Year 6

The Monday booster group have two sets of questions which were started in school to complete.

Friday’s booster group will have their homework set with Mrs Benson on Friday morning.

Don’t forget that we are here to help – it’s great that you ask when particular topics come up in revision that you want us to go over. We are always happy to fit these into breaks, lunchtimes or booster groups if it is something which needs focused support.

If something comes up during homework, you can always use the video tutorials in Classroom secrets to get help when you are at home. This can be helpful if you just need a quick reminder and saves you worrying over the weekend. ( They have maths and SPAG video tutorials.)

Spellings and Grammar

No new lists of spelling words will be set for the next few weeks. The spellings and grammar focus will be revision as Year 6 SAT’s take place w/c 8th May.

Year 6 you might like to use this BBC website to help this revision in the form of a game.

Crystal Explorers – BBC Bitesize SPAG

Words from the Year 5/6 statutory list will be practised and tested. We have covered these in chunks. The full list is attached here:  statutory-spellings-year-5-and-6-word-mat

We will also revise spelling patterns.

Spellings w/c 27th March

27th March 2023
LO: to spell commonly misspelt words from maths
and science


Spellings w/c 20th March

LO: to revise some statutory KS2 spellings and some that are being commonly spelt incorrectly.


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