Our First Week

Well done to all of our Reception children for completing their first week of school! We have been amazed at how well they have settled into school life.

We have had lots of fun this week getting to know each other and exploring the provision on offer both inside and outside.

Wellies and Waterproofs

In Reception we try and get outside as much as we can, even if the weather is a little wet! We ask that all children have a named waterproof suit and pair of wellies in school throughout the year to allow us to access the outdoor provision in all weather conditions.

Although the weather is warm and sunny at the minute it is likely to change next week. Could children please bring in their suits and wellies as soon as possible in preparation for this.

Thank you

Mrs Aguayo and Mrs Edwards

Thank you!

Dear parents,

It has been an absolute pleasure to teach Green class this year. The children have amazed us every day and we wish them all the best as they move into Yellow class.

Thank you all for your continued support throughout the year, it makes a huge difference and we are all grateful for the help that you provide.

Lastly, a huge thank you for the generous gifts you have given us all, we are incredibly grateful!

Have a lovely summer!

Mrs Edwards, Mrs Aguayo, Mrs Mottram and Mrs Summerfield

Green Class End of Year Treat

To mark the end of a wonderful year, Green class have been voting for a special end of year treat. After much thought the winning activity was a disco!

On Wednesday afternoon we will be playing party games, dancing to all our favourite songs and enjoying some party food.

If you have any concerns about the food that will be served please speak to a member of Green team before Wednesday afternoon.


Rocket Making

This term the Year 1s have been applying their computing knowledge to designing a rocket. To end our unit we are each going to build the rocket that we have designed.

In order to do this each child will need to bring a plastic bottle into school by Wednesday 12th July. The bottle can be of any size and shape but must be made of plastic.

Thank you for your continued support.

Dental Hygiene Talk

Today, Green class welcomed a Healthy Child Practitioner to talk to us about dental hygiene.

We learnt a lot about why it’s important to look after our teeth, how to brush our teeth correctly and what types of food and drink were good and bad for our teeth.

Each child has been sent home with a change 4 life leaflet with top tips for keeping your teeth healthy. The leaflet also includes a toothbrushing chart so children can make sure that they are brushing their teeth twice a day everyday.

To continue our learning on dental hygiene we would like children to bring the chart back in to school on Thursday 13th July.

Year 1 Spelling w/c 3.06.23

This week’s spellings are completing our spelling of the days of the week.





Spelling Test: Friday 7th June 2023

Year 1 Spellings w/c 26th June 2023

This week’s spellings are the days of the week. (We will complete the remaining days next week).






Spelling Test: Friday 30th June 2023

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