Homework 19.11.20

Well done for completing the classroom secrets kids homework last week. I have been very impressed with the scores that you have all been getting!

As a school we have decided that we will not be setting homework this week as the children have worked really hard to complete assessments.
Continue to work on your reading and camera words/spellings and remember that you can still access Numbots and Purple Mash to select your own activities.

This week’s learning in Green Class

Take a look at some of the things we have been up to in Green class this week:

Homework 11.11.20


For this week’s homework I have set a maths activity on Classroom Secrets Kids looking at identifying one less than a given number. If you are unsure of your login details please let me know and I can reprint them for you.


Year 1

For this week’s homework I have set two maths activities on Classroom Secrets Kids looking at addition and subtraction. If you are unsure of your login details please let me know and I can reprint them for you.

Year 1 have also got an additional challenge this week. For our topic learning this term we are looking at toys and comparing the toys that we play with to the toys that our parents/grandparents used to play with. This week children came up with some questions to ask their parents/grandparents so the homework task is to find the answers to the following questions:

What is your favourite toy?

What did you like about it?

What is it made of?

Does it move?

Does it talk?



Green Class Learning w/b 9.11.20

In English this week, year 1 will be planning and writing their information texts all about pumpkins. Reception children will be exploring a pumpkin using their senses.

In maths, year 1 are continuing with their work on subtraction by finding the difference. They will then move on to comparing addition and subtraction statements using the inequality symbols. Reception are exploring numbers 1, 2 and 3. They will be finding 1 more and 1 less as well as identifying 2D shapes with 1 and 3 sides.

In Science, year 1 will be recording the weather and putting together weather forecasts.

For our topic learning this week we will be looking at toys that our parents and grandparents used to play with. We will be using books to research toys from the past and linking this with our home learning where we will be asking our parents and grandparents about their favourite toys.

Half Termly update

Here is a brief overview of what’s coming up this half term:

English: Information Texts, Labels, lists and signs. Nursery and traditional rhytmes.

Maths: Year 1- subtraction within 10, shapes and place value within 20.

Reception- represent, compare and compose numbers to 5, shape, positional language, time.

Science: Seasonal changes, weather.

Art: Looking at the artist Yayoi Kusama.

Computing: understand simple algorithms.

R.E: Diwali. Why is Christmas special for Christians?

P.E: Dance on Tuesday. Outdoor Forest School on a Wednesday.

P.S.H.E: Say no to bullying.

Topic: Our topic this term is Toys. In history we will be looking at changes within living memory by comparing toys that we play with today with the toys that our parents/grandparents played with. We will also be looking at the different countries that make up the United Kingdom via postcards from our travelling bear.

Advance Warning: Children in Need Day is on Friday 13th November (details to follow)

We will be having a ‘Diwali Day’ on Thursday 19th November. For this, the children will be able to come to school in brightly coloured clothes as we learn about this festival by engaging in some exciting art and craft activities.

Half Term Home Learning

I have set some activities on our online learning platforms for half term. All of the activities are entirely optional and are only there to complete should your child wish to.

Year 1

Purple mash~ I have set some phonics activities that focus on the sounds covered so far in phase 5.

Classroom secrets KIDS~ I have set the 12 week programme for year 1 maths. Children should work through at their own pace, the week by week outline is there as guidance but does not need to be followed. The programme will identify any areas that your child finds tricky and will suggest activities for them to complete to develop their learning. It will also identify where your child needs additional challenges and will provide activities to do this.



Purple mash~ I have set some phonics activities that focus on the phase 2 sounds we have learnt so far.

Classroom secrets KIDS~ I have set maths activities that focus on length, height, weight and patterns.

Reading and tricky words

Children have been sent home with additional reading books this week and should continue to read as much as possible. They have also got their tricky words to practise, it is a good idea to revisit previously learnt tricky words to ensure retention.

Autumn Term Update


Well done to all of our reception children for a fantastic first half term!

Throughout this term we have been exploring the story ‘The Tiger Who Came To Tea’. Children developed their communication and language skills through role playing and re-telling the story as well as working on their fine motor development in our play dough tuff tray. We explored colour mixing to create paintings of the tiger and had a go at writing shopping lists.

In maths we have been ordering and comparing items. Children made their own stick men and used cubes to measure them to explore length, investigated height by finding out who was the tallest and shortest in the class, explored capacity through water play and used the balance scales to find out whose snack was heaviest and whose was the lightest.

Keep up the good work!

Year 1

In Literacy children have been learning the story ‘The Tiger Who Came To Tea’. We created a story plan using images to prompt our learning and then used the images to re-tell the story in our own words.


In Maths children have been developing their understanding of addition with numbers to 10.

Our topic for Science this half term has been plants. We have explored the trees that grow around the school field and learnt how to identify different trees. We made models of flowers to label the different parts before growing our own plants from seeds.

Well done Year 1 for making a fantastic start to the year!

Forest School

Children have explored our Forest area by using the bug hunting equipment to find mini beasts, digging in the mud pit, using clay to make hedgehogs, working together to make mandala patterns and trying out our new Forest School phones.

Forest School Reminder

Just a quick reminder that our Forest School session will be tomorrow afternoon.

If you haven’t already sent your child’s wellies and waterproofs in to school please send them tomorrow. We have a mud pit so clothes can get a little messy!

Children are to come to school in either School PE kit or blue/black joggers and their usual School top.

PE and Forest School

Welcome back Green Class!


It was so lovely to see all of our Year 1s in school yesterday and we are looking forward to welcoming our new Reception children next week.


Just a reminder for our Year 1 children that our PE lessons are on a Monday and Friday afternoon and we will be starting lessons next week. Children are to come to school in their PE kit on these days.


Forest school will be beginning on Wednesday 9th September so please make sure that your child has a waterproof and wellies in school before then.

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