Home learning W/C 18.5.20

We hope you have all had a lovely weekend. This is the last week of the first half of the summer term – well done everyone as  you have  nearly completed a whole half term of home learning. We know it’s tough but we don’t cease to be impressed by your continuing enthusiasm and hard work. Thank you for your photos  that never fail to bring us joy,  and also tears from Mrs Deards who was so impressed by your poems last week!

In school , we are busy preparing for the return of year 6, reception and year 1. Although school will be different to when we last met with social distancing and keeping classes separate, we can’t wait to have you back and we are determined the new rules won’t  stop us having  fun. Year 5, we know some of you are really disappointed at not being able to return to school yet but let’s hope we can be together soon. It is really sad that Mrs Deards will not be with us after half term and I know some of you are sending her emails and cards to school. She is determined to come in and say goodbye to you. We will be welcoming Mrs Bernasconi back to Blue; I expect lots of  you are clapping your hands wondering what IT she has planned for you.

I have just put on the English and maths learning for the week , but more activities will be added over the week. Have you tried revising the French yet from  Espresso? We are focusing on the unit called Allez. BBC bitesize  and Oak national academy have lots of ideas for afternoon activities too.

Mrs B


Maths w/c 18.5.20

Year 5

This weeks work focuses on fractions – adding and subtracting fractions including mixed numbers. Some of this is revision for you . However this is really important as fractions make a big part of the curriculum in year 6.

Year-5 video links for all days









Day 5

Arithmetic – some of you are telling me your amazing scores. It is important to look at the ones you got wrong and see if you are making similar mistakes each work and need to focus on those calculations.


Year 6

This weeks work is focussing on multiplying and dividing fractions. This is consolidation  for you but it focusses on different models and reasoning questions so it is excellent practice for secondary school.

Year-6- maths videos for each day.

Lesson 1 Multiply fractions by integers

Lesson 1 Answers Multiply fractions by integers

Lesson 2 Multiply fractions by fractions

Lesson 2 Answers Multiply fractions by fractions

Lesson 3 Divide fractions by integers

Lesson 3 Answers Divide fractions by integers

Lesson 4 Fractions of an amount

Lesson 4 Answers Fractions of an amount 2019

Arithmetic – some of you are telling me your amazing scores. It is important to look at the ones you got wrong and see if you are making similar mistakes each work and need to focus on those calculations.

ArithmeticPaper 7

i know many of you have finished white rose problem of the day. I am uploading 2018 problem of the day that have the answers on the PowerPoint. If you have trouble downloading,  search for White rose problem of the day 2018 on your search engine and they show each question separately.




English w/c 18.5.20

This weeks work is based around The Promise, a picture book by Nicola Davies.

English day 1

English day 2

English day 3

English Day 4

English day 5


Keep up your daily reading. I know some of you are sharing a book at home with your parents which is a lovely way to enjoy a book that may be slightly harder than you would read normally. How about reading a book to your younger siblings if you have any?

Year 5 and 6

I am including some more 60 second reads for UKS2.  These are suitable for year 5 and year 6 and focus on different types of questions. See what the different dogs stand for in the introduction. Year 6 carry on with your  10 minute comprehension if you haven’t completed those.

60-Second Reads Guidance (y5 and y6)



UFO Sighting

Whodunnit Poem Verse 1

Punctuation and grammar

I have included a short test for year 5 and year 6. Year 6 if you still have 10 minute assessments then you can continue with those.

Year 5 English Grammar and Punctuation Test 2

Year 6 English Grammar and Punctuation Test 2

English w/b 11.5.20


This week we are going to build up to 2 short pieces of writing in sessions 3 and 5 (Wednesday and Friday for most of you).  Here is an overview of the unit of work.

Session 1 – Understanding the story

Open up the document below and follow the link, underneath the title, to the film clip. I’ve also put the film clip separately if you prefer.  It’s really tempting to watch the whole thing at once but don’t!  The questions ask you to stop at certain points, so you will need to have the time counter visible on your screen as you watch, or ask an adult to be in charge of stopping at the right place.  Before you start, you will need to find the meaning of and understand the word “idiom”.  There are no particular right or wrong answers here. I am trying to focus you in on the key parts of the story in preparation for the rest of the week.  If you can find an answer to the questions based on what you see in the film, you will be able to have a good go at the writing in session 3.

