Spellings 26th January

This week we are continuing to practise and apply knowledge of /ee/ sound spelt ‘ie’ or ‘ei’ This video lesson includes a test. The focus is choosing whether we use “ie” or “ei”.











You might have spotted that some of these words were in our “ei” list from last week.


Protected: Blue Maths – Wednesday 27.1.21 – Friday 29.1.21

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English The Golden Compass- 27-29th January

Wednesday 27th January

Today we are starting on our final scene of The Golden Compass. In this lesson, we will  begin to analyse this scene, with a focus on a new character- Mrs Coulter . We will then generate vocabulary to describe her character.


lesson 21 to generate vocabulary 

This lesson is not very long and you may wish to tackle the comprehension on The Holocaust – see separate post. This is a sensitive topic and maybe something you would like to discuss with an adult. The children in school will be reading the comprehension on Wednesday with me,  and answering questions on it on Thursday independently. .

The Holocaust-differentiated-reading-comprehension UKS2

Thursday 28th January

In this lesson, you will revise and  define key word classes. You will then review your  knowledge of personal and possessive pronouns and then edit a short paragraph using pronouns to avoid repetition. Remember when writing it is important to use the person’s name before using a pronoun so people know who you are referring to!

lesson 23 personal and possessive pronouns

Friday 29th January

In today’s lesson we will revise rules of speech including speech punctuation. We will then write speech sentences for this final scene of the unit. Although this is not mentioned in the video, It is important to remember that every new speaker starts a new paragraph. This new paragraph may be the sentence that includes the new speaker and speech  or where the speaker starts speaking if this is the beginning of the sentence eg

Leaning forward, Mrs Coulter looked menacingly at Lyra and asked, “Why don’t you remove your bag?”

“I like wearing it,” replied Lyra clutching on tight to the aletheometer, terrified that Mrs Coulter may snatch it off her.

lesson 24 to practise speech punctuation and sentences.



Holocaust Memorial Day 27.1.21

The 27th January is Holocaust Memorial Day when we  remember the six million Jews murdered during the Holocaust, alongside the millions of other people killed under Nazi Persecution and other genocides that followed. We touched on the persecution of the Jews and other groups of people in our topic The Battle of Britain.

Today in school,  I will sharing this assembly with my class. This is a sensitive topic and maybe something you would like to watch and discuss with your parents.

Holocaust Rememberance Day  Presentation

Our English lesson  is quite short today and you may wish to do this comprehension on The Holocaust. Most of you will be able to tackle the 2 star level. Rowling and Walliams, you could tackle 3 star. Again, this is something you may wish to talk about with your parents as you may find it upsetting . It is, however,  important that we never forget this terrible genocide.

Children in school on Wednesday will be reading the comprehension  and doing the follow up on Thursday.

The holocaust-differentiated-reading-comprehension-activityUKS2




Topic The Mediterranean w/c 25.1.21

I hope you are all enjoying our topic on the Mediterranean. If you have not started, it yet go back through the website and find the lessons. Our lesson last week was looking at patterns in the climate of Mediterranean countries. Rocco observed that the temperatures were lower than he expected as he had been to Turkey in the summer when it was much hotter than 25 degrees . The temperatures given were an average of the day and night temperature.

Research a Mediterranean country

Over the next 3 weeks until the end of this  half term, I would like you to research a Mediterranean country and present your finished project to me . This work gives you some flexibility- some learners would prefer to do it every day for a week and others would prefer to do it over 3 separate weeks. The details and expectations for your  project are in the word document below.

Research about a Mediterranean country



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Protected: RE w/c 25.1.21

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Reading comprehension w/c 25.01.21

Instead of posting a long comprehension this week, I am posting on four short ’60 second reads’ that focus on the different types of skills needed in answering SATs style reading questions. Each dog represents a different type of question eg  Rex the retriever represents retrieval questions- the easiest type of question. Each read should not take any longer than 15 minutes in total and may be something you want to do first thing in the morning or afternoon?

As our English unit on The Golden Compass is very much focussed on grammar and writing, the fantasy 60 second reads will complement this work. Reading comprehension and analysing texts is something that will continue at secondary school and for GCSE. It is also the thing that we noticed children fell behind on during the last lockdown- so please attempt all the comprehension work. I would also like to remind you that there is a personalised reading programme on Classroom secrets kids for each of you that works through the comprehension skills! We are able to see if you are working through this.

60-Second Reads Guidance

Magic Potion

Robot Revenge

Superhero Facts

Unicorn Valley