Year 5 Maths w/c 22nd June

This week we are learning about reading tables on Monday and Tuesday. On Wednesday and Thursday we are looking at multiplying and dividing by .10,100 and 1,000. Sometimes the second side of the sheet in White Rose Maths is quite challenging and it can be quite a jump so if you’re finding these sheets difficult please don’t worry.


Today we are looking at reading tables.

Watch  the video  

Worksheet -Read and interpret tables

Answers – Read and interpret tables


Today we are looking at two way tables

watch the video

Worksheet – Two way tables

Lesson 2 Answers – Two way tables


Now we are focussing on multiplying decimals by 10,100,1000. This skill is very important for place value and  when converting units of measure

Watch video

Lesson 3 – Multiplying decimals by 10 100 and 1000

Lesson 3 Answers – Multiplying decimals by 10 100 and 1000


Today we are focussing on multiplying decimals by 10,100,1000. This skill is very important for place value and  when converting units of measure.

Watch video

Worksheet- Dividing decimals by 10 100 and 1000

 Answers -Dividing decimals by 10 100 and 1000



Have  a go at the BBC Bitesize Friday challenge. Remember this does not come out until the actual day. If you didn’t do last weeks challenge, here it is  challenge.

Work through the challenges, remember you should be able to do up to number 5 or 6





Maths Blue Year 6 Wednesday, Thursday, Friday


Today we are looking at converting between metric measures. This is an important skill for life and is a key part of the year 6 curriculum. This is revision and it is important that you know all these conversions.

video links for this week

Video converting  metric measures

Worksheet Convert-metric-measures



Today we are looking at converting between miles and km. Whilst we use miles in the UK, in Europe they calculate distance in Kilometres. This is the only conversion between imperial and metric measure they expect you to KNOW in year 6 

5 miles = 8 kilometres

Again, this is revision  for year 6 so you should be confident converting betteen miles and km

video links for the week 

video miles to km

Worksheet Miles-and-kilometres



Attempt the Friday challenge on BBC Bitesize. It does not appear until Friday. If you didn’t do last weeks, have a go at it  this week.

Friday challenge from 12th June

Full arithmetic below

Arithmetic Paper 4



English Blue Class Wednesday 17th to Friday 19th June


Wednesday 17th June

Over the past two days, you have been exploring Shakespearean language. Today we are going to return to the story of The Tempest.

 Ferdinand, after falling in love with Miranda, has been chained up by Prospero and is chopping wood. Miranda, who is in love with Ferdinand, watches on adoringly.

Meanwhile, on another part of the island Antonio and Sebastian have plotted to kill the sleeping Alonso and Gonzalo. Luckily, the two men were woken by Ariel before they could be killed. All the courtiers now continue their search of the island for Ferdinand, Alonso’s son.

 On the other side of the island, Caliban- half sea monster and half man – has met the drunken butler (Stephano) and a jester (Trinculo). They are planning to kill Prospero, steal his magic books and cloak and take over the island themselves.

Now watch  Episode 7

I wonder what you would do if you were Prospero?

Before we watch the last episode tomorrow, I want us to explore the characters in the play. We know more of the story now and more about the characters.

Answer the questions below. Some have two parts to the question

First read Ariel’s story

  1. When Prospero came to the island, Ariel was trapped inside a tree by Sycorax. Prospero released Ariel. In what way is Ariel still a prisoner? Is Prospero a kind master?
  2. How is Ariel’s life better than before? Do you think he enjoys working for Prospero? Explain your answer.
  3. If you were making a film/ play of the Tempest, how would you dress Ariel? How could you use costume to symbolize Ariel’s abilities and character? Why not look at pictures of Ariel on the internet?
  4. If you were the director of the play how would you describe how Ariel moves? Think of three words to describe how Ariel moves.

Now read  Caliban’s story

  1. How has Prospero helped Caliban?
  2. How has Caliban helped Prospero?
  3. In what way do you feel sorry for Caliban?
  4. In what way don’t you feel sorry for Caliban?
  5. If you were making a film/ play of the Tempest, how would you dress Caliban? How could you use costume to represent his status and character? Remember he is the son of a witch and is described as a monster, half man and half fish. Why not look at the internet of pictures of Caliban?
  6. If you were the director of the play how would you describe how Caliban moves. Think of three words.

Now think about some of the other characters.

  1. Who are the comedy characters in the play? Why do you think Shakespeare has them in the play?
  2. Who do you think are the two kindest characters in the play and why?
  3. Who do you think are the two cruellest characters in the play, and why?
  4. Who is your favourite character and why?