The Clock Tower 1

The Clock Tower – Film

Session 2 – Actions and Insights

You will need to watch really carefully today to find clues about the thoughts, feelings and emotions of our character.  Actors in films never turn to the camera and say “I am really angry!”  or “Just to be clear, I am feeling anxious”. They don’t have to because we can tell from their actions, tone of voice, facial expression and the dialogue.  In your writing, you should rarely say to the reader “she was really happy” or “he felt scared”.  You shouldn’t have to if you choose carefully your vocabulary, description of facial expression and body language  and include the thoughts and words of your characters.

Before you start, you will need to remember what an adverb is. Open up the document below.  There is a link to the film and you can watch and pause as you find helpful.  You are asked to focus on the girl’s actions and what they tell us about how she feels.  You are also asked what she might think or say that would reflect those emotions. The actor in a film might say “It’s so colourful! I’ve never had one”. to convey a feeling of longing, rather than “I want a balloon”.

The Clock Tower 2

Session 3 – Writing – show don’t tell – actions and insight 

There is no document or link for this session

Before you start – find your work from session 2 to support your writing.

We are going to focus on the part of the film from the beginning until the girl crosses the room to leave the clock tower.  Watch this part of the film paying attention to the actions and expressions that show how she feels.  Before you start – What might she say or think when she is relentlessly twirling round at the beginning?  What might she say or think when she is looking out of the window?  Jot these ideas down.

Task – Imagine you are watching this course of events.  Write a recount focusing on making the girl’s thoughts and emotions clear through the vocabulary you choose and the description of her body language, facial expression and by including her thoughts or words.  You should aim for two paragraphs.

The first paragraph should describe the tower room in a sentence (more of this in session 5) and what the girl is doing.  Then, describe how she tries to see out of the window with each pirouette. Choose vocabulary to convey that she longs to be outside.  Include the moment she catches sight of the balloons but don’t tell your reader straight away what she has seen.  End this paragraph with her opening the window. Make sure your reader gains some insight into her emotions by your clever use of ‘show don’t tell’.

The second paragraph should describe the girl’s response to the view from the window.  Focus on 3 or 4 aspects of the view and show the reader her response to what she sees by describing her actions, expression, body language, thoughts, sounds or words. Finish this paragraph by describing how she crosses the room to the stairs in the corner. (we don’t see the stairs, I have just assumed they are there!)

Session 4 – Vocabulary and ideas – Preparation for writing

There are two tasks for this session, both intended to support your writing tomorrow, when you will be writing 2 paragraphs, this time contrasting the settings.

Task 4a – This builds on the work we have done on the girl’s emotions.  You will need to use your imagination and decide what the girl would know about the village based on her view from the tower.  Complete the poem, following the structure in the example verse.  Notice the second verse is about what she has seen, and the third about what she hears.  I would suggest the fourth verse highlights the longing she has for the outdoors, and perhaps uses contrast.  Think about the question for this verse       – do you long for me? – do you notice me? – do you value what you have? – do you know what I dream of?     You can probably do better than that!

Task 4b – This is self explanatory! Before you start you will need to remind yourself what synonyms and antonyms are.

The Clock Tower 4a 4b

Session 5 – Writing – Contrasting settings 

Using all the work you have done this week in addition to prior learning about setting description – Write 2 paragraphs. Write in the first person – I .

You have a choice about the settings.


The first should describe the clock tower, the second the village as viewed from the window.


The first should describe the village as viewed from the window, the second the village when the girl goes outside.

You should include actions and insights (the responses to the settings e.g. “I wince as I catch sight of the grinding glinting steel cogs”.

Open the documents below to find some vocabulary prompts and picture prompts to support you.

The Clock Tower 5

The Clocktower 5 picture prompts

Challenge – introduce the first paragraph with a context sentence or sentences for example; “Each day began the same as the last. I would open my eyes and gaze at the bleak scene before me”.

Link the second paragraph to the first with a connecting opening sentence e.g. “Sometimes, I would lean far out of the window and feast on the sights and sounds below”.      (I’m quite pleased with that one!)

I have seen some of the super work that you have been doing in English this week. Mrs Deards has set this weeks English so if you want to share your work with her, i know she will be able to gove you specific feedback.


I think after that major effort with your English, we will repeat your spelling task from last week.  Find 5 challenging spellings from the Year 5/6 statutory word list and make sure you learn them.  Year 6 – You should make a real effort to get this list learnt before September.


