Science and Technology Activities

Since the weather forecast is not so great this week, I have attached some ideas for STEM practical activities to keep your minds and hands busy.


Reading w/c 27.4.20

Here are some reading comprehensions about the Stoneage.

I have put them in guided reading groups to give you some guidance on the level of difficulty. Please feel free to use them in the way which best suits your family.

Welford and Pankhurst

Skara-Brae-Differentiated-Comprehension W and P


Donaldson and Blyton

Skara-Brae-Differentiated-Comprehension-D and B

Nearly-Missing-Maths-Skara Brae Guided-Reading-Pack

English w/c 27.4.20

This week I have selected some traditional stories which orignally come from the Caribbean and West Africa. Ananse (or Anansi in some versions) is a spider who is….well I will let you decide what sort of character he is. I love these stories and wish I could be sharing them in the classroom with you.


Ananse Week 4 Day 1 

Conjunctions Powerpoint with Audio – Day 1


Ananse Week 4 Day 2

Conjunctions Powerpoint with Audio – Day 2

Don’t forget the to look at the spelling page too.



Spellings w/c 27.4.20

Some words from the Statutory spellings for year 3 and 4 this week:











As well as our usual spellings activities like pyramid words, you could use these work sheets to help you learn your spellings:

Year 3 and 4 Statutory Spelling Words Activity Mat Pack 11

Year 3 and 4 Statutory Spelling Words Activity Mat Pack 16

Maths w/c 27.4.20

We have more fractions and decimals for you this week.

Year 3    Year 3 maths videos for the week



Answers Y3-Summer-Block-1-ANS6-Add-fractions-2020



Answers  Y3-Summer-Block-1-ANS7-Subtract-fractions-2020

Year 4    Maths Videos for the week



Answers Monday-Y4-Summer-Block-1-ANS5-Round-decimals-2020



Answers Tuesday-Y4-Summer-Block-1-ANS6-Halves-and-quarters-2020


The two files below provide further practise of the topics from Monday and Tuesday before you move onto the WhiteRose lessons 3 and 4 for this week which use the decimal concepts looking at money.

As on Friday last week, there are three sheets in each – just choose one unless you are really enjoying doing these sheets!





Maths Friday 24.4.20

The Friday Challenge on the WhiteRose materials is available on the link we have been using all week. This is the same for year 3 and year 4.

Friday Maths Challenge

However, some of you may prefer to use a worksheet (or two or three) to practise the learning you have begun on fractions and decimals this week. Pick which part of fractions you want to practise.

The links for these are given in your year group below. There are three sheets per topic (so 9 for each year group) – don’t try to do all of them! If you have found the maths learning this week tricky, I suggest you try the “developing sheets” . There are also secure sheets and ones for greater depth. (I’d only use the last one if you have been super confident all week.)

Year 3

Year-3-EXT-Equivalent-Fractions 2



Year 4





Spelling Activities

Hello everybody. I have some requests for printable sheets for learning our spelling rules.

These sheets practise this week’s rule: endings spelt “tion” which make the “SHUN” sound. Some of the words are different from the list, but they do follow the rule.

tion Letter Tiles Spellings Activity Sheet

tion Spelling Crossword

tion Word Search 2

Tion Word Search

Don’t forget the pyramid words, back writing etc on this sheet which can be used for all spellings:

varied spelling_activities

I hope these help. Choose the ones which work in your family – we don’t all learn spelling best in the same way. Remember, the aim is to be able to spell them correctly when you used them in your writing.




Science – What do plants need to grow?

What do plants need to grow?

Whilst the weather remains so lovely, I thought I’d put some more plant based science on here. Lots of you have been telling me about your planting, gardening and even your chickens and ducks, so I know you are getting hands on science experiences.

Lesson Presentation What Do Plants Need to Grow Well

Lesson Video What do plants need to grow?


Activity Sheet Investigation Planner

Activity Sheet Recording Results

Do plants need light to grow – pupil sheet

Do plants need soil to grow – pupil sheet

How fast does a root grow – pupil sheet

You might prefer these Espresso investigation sheets:

Espresso plant investigation

You don’t need to investigate all of these things, but it would be good if you have the plants or seeds available to investigate one or two for yourself.

If you don’t have these, don’t worry – the videos and animations will let you see what happens and how to investigate.

English 23.4.20 and 24.4.20

Roald Dahl brings his characters to life with vivid descriptions using lots interesting adjectives and expanded noun phrases.

Now it is your turn to write. Choose a character from Fantastic Mr Fox. Write a really good quality description.

Remember we need to know what they look like, how they behave, maybe even how they smell or sound. Your reader needs to have a really clear picture of them their head when they have read your description.

These sheets have some useful adjectives that you might like to use:Description-writing-frames-for characters-from-Fantastic-Mr-Fox-

Think about how you write your sentences. You should aim to use:

If we were doing this together in class, we would spend time gathering our ideas.

So, plan some adjectives, phrases, sentences. How could you use all the things in the list above to make your writing wonderful? Rehearse them aloud. Writers draft their ideas. If you have time you can always choose another character to practise your descriptive writing about.

Maths 23.4.20

We are continuing with our WhiteRose Maths today

Year 3

Summer Term Week 1 Lesson 4 – order fractions

Video     Order fractions


Answers: Lesson-4-Y3-Summer-Block-1-ANS5-Order-fractions-2020

Year 4

Summer Term Week 1 Lesson 4

Video and resources  Order Decimals


Answers: Lesson-4-Y3-Summer-Block-1-ANS5-Order-fractions-2020


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