

I have been struggling to find a way to follow and keep up with our curriculum in French. However, I have been watching the Oak Academy videos which look fabulous and are a way of practising the language. Some of the work is vocabulary we have covered but each lesson has some interesting new phonetic information. It is also useful to repeat things we have learnt to embed it in our brain.

May I suggest doing one lesson a day this week. It’s a great afternoon activity and involves little or no writing! Each lesson follows on from the last. This week’s lessons are C’est Moi – this is me. There are 5 short lessons. Don’t attempt more than one a day as you won’t embed the language.

C’est Moi

Children off to secondary school next year will all learn a  modern language – for many of you it will be French, However, even if it is another modern language, having some knowledge of one language already will make it easier.

Au- revoir!


Mental Health Week

Good morning Blue Class,

Pinch and a punch – the first of the month! We are just embarking on week 5 of our Home Learning. We want to tell you how proud we are of you all and we understand that learning at home isn’t always easy particularly if your parents are trying to work as well. Some of you have told me that you feel isolated (cut off from your friends) and a bit lonely at times. That is totally normal in these strange circumstances. It is not just children that are struggling; I think most adults would also tell you that they have days when they feel fed up and it’s hard to get motivated.

This week is mental health week and this year it is particularly important  because of Lock down and lots of people are struggling emotionally. I know Mrs Derrer has put on some links and ideas for you to follow but I thought I would signpost you to some more things suitable for KS2. There are 5 short films on BBC Bitesize that explore  ways to help your mental well being: connect with others; be active; give to others; take notice; keep learning. We are going to watch one a day in school. Why don’t you try that at home?

The brain lab five short films

There are also some some Super Move Mood videos to help you get moving and help your mental well being. Scroll down to get down to the KS2 moves

Super Mood Movers

Try to keep positive and keep busy. The government are talking about schools  returning from 8th March and I am sure primary schools will be one of the first to go back. We are already in February and that’s a short month so not long. Mrs Bernasconi and myself are also determined to make our summer term a great one with memories we will be able to cherish.

I am looking forward to seeing most of you in a small guided reading group this week which will also allow us time to chat.

Have a good week

Mrs Benson




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Protected: Comprehension – guided reading sessions on line w/c 1st Feb

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Spellings w/c 1st February


This week we start with video to recap the rules and exceptions to the “ei” or “ie” rules we learned last week then we have test for you to do at home just as we would do on a Monday at school. Click here for video.

Rest of the week – new spellings

LO: words which use a double consonant


There is a quiz on Purple Mash to help you learn these spellings.

In addition, you could use some of the different methods we use in school: pyramids words, words without consonants, words without vowels, colourful words, words in sentences. Think about which methods suit your learning style best.

Science w/c 1st February

This week we have two recorded video lessons. There are lots of science words to learn, diagrams and a little practical demonstration – only do these practicals if you have permission from your parents.

I would leave a gap of a day (or at least a few hours) between these video lessons to allow your brain to absorb the new knowledge. The recap at the beginning of the second lesson will have more benefit that way.

What do particles in pure substances and mixtures look like?

In this lesson, we are going to look at the differences in the particles of pure and impure substances. We will use water and gold as examples. You will need a pencil, a piece of paper and a ruler. Click here for video

What happens to particles during dissolving?

In this lesson, we will learn what happens to particles during dissolving. We will investigate what happens when we mix water with salt, sugar and sand. For this lesson you will need a pencil and a piece of paper. If you would like to take part in the practical you will also need a glass of water and some sugar and salt. If you do not have these things then you can still take part in the lesson by watching the teacher’s demonstration.

Click here for video


English Monday 1st February and Tuesday 2nd February


LO: to develop a rich understanding of words associated with houses

Click here for video lesson

In this lesson, we will introduce new vocabulary, identify word pairs and synonyms and apply the vocabulary in sentences. As usual, this will be useful build up for later writing, so keep your notes safe and have ready for future lessons.


To plan a narrative scene: First part of final scene

Click here for video lesson

In this lesson, you will edit a short paragraph to correct mistakes before analysing the final narrative scene in detail. Your task in the lesson today is to plan the first part of the final narrative outcome.

Your narrative writing will be developed with Mrs Benson later in the week – keep your plan safe and watch out for her posts…

Key worker children – remember to bring in your notes if you are at home with your parents Monday or Tuesday, but are coming when they go to work later in the week.


Protected: Maths Monday 1st February and Tuesday 2nd February

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Reflection for the day

Yesterday the Prime Minister announced that schools will not open for all children until at least 8th March. We are all sad about this and know that the decision will be disappointing for many families especially our children. We also know that it has been made to keep everyone safe and that by working together, we can try to make sure that everyone is back in school as soon as possible.

I can think of lots of ways in which we are all working together to overcome the difficult time we are experiencing. Can you think of some of the things we are doing to help each other? Can you make a list?

Watch this video and look at what happens when everyone works together.

What was happening in the clip?

For me, the net breaking at the end is like the moment I am looking forward to when you are all back in school bringing your sense of humour, good learning skills and desire to be the best you can. Some of you might remember this song and I expect Mrs Summerfield knows all of the moves too! You can dance along with it too!

Keep going with all that you are doing.

Dear God

Thank you for our families who are taking good care of us during this time.

Help us to work together to find something good to do every day

Help us to continue learning wherever we are today

Help us to stay strong, positive and keep our sense of fun
