Home Learning 3.04.20



Today’s grapheme is ‘sh’.

Revise all of your phase 3 phonemes using the flashcards and watch Mr Thorne does phonics.

For today’s activity we will play Miss Pullinger’s sound river.  Stand on one side of the river and sing my song ‘Miss Pullinger, Miss Pullinger, can I cross your sound river’. Choose one of the words from the river, segment the word and blend back together. If you get it right, hop across the river!

Begin with:

flash, splash, sash, shin, ship, fish.

Year 1

Today’s grapheme is ‘ph’.

Revise all of your phase 5 phonemes using the flashcards and watch Mr Thorne does phonics.

For today’s activity we will play Miss Pullinger’s sound river.  Stand on one side of the river and sing my song ‘Miss Pullinger, Miss Pullinger, can I cross your sound river’. Choose one of the words from the river, segment the word and blend back together. If you get it right, hop across the river!

Begin with the words:

alpphabet, elephant, dolphin, phone, graph.


Reception and Year 1

We are using the caterpillar shoes story again for our final writing challenge this week. I would like you to add your own section to the story. Think about:

What bug does the caterpillar meet?

How many shoes does the bug need?

What shoes does the caterpillar give?

Why does the bug need the shoes?

Remember your capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. Year 1 try and use adjectives in your sentences.



For today’s starter have a go at the Shape Patterns game on top marks selecting level 3.

Today we are looking at symmetrical patterns. Have a go at the Complete the Symmetrical Pattern and Symmetrical Pattern Butterfly worksheets.

You could also have a go at the Monster symmetry.

Why not try folding a piece of paper in half, paint a pattern on one side of your paper. Then fold the clean side over and press down, open it up and see what’s happened.

Year 1

For today’s starter have a go at Times Table rock stars.

Then go to the White Rose website and complete Week 2 lesson 1- compare capacity.

You could also have a go at page 22 of your Year 1 maths workbook.

Story Time

Today’s story is After The Storm.

Mrs Wilkes has also recorded a couple of stories for you all to enjoy, Hairy Maclary’s Bone and Slinky Malinki.


Have a go at playing Kim’s Game. You will need a tray, several items and a tea towel.

Place all of the items onto the tray so that you can see them all. Have a good look at what’s on the tray. Cover the tray with a tea towel and try to remember all of the items, you could write a list draw them or tell a member of your family.

You can also play with somebody else. Place the items on the tray, the first person needs to close their eyes whilst the second person removes one of the items. The first person then has to look at the tray and work out which item was removed.


This game is a great way to develop memory skills which helps with the retention of knowledge.

Home Learning 2.04.20



The grapheme for today is ‘ch’.

Revise all of your phase 3 phonemes and watch Mr Thorne does phonics.

Have a go at writing a list of words that begin with the phoneme ‘ch’. Have a go at the Picnic on Pluto game on phonics play selecting the +ch.

Year 1

The grapheme for today is ‘wh’.

Revise all of your phase 5 phonemes and watch Mr Thorne does phonics.

Have a go at the game Picnic on Pluto on phonics play selecting ‘wh’. Have a go at writing some of the ‘wh’ words- children may need help to identify words beginning with the ‘wh’ grapheme, that’s fine as long as you encourage them to spell the word independently.


Reception and Year 1

We are using the caterpillars shoes again today and will be using The Unfortunate Fly activity on page 14. You may want to watch the video a couple of times to spot him! Reception, a simple sentence to tell me where the fly was is fine but Year 1 I’m expecting some exciting vocabulary!



For today’s starter practice counting forwards and backwards to 20, start by crouching down low on the ground and slowly move up as you count. You can also have a go at Teddy Numbers selecting either numbers to 10 or 15 depending on your child’s confidence.

We are carrying on with pattern today but we will be making patterns with sound. You can use your body by clapping/tapping your knees or you could use an instrument. Create a pattern of sounds by changing the sound, the volume or the speed e.g 1 clap, 2 quick claps, 1 clap, 2 quick claps. You can increase the number of different sounds to increase the challenge.

Try teaching your pattern to a member of your family and try to copy a pattern that they create.

Year 1

For today’s starter have a go at the Teddy Numbers game on top marks and select words up to 15. This will help to consolidate knowledge of written numbers.

We are carrying on with capacity and mass today by using the white rose website, week 1 lesson 5. You can then have a go at page 21 of your Year 1 maths workbook.

Story Time

Today’s story is The Smartest Giant in Town by Julia Donaldson.

Calf Naming

We have had some great name suggestions so far for Mrs Mottram’s calves along with some fantastic drawings:

Keep sending me your suggestions and Mrs Mottram will choose the final names on Friday.


Good Morning Green Class!

Here is the second story time link for you all.


I have been overwhelmed by the effort you are all putting into your home learning and the work that you are producing:



Miss Pullinger

Home Learning 1.04.20



The grapheme for today is ‘qu’.

Revise all of the phase 3 phonemes and watch Mr Thorne does phonics.

Mrs Summerfield has a game for you today- you will need a pencil and paper for todays activity.

Year 1

Your grapheme for today is ‘aw’.

Revise all of the phase 5 phonemes and watch Mr Thorne does phonics.

Have a go at Mrs Summerfields game, you can use the same phonemes for some revision or you could choose 4 phonemes from your flashcards and find items around your house for each.


Reception and Year 1

We are still using the caterpillars shoes as the stimulus for our writing today. We are using the activity from page 9 of the workbook, choose which character from the story you would like to be and write a thank you letter to the caterpillar for giving you his shoes. You can use yesterday’s activity to help you structure your letter.



For today’s starter have a look at this presentation revising counting. It is a great way to develop mathematical vocabulary and your child’s ability to reason.

We are moving on to pattern for today’s activity. You could use one of the sheets I have uploaded below to help you create a pattern or you could do one of these activities:

Choose at least 2 colours and create a pattern by alternating the colours. You could choose to do lines, shapes or even numbers.

Find items around your house or garden and create a repeating pattern, you could have leaf, stone, leaf, stick etc.

Begin with 2 items or colours and increase them to up the challenge.

Shape Patterns

Simple Patterns


Year 1

For today’s starter use Times Tables rock stars to practice your tables.

Then go to the White Rose website and complete week 1 lesson 4. You can also look at page 20 of your Year 1 maths workbook.

Story Time with Miss Pullinger

Hi Green Class,

I have uploaded a short video of myself reading a story for you all. Hope you enjoy it!

Miss Pullinger







Hi Green Class!

Frankie has sent me some wonderful pictures of the caterpillars that he is nurturing at home. He was able to watch one of them turn into a chrysalid today!

We look forward to seeing how they develop over the next few weeks.


Mrs Summerfield has been busy creating a phonics video for you all to watch, you can join in with her or you could choose your own sounds to add in!

Home Learning 31.03.20



Today’s grapheme is ‘zz’.

Start by watching alphablocks.

Revise all of the phase 3 phonemes and see if children can remember where ‘zz’ is normally found in a word (at the end). For today’s activity write the graphemes ‘z’ ‘zz’ and ‘y’ on separate pieces of paper in large letters and place them in 3 different parts of the room or garden. Say a word to your child that contains 1 of the phonemes initially, they need to walk to the sound they hear. To increase the challenge you can give your child a word containing 2 of the phonemes and ask them to walk to both sounds in the order they hear them. To further increase the challenge they can write the word on the grapheme card.

Year 1

Today’s grapheme is ‘ue’.

Start by watching alphablocks.

Revise all of the phase 5 phonemes. For today’s activity write the graphemes ‘ir’ ‘oy’ and ‘ue’ on separate piece of paper in large letters and place them in 3 different parts of the room or garden. Say a word to your child that contains 1 of the phonemes initially, they need to walk to the sound they hear. Challenge them by asking them to write the word on the grapheme card.


Reception and Year 1

Watch caterpillar shoes again. Talk about the different characters in the story and how they must have felt when they received the shoes before completing the point of view activity on page 8 of the booklet.



Have a go at singing one of our number songs to get you started.

We are carrying on with positional language today. Children can complete one of the activities set yesterday or they can have a go at drawing a map for the caterpillar from our Literacy activity to get through the forest. Write these positional words for them to use and make sure to include 1 of each action for your caterpillar:





Children could write their instructions for the caterpillar or you can scribe it onto the map for them.

Year 1

Begin by watching numberblocks. How many arrays can children make to make the number 12? Record your answers as an array using columns and rows.

Go to the White Rose website and watch the tutorial video and complete the task for week 1 lesson 3. Then use your Year 1 maths workbook and complete page 19.


As an additional activity today why not make an Easter card and write a message inside for a relative or friend.


Mrs Mottram’s Calves

Good Morning Green!

Mrs Mottram has sent me some lovely photos of 6 new calves that have been born on her farm.

Mrs Mottram needs to name the new calves and asked for your help! Send me your name ideas via email and Mrs Mottram will make the final decision.

Why not have a go at these activities to send along with your name ideas:

Draw a picture of one or all of the calves.

Have a look at where milk comes from.

Write a poem about the cows or life on a farm.


We are looking forward to seeing what you come up with!

Home Learning 30.03.20



The grapheme for today is ‘z’.

Revise all of the phase 3 phonemes using the flashcards then watch Mr Thorne does Phonics.

For today’s activity play grab a giggling grapheme on top marks.

Year 1

The grapheme for today is ‘ir’.

Revise all of the phase 5 phonemes using the flashcards then watch Mr Thorne does phonics.

For today’s activity play sentence substitution. 


Reception and Year 1

For this week’s Literacy activities we will be watching Caterpillar Shoes via the Literacy Shed website. Each day I will guide you to a different activity within the activity booklet- for some reason I can’t upload the document but here is the link for you to download it.

For today’s activity you will be using page 7 to design your own comic strip of the story. You can draw a different picture in each box to show the key events throughout the story.



For today’s starter practice your number formation, this could be in your workbook, with chalk or with water and a paintbrush onto outside pavement. Match the number you have written with the same quantity of items e.g 5 shoes, 4 flowers. See if you can get to 10 and for an extra challenge have a go at writing numbers to 20.

For today’s activity we will be looking at positional language. The challenges in the sheet below are for today and tomorrow. You could also set up an obstacle course in your garden and guide a member of your family through it using your positional language.


Year 1

For today’s starter have a look at Times Table Rock Stars. I have set the tables to be practiced each week for you.

Then go to the White Rose website, watch the videos and complete the activities for week 1 lessons 1 and 2 on weight and mass.



In addition to your phonics, literacy and maths I have created a list of activities based on the caterpillar shoes for you to have a go at across the week:

  • Research and either draw or write about the life cycle of a butterfly.
  • Research what camouflage is and see what animals use it and why.
  • Design your own pair of insect shoes.
  • Go on a mini-beast hunt and see what bugs you can find. How many shoes would they each need?
  • Complete the word search on page 10 of the activity booklet.
  • Complete the shape reflection on page 12 of the activity booklet.
  • Draw your own butterfly- can you match the pattern on either side?
  • Make your own stick insect.
  • Pages 4, 5 and 6 of the activity booklet have some comprehension questions for the video. Watch the video again and see if you can answer them.

I hope you have all had a lovely weekend and are ready for week 2 of home learning!

As always please message me with any questions or updates.


Miss Pullinger

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