English Monday 8th February and Tuesday 9th February

This week we are going to focus on some of the comprehension objectives  from the Year 5/6 programme of study. This unit of work from Oak Academy uses a story from a book of short stories: A  Career in Computer Games by Anthony Horrowitz, We will be covering all five lessons during the week.


LO: to engage with the text and main character  video link

In this lesson you will be introduced to the short story we will be studying in this unit and the author. We will read the first part of the story and reflect upon the main character’s behaviour, interests and relationships.


LO: to consider the author’s use of language and further understand the main character video link

In this lesson the you will read the next part of the story. We will consider the author’s use of language. We will then keep reading and reflect upon what we can infer about Kevin, the main character.

Science w/c 8th February

This is the last part of our Materials Unit of work – there are two lessons this week:

Lesson 1

How can we tell a chemical reaction has taken place?

In this lesson, we will learn about the difference between physical changes and chemical reactions. We will learn about the particles in both of these types of change and the signs to look out for in a chemical reaction. You will need a pencil, a ruler and a piece of paper for this lesson. If you have baking soda and vinegar then you will need that for an investigation too, but don’t worry you can still take part without these things. Click here for video

Lesson 2

In this lesson, we will learn about combustion reactions. We will learn what a fuel is and what happens when a fuel combusts. We will practise writing combustion equations and interpret the results from an experiment on combustion.

Click here for video

This video  Teachers TV: Science Tube: How Stuff Changes covers lots of everyday examples of materials changing which would be hard to see in the classroom. It’s quite lively and  children usually really enjoy it.

For those of you who have found this science topic really interesting there is also this STEM video you could watch.

Have any of you made crystals at home? It would be great to share the photos.

Protected: Maths – Monday 8th February and Tuesday 9th February

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Friday 5th February

This week our focus has been all about looking after your mental health. You have been doing some fantastic things to keep yourselves in a positive mindset. Here is just a reminder of one man who had an incredibly positive attitude and inspired many people.

This week saw the sad news that Captain Tom Moore sadly passed away at the grand age of 100 years old.  Captain Tom became an inspiration to the country back at the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, with his positive ‘can-do’ attitude which led to him to creating the phrase “Tomorrow will be a good day!”

Back in April 2020, he started his 100th Birthday Walk, where he challenged himself to walk 100 lengths of his garden (which was 25m long) and complete the walk on his 100th Birthday, with a view to raising £1000 for the NHS.  Not only did he complete the walk on his 100th birthday, but he inspired the world with his perseverance and positivity, and raised an amazing £30 million by the morning of his 100th birthday!

Following this awesome achievement, Captain Tom wrote a picture book called “One Hundred Steps” that tells the incredible story of the man who walked 100 laps of his garden and captured the heart of a nation. Here he is with his grandson Benjie – enjoy and listen as he reads his own story to you…


I hope you take all of the messages from this week into the coming weeks and you can always go back to any of the posts if you need a little help.

Dear God,
We thank you for the people who have worked so hard on the front line through incredibly difficult times.
We pray that, as young people, we will be able to work successfully to shape a society in which we are fully represented, and for which we are fully prepared to take on our responsibilities.
We pray for better times ahead and look forward with hope for the future.

Thoughtful Thursday – Garry’s assembly

Good morning everyone and today we have an assembly by Garry all about Candlemas.


Lots of you are doing some great things this week – maybe you could write a list of all the things you are grateful for. While these are difficult times, there are many things we are thankful for. Here is also another short mental health clip to watch too!


If you have been sitting for a while and want to get yourself moving try this warm up with Marcus Rashford!


Science experiment – crystals

During our Monday Teams meeting, I showed you some salt crystals that I have made in the classroom.

Would you like to grow some too? This is a fun way to separate water and salt when salt has been dissolved in the water using evaporation.

This Using evaporation to grow crystals sheet gives some instructions.

Extra tips to be successful and safe:

  • check with your parents
  • use very warm water from your hot tap instead of a kettle
  • keep adding and dissolving salt  – you will be able to dissolve more than you think!
  • add a few drops of food colouring (if you have any in the kitchen cupboard)
  • leave the glass jar or plastic cup in a warm place like an airing cupboard or above a radiator

Happy crystal growing!

Wellbeing Wednesday – 3rd February

Good morning everyone, we are continuing our mental health week and here is a power point showing you some of the things we like doing! I have narrated it so you can just start the slideshow!

Mental Health Week

Do send in your pictures as we want to see what you have done for mental health week.


Listen to Billy Ocean and the Young Voices Choir singing lovely day.


Dear God,

We thank you that you have made us stronger than we think.

We thank you that we are able to do and achieve far more than we think,

because you have made us in your image.

Thank you that you have promised us your help and wisdom and strength,

whenever we need it.


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Blue Maths 3rd-5th February

For the last part of the week, we are taking a break from fractions, decimals and percentages. Instead, we are looking at a branch of maths called statistics. This involves the collection, analysis and interpretation of data. Lots of your parents will use tables and graphs in their jobs even though they’re not mathematicians.

This week we are not looking at graphs but focussing on types of tables- a way of organising and presenting data. This is strictly a year 5 objective but year 6 it is something you will continue to use at secondary school and there is always  a ‘table’  of some sort to analyse on the SATS paper.

Year 6 work this week is Diving into Mastery. If you want to build up your confidence by doing the year 5 sheet  first then that is fine.


Todays lesson is reading and interpreting tables. I want both year groups to watch the video

Read and interpret tables

Year 5

Y5- worksheet Read-and-interpret-tables-


Challenge reasoning questions for year 5 and 6-

Read and interpret tables reasoning

ANSWERS -Read and interpret tables reasoning

Year 6

Watch the year 5 video above. If you want to do the year 5 sheet, please do.

The majority  please attempt the Diving Deep into Mastery. The questions get harder so don’t worry if you find the last section too difficult.

 Read and Interpret Tables

Answers – Read and Interpret Tables


Today we will look at two way tables- it will make more sense when you see them! Mrs Bernasconi told me these still came up in A-Levels for her son so its worth trying to understand the simple ones now!

Year 5 and 6 

Watch the video on two-way tables.

Two way tables video

Year 5

Worksheet Two-way-tables-

Answers -Two-way-tables

Challenge for year 5 and year 6

Two way tables reasoning

Two way tables reasoning answers

Year 6

Watch the year 5 video

The Diving into Mastery questions get harder so don’t worry if sheet 3 is too difficult.

Year 6  – Two-Way Tables Diving into Mastery

Answers – Two-Way Tables


Today we are looking at timetables. You will come across these throughout your life particularly when you are using public transport. When there is a line or a blank it means the train or bus doesn’t stop there. In order to answer timetable questions you will need to know how to tell the time. If you still cant use an analogue and digital clock then Lockdown is the time to practise. When working out intervals of time count along on a number line. Remeber there are 60 minutes in an hour and 60 seconds in a minute.

year 5 and 6  watch the video

Timetables video

Year 5 

Y5-worksheet Timetables-

Answer sheet-Timetables

Year 6


Answer – Timetables


Remember children at home are a week behind the arithmetic paper in school so if you were in school last week you will have seen this one. You can do it one session or spread it out like we do at school. It s NOT the ones we get right that matter but the ones we get wrong. Where did you go wrong? And how? can you correct it?

Year 5 


Year 6


Remember Mrs Bernasconi and I will get back to any children struggling with a specific question or concept in our ‘maths surgery’. This will not be within the maths lesson as we are teaching but we will get back to you as soon as we can.




The Golden Compass Wednesday 3rd February- Friday 5th February

We are coming to the end of our work on the Golden Compass. Over the next three days, we will be producing a piece of writing on the video clip portraying Lara and Mrs Coulter. We will be working on the first part of the scene and then the final piece. Please send me your work in ONE edited piece at the end of the week.


Today you will write a compound sentence to use later in your writing. Using your notes from yesterday and last week, you will write the first part of the final scene. Remember to :

  • Refer to characters in different ways
  • Include speech and remember to convey character and advance the action
  • Communicate drama through varied sentence structures.

To write the first part of the final scene lesson 28

Thursday ( lesson 29 of Oak Academy)

In today’s lesson, you will edit and improve a short paragraph before analysing and planning the final part of this narrative scene. This is a dramatic scene where the characters have a heated discussion which turns into a brief, physical altercation.

To plan the final part of the narrative scene lesson 29

Some of you may well want to combine this lesson with tomorrow’s as I feel we have been analysing this scene for a while!

Friday ( lesson 30 of Oak Academy)

This is our final lesson on The Golden Compass. You have covered a lot of the grammar and some punctuation needed for Year 5/6 so the skills you have learnt you will be able to apply to other narrative writing.

In today’s lesson, you will complete a sentence level warm-up, with a focus on three short sentences used for effect. You will analyse model writing for this scene before writing their own narrative for the final part of the final scene.

To write the final part of the scene

Please send me ( Mrs Benson) your finished piece incorporating Wednesday and Fridays work. I am looking forward to reading your work.

Why not watch The Golden Compass  film so you can see the whole story? The video is available to rent on Prime or some of you may have another movie channel. His Dark Materials– the series- is available for free on -player. The first series covers The Golden Compass ( or Northern Lights the book). It may be something you would like to watch with your parents or an older sibling. It is not really suitable for younger children.