Day 6 The tempest word version

Thursday and Friday

Watch the Final episode of the Tempest

Episode_08 transcript. 

Now over the next two days, I would like you to write the final scene in your own words as if it was the last chapter in a book. The story version that you have watched / read is quite brief with no conversation between the characters except Ariel and Prospero. What do think Antonio, Gonzalo said? How did they both feel when they saw Prospero? What was Alonso’s reaction when he saw his son was alive? How did Ariel and Caliban feel to be free at last?

You may also like to read the final scene of  your Playscript Scene VI: the Beach. This could give you some ideas.

Watching the last five minutes of BBC animated tales The Tempest  from 20:36 to the end  may also give you some ideas.


  • You are writing in the third person.
  • You need to set the scene describing what is happening.
  • Include characters’ reactions- you can show what they feel from what they say and do.
  • Every new speaker starts a new paragraph.
  • You need to think of a final line.

This work may take you two days. I would love to see your finished version so please e-mail them to me.

I hope you have enjoyed our unit on Shakespeare and the Tempest. Our year 6 returners are busy planning our film version which we will put on the website when it is complete!

Day 7 The Tempest word version


Geography W/C 15.6.20

We hope you’re enjoying our river topic. We realised how few of our year 6 returners could name many rivers in the UK. We had fun looking through an atlas and naming  as many rivers as we could. If you have an atlas, why not search for rivers in the UK? If not look on google maps. What River runs through London? Can you find places that are named after rivers that run through them?

The longest river in Britain is the River Severn; we are lucky enough to live close to this river- lots of you will have seen it at  Bridgnorth, Shrewsbury or  Ironbridge. Our task this week is to do some research on the River Severn for a mini topic; you may want to carry this on over a few weeks. It links nicely with  our art topic this week : the journey of a river.

Here’s the video you watched last week.

The River Severn

The next video  about the River Severn  is a bit older but you may recognise the places the river is flowing through.

More about the River Severn

Some of you may want to go and visit The River Severn and take some photos of your own.

River Severn

You may present your research in whatever way you like. Remember not to cut and paste endless information from the internet – make sure you understand what you are writing. Breaking up your research into sections and using subtitles is a good way of organising non-fiction information.


You may enjoy doing the crossword and wordsearch on rivers

River crossword and wordsearch

English Monday 15th June and Tuesday 16th June

To begin the week we have two days to focus on the wonderful language and playfulness with words used by Shakespeare.


Many of the words and phrases we use today were first used by Shakespeare. It is thought he made many of them up (or at least the first time that there is any record of them is to be found in his plays).

Watch these videos:

Horrible Histories Mastermind

Horrible Histories famous quotes

Here are some activities to complete: Shakespearean words and phrases


Today we are going to learn about a famous set of words from one of Shakespeare’s plays: Macbeth. The Witches’ Spell from Macbeth

Reading Comprehension w/c 15th June

Bitesize Daily Book Club:

Percy Jackson And The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan

LO: to learn about giving your opinion and summarising information.

Lesson link


Blue Science w/c 15 June

This week, the living things which we are going to focus on are plants.

How do plants reproduce?     This is the online BBC lesson

These activities have a combination of online and printable activities:

Plant reproduction

Plant reproduction and botanical resources  

This includes a plant dissection activity – you MUST check with an adult before you do this. The online dissection activity might be better if an adult is not available to supervise or if you have allergies.



Year 5 Maths w/c 15th June

Again this week, the White Rose materials week 8 is a repetition of work we did before Easter, so we are doing an alternative White Rose unit.


Today we are looking at multi-step addition and subtraction problems. This is an opportunity to use your knowledge of addition and subtraction to answer problems.


Lesson 1 – worksheet Multi-step addition and subtraction problems

Lesson 1 Answers – Multi-step addition and subtraction problems


Elora spotted that Q6 answer was wrong yesterday. It should have been Witney with 250 Amir with 150

Today’s lesson is about  reading and interpreting line graphs. This is an area we have looked at in class so hopefully you will be confident and it will consolidate your learning.


Lesson 2 – worksheet Read and interpret line graphs

Lesson 2 Answers – Read and interpret line graphs 2019


Today you have got an opportunity to draw your own line graphs.


Lesson 3 – worksheet Draw line graphs

Lesson 3 Answers – Draw line graphs


Today you are using line graphs to solve problems.


Lesson 4 – worksheet use line graphs to solve problems

Lesson 4 Answers – Use line graphs to solve problems



Have a go at the Friday challenge on BBC Bitesize. It isn’t released until Friday. You should attempt all the questions. If you didn’t attempt last weeks challenge, have a go at it today

Friday challenge year 5 12th June