Online Safety -Useful Links for Parents

We receive regular updates from E-safety advisers. As parents and teachers, we all know the pressures, problems and dangers our children face online. It is a feature of life now and it can be hard to know how to support our children.

Here are some extracts from the latest newsletter which I hope will help.

Useful Links for Parents

Advice by age:Younger children need different advice and guidance than older children. Older children need different advice and guidance than teens. It can be really difficult keeping up with everything that is online and what risks and issues may affect children of different ages, so on these pages there is some age-related advice and guidance for parents and carers:Pre-school – – 10 year olds – – 13 year olds – plus – up devices:It can be difficult knowing all the different settings that are available on different devices to help protect children, this includes allowing or disallowing chat, friends, spending money, content filters and much more. On these pages you will find the details, as well as non-technical instructions, which will help you understand what is available to you and how to set up your child’s devices.Gaming consoles and devices – – and mobile networks – and search engines – settings on social media:Whilst the mainstream social media apps require those signing up to be 13+ and we recommend that children under 13 do not use mainstream social media, many children and young people are using social media. It is therefore important to understand what features are available to you to help protect your children. This is also important because for the most part, all privacy settings are default off when a new account is created, but also because some social media providers change their features quite frequently, e.g. TikTok.Take a look at this link to see what is available to you and how to set up your child’s social media. We would also advise doing this with your child so that you can discuss the features together. are a few apps out there for those younger children. However the challenge is that, given children primarily use social to message their friends, if their friends aren’t on the app then the children won’t use it. It’s a real dilemma but it is worth letting parents know that there are alternatives out there, which you can find HERE.
Useful new features on YouTube and YouTube KidsYouTube is hugely popular with all age groups but historically parents haven’t had a lot of control over what their children can/cannot watch. But things have changed and YouTube now gives parents a greater degree of control. It isn’t perfect but it is a step in the right direction. Take a look at the page below where you will see a few short videos of newer features that can help you on YouTube and YouTube Kids.


Finding good games, as well as knowing what is appropriate for the age of the child isn’t easy, particularly when there can be lots of peer pressure to play the more popular games which are not always appropriate. Taming Gaming is a great resource for parents to find new games for children as well as lots of advice about content, suitability etc.

Maths homework 8th December

I have set tasks on Classroom Secrets Kids. This week they are mostly about adding and subtracting fractions. I am mindful that lots of children have been off poorly, so I have chosen videos and slides with interactive question embedded so that there is revision of class learning available to all.

This is the last maths homework of the term. Do please keep practising your multiplication facts though as these are so important – instant knowledge of these is essential for mastering the year 5 and Year 6 curriculum. Some children have also been enjoying using the free WhiteRose app to practice their mental addition, subtraction, multiplication and division skills.

Blue Science

Today the Blue class have enjoyed finding out about dissolving.

We started with some questions.

What happens if something dissolves?

Which materials dissolve?

Can we separate a solid from the liquid once it has dissolved?

What is the difference between dissolving and melting?

They created saturated solutions of salt and sugar. Alfie made great connections to mixing fertiliser!
Finally, they set up and investigation to see if they can separate the salt and sugar from the solutions using evaporation. They are hoping that they will “grow” some crystals.

Spellings w/c 5th December

Monday 5th December 2022
LO: spell words from the Year 5/6 statutory list


There are lots of tricky letter combinations in the words this week.

Science – request for large glass jars

We will be using evaporation to separate salt from water this week. Please could the children bring a large jam jar / pickle jar on Tuesday? Lids are not needed.

If any one has any unused food-colouring lurking in the back of their cupboards that would be gratefully received too…it doesn’t need to be fresh or even in date as the children will NOT be eating it! It seems such a waste to buy lots of new ones as each group will only need a few drops but a range of colours makes the results of this investigation more interesting.

Maths Homework

Hello Blue Class

I have allocated some tasks on fractions this week on ClassRoom Secrets Kids.

I have spoken to Mrs Benson about what you have been learning over the last week – most have you have tasks, slides and/ or videos on Comparing fractions. There are questions embedded in the videos and slides for you to complete. Don’t forget to make sure you have gone all the way to the end and then gone back to assigned learning to ensure you have allowed the system to register your efforts!

Year 5 and 6 do NOT have the same tasks allocate.

I am looking forward to seeing you again on Monday.

Mrs Bernasconi

Spellings w/c 21st November

The following sentences were handed out and explained on Monday 21st November

LO: to spell words ending “cious” or “tious”


These websites may help the children understand this spelling pattern.

BBC Bitesize

Spellzone_ word endings cial, tial, cious, tious

The children were given the following sentences to help them understand the words in context:

What a delicious cake!
Please do not touch suspicious packages.
The new house was quite spacious which meant we could have everyone round for Christmas.
Some diseases are infectious; others are not.
You should be cautious when approaching dogs you do not know.
The cat launched a vicious attack on the unsuspecting dog.
It is important to eat nutritious food.
The children were quite fractious after too many late nights.
Mary is very ambitious: she wants to do law and aims to be a judge one day.
Andy was very upset because he had lost his wedding ring which was very precious to him.


Maths homework 17.11.22

Maths homework has been allocated on Classroom Secrets Kids again.

You should all find two new tasks when you log in. This week the focus is multiplication.

Please make sure you get to the end and follow all the instructions. Check back that your answers have fully registered. Please let me know on Monday if you are having any difficulties. We can then look at together on a device at school. Any tasks which are videos or slides have questions embedded in them for you to answer.


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