Day 2 Arthog

Year 6 have had another great day today. We have walked across the bridge which crosses Barmouth bay (and back at the end of the afternoon), hiked and scrambled up the mountains above Barmouth. We had our picnic at the top before rock climbing.

We have been impressed with everyone’s resilience and team building. What a fantastic group of rock climbers! We still have the nightline  to complete after dinner too…


Spellings W/C 3rd October 2022

The spellings this week are taken from the Year 5/6 statutory words list.

They are tricky words.  If you are finding them hard to learn – focus on the first five listed below – it’s better to know five well than forget them all!

As Year 6 are away at Arthog next week, you all have an extra week to learn them. No extra spellings will be given next week. This is an opportunity to go back over the spellings and patterns we have covered so far this half term especially Year 5 who are in school as normal.



Year 6 – Arthog

From what we hear many of the children are already packed and ready to go to Arthog next week. A Kit_List is attached for last minute checks.

We will be leaving school at 9 am on Monday morning. Year 6 can bring their bags into the hall through the library door at 8:40am.

Mrs Bernasconi and Mrs Colin-Stokes will collect in any medication and medication consent forms.

Please remember your packed lunch which will be eaten when we arrive at Arthog.

NO nuts or seeds or food containing these should be brought with you.

We expect to be back at school at approximately 4pm on Friday. We will keep school informed about our progress home.



This term, Blue class are learning to programme using Sonic Pi. This is a free app which can be used to create music.

This week we have been using loops and debugging. We have been thinking about creating music which remind us of films about Space. The children have had fun using the “use_synth” command to create different types of sounds.

Spellings w/c 26th September

LO: to add a suffix to words ending “fer”

You could try these activities and websites to help you learn your spellings:

Arthog – Year 6

Some notes of the key points and answers to frequently asked questions have been sent by email today. Please check your in boxes!

Arthog – Year 6

It was great to see so many of you at the meeting on Tuesday. We thought it might help if we sent some notes of the things discussed at the meeting and responses to questions.

Key points and answers to FAQ

  • Children to come to school dressed in tracksuit bottoms/ leggings, layers and coat.
  • A packed lunch will be needed for the first day – this will be eaten when we arrive.
  • Please send any medication (including those for travel sickness) clearly labelled together with consent forms and give to Mrs Bernasconi or Mrs Colin-Stokes.
  • Children will need to be able to carry/ wheel their own bags from the mini bus to their rooms.
  • Changes of shoes and lots of clothes are important as are lots of warm socks.
  • Please label ALL items of clothes and shoes/wellies clearly.
  • Please pack an empty, large plastic bag for wet clothes.
  • NO electronics (phones, ipods, and games) should be brought – this is a safeguarding issue. In addition, the idea of the residential is to give the children time exploring the outdoors and having an adventure.
  • If your child needs a special soft toy to help them sleep, please do send it. It would be good it this is labelled too.
  • We will be in the “annex” this is within the main centre but has its own kitchenette and communal relaxation area; it also has its own shower rooms and the sleeping rooms take between 2 and 6 children each rather than the large dormitories for 10 or 12.
  • We will let you know when we arrive and send an update or our activities via the website and bulletin emailing system.
  • Although we know some children will want a few sweets or snacks, please do not send them with loads. The food is good and plentiful and we don’t want them to spoil their trip by being sick!
  • Please ensure that pack lunches and snacks DO NOT contain nuts. One of the children has a nut allergy and carries an Epipen.
  • I forgot to mention that there is a small shop which sells souvenirs. The staff at Arthog suggested £5-£10.
  • There will be a range of exciting outdoor activities – the instructors adapt these to suit the weather conditions and the confidence or the children.

We are looking forward to our week in Wales.


Mrs Bernasconi and Mrs Colin-Stokes

Arthog Meeting reminder

Thank you for completing and returning the consent forms so promptly.

We will be having a parent meeting on Tuesday 20th September at 3:20pm when there will be opportunities to ask questions.

Mrs Bernasconi

Spellings w/c 19th September

LO: words with the suffixes “ible” and “able”

Think carefully about the root word. How can you remember whether the suffix will be ible or able?











You might want to try these links to help you find the way you remember spellings best:

or you might prefer games








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