Foundation subjects w/c 11.5

We know lots of you are busy finding interesting activities to do once you have completed your maths and English each day, but here are some suggestions


Following the texture lesson I set a few weeks ago, this is lesson 2 . Sophie sent me a picture of her texture work from  the lesson 1 which was great. Some of you may want to try this if you haven’t done it already.

Art lesson 1 texture

Art lesson 2 texture


BBC Bitesize has some fun music lessons for you to try.

Music duration and tempo


Lots of you are doing the scratch activities that I set a few weeks ago. Here is another lesson you may be interested in

algorithms and debugging


I am glad to hear some of you enjoyed learning more about French food. Over the next 2 weeks I want you to revise numbers, days of the week etc from espresso. There is some new vocabulary there on celebrations. If you struggle to get the link, sign into espresso and search KS2 languages- the unit is called Allez!

French revision

Home Learning w/c 11.5

We hope you all had a lovely long weekend and enjoyed celebrating VE day. Thank you for your balanced arguments  that lots of you sent me – they were VERY good. Most of you managed to present a fair argument weighing up each side and then giving your opinion at the end- maybe we have future judges in the making?

In ordinary times, this would have been the beginning of SATs week for our year 6. I am sorry you will not have an opportunity to show off all you have learnt at primary school and I am even more sorry that we won’t be going to pizza hut on Friday. I await the announcement form the PM this evening which hopefully means we will be together again soon.

Maths 11.5

Year 6

White Rose maths home learning w/c 4th May (remember we are still a week behind). This week we are focussing on fractions. This is fantastic revision/ consolidation for you  as it is forms a large bulk of the curriculum. The worksheets that accompany this are still on the website.

year 6 maths

There is a Friday challenge but many of you will also like to do the arithmetic paper. We hear you are getting some fantastic scores. Look at the ones you get wrong each week; is there a pattern or area you need to focus on?

Arithmetic Paper 8

Year 5

White Rose maths home learning from this week 11.5 does not have the activities to go with the work; the videos are there but you will need to down load the sheets from here. BBC Bitesize also links with the white rose work with extra videos


Look at last weeks w/c 4th May  lesson 4  work on perimeter. The video and  sheets are still available here.

year 5 perimeter




Todays lesson focusses on area. Go to White Rose w/c 11.5. lesson 1.  Watch The video  which is  still there


From there you can also link to BBC Bitesize which has some great videos on area




Wednesday to Friday

Look at day 2,3,4 white rose maths w/c 11.5 which focusses on Fractions – great revision for you as this forms a big bulk of the curriculum in year 6

year5 day 3,4,5 Fractions












Spellings and Science


Hello everyone.


This week we are going to try two activities.  Follow the link above to the Year 5 and 6 word list.  You will see that we have included quite a number of these in our weekly spellings so far this year. Choose 5 that you need to work on and practise them each day. Remember the activities that you have used –

pyramid spellings,

copy and replicate,

look, say, cover, write, check

Draw around the word to show the shape

Draw an image around the word

Highlight the vowels or highlight the tricky parts

These are some of the spellings I think are challenging – mischievous     restaurant     pronunciation     secretary     temperature     vegetable     hindrance     desperate

I think they are tricky because when we say them aloud, we often don’t pronounce all the vowel sounds or, we mistakenly add in extra ones.  For example we often say “mischievious” (adding and extra i sound which is not in the spelling) or “restront” which does not reflect the vowels in the spelling of restaurant.  You can practise these if they apply to you or choose some of your own.

Compare the spellings you have chosen with how the word is said, to help you identify the tricky parts to spell.  Ask an adult to test you at the end of the week.

In addition, follow the link to the sheet on homophones.  These can be tricky so you will need to find a way to remember which is which.  Some of you will need to revisit the homophones AFFECT and EFFECT.  Good luck with that!

Homophones 4.5.20


Did you make a car?  If you did, did the car move in the direction you expected?  The action is the air rushing from the straw and pushing against the air behind the car.  The reaction is the air behind the car pushing against the car with the same force, causing the forward movement.  If the reaction was not equal and opposite, what would happen to the car as the balloon deflated?  That’s right.  Nothing.  It would stay still.

As it is VE day on Friday, I thought we might have a go at some paper aeroplanes.

Firstly, I would like you to do 10 minutes research on what forces are in action to keep an an aeroplane in the air.



Now try this experiment.






Straw or paper tubes

  1. Cut out 2 rectangles of card. The first, 2cm wide and 20 cm long.  The second, 2cm wide and 10cm long.
  2. Tape the ends of the first strip together to make a circle.  Do the same with the second strip.
  3. Attach each circle ship to the straw.
  4. Throw the flier as you would a paper aeroplane and see how far it flies.

Points to ponder

How does the straw plane fly differently if you launch it with the big circle in front compared with when you launch it with the small circle in front?

What do the paper circles do to help the plane fly?

Modify your design to increase the distance it flies.  Try some of the following suggestions

Move the circles to different positions along the straw.

Adjust the length of the strips of paper.

Adjust the length of the straw or paper tube.

Alter the number of circles you have on the straw.

Can you adjust the plane so it will carry weight such as a paper clip?

I know lots of you love making paper aeroplanes.  This one flies brilliantly and there are lots more online you can try.  Make a couple and see which flies furthest. I bet you can predict which will be a good design just by looking at the wing size and shape!


Have a great week.


Mrs D


History VE Day

History Victory in Europe – VE Day

This week we are having the bank holiday on Friday 8th May instead of a Monday to celebrate 75 years since the end of the second world war in Europe – VE day. I have included some links from Twinkl so you can so some research and activities. Listen out on the news and maybe watch Newsround and search espresso  to find out more

KS2 VE Day Information PowerPoint.

VE day comprehension differentiated

Simple WW2 Spitfire Glider Activity Paper Craft

KS2 VE Day Themed Colouring Pages




We will continue to focus on White Rose maths. We are still a week behind so we are working on  week 2   27.4.  At the time of writing this, the resources are still available free.  However, they have said they will take away some of the free resources. I will check the site tomorrow morning and if this is the case, I will upload work that you can access.

Year 5

Your work this week is adding and subtracting decimals. Watch the videos each day from week 2 27.4 and then attempt the activity. I have included the activities below in case they have been taken off the site.

day 1 year 5

day 1 answers

day 2 activity

day 2 answers

day 3 activity

day 3 answers

day 4 activity

day 4 answers

Year 5 squares

Adding and subtracting decimals is something we have done together  but if this work is too difficult go to Red class homework and do the year 4 activities on money

Don’t forget to keep practising your times tables.

Year 6 

Your work this week is focussing on angles in  quadrilaterals and polygons, and problem solving. Watch the videos each day from week 2 27.4 and then attempt the activity. I have included the activities below in case they have been taken off the site.

Day 1 activity angles yr 6

Day 1 answers yr 6

Day 2 activity y r6

Day 2 answers yr 6

day 3 -Problem-Solving yr6

Day 3 -Answers-Problem-Solving

day 4-Problem-Solving yr 6 activity

Day 4-Answers-Problem-Solving yr6


I have added a year 5  and year 6 full arithmetic for you to practise your skills. i am hearing lots of you have fantastic scores!

Year 5  Y5-Arithmetic-Full-Test-9

Year 6  Arithmetic Paper 9



English 4.5.20

This week we are focusing on a discussion text/ balanced argument. The purpose of discussion writing is to present arguments from different viewpoints. A simple discussion piece usually shows two different viewpoints fairly.  At the end of the text, the author sums up and may give his or her opinion.

Day 1

Read either or both of the balanced arguments. The one about dogs may be more suitable for year 5 or struggling  readers but either is suitable. Reading both texts will give you a greater feel of discussion texts. Choose one of the articles and answer the following questions

Should dogs be allowed off the lead  in parks?

Should children be allowed chocolate for breakfast?

Day 1 comprehension questions

Day 1 – answers comprehension

Day 2,3,4

Day 2,3,4

Day 5 bank holiday!


Reading comprehension

Year 6  Continue to do the 10 minute comprehension tests from your SATS buster book. Try to do  at least 2 week. Remember you also have the photocopied  stretch set (a little harder) that you may wish to have a go at. If you have finished these, try the year 5 60 second reads which are also intended for year 6

Year 5

The Twinkl UK2 60 second reads are a great way of practising your comprehension skills, and the different types of questions.

My Journey Into Space

The Meteor Shower

The Space Times – Solar Eclipse at Eclipseville

Punctuation and grammar

Year 6 Continue to do 1 or 2 pag tests a week from your 10 minute SATS buster book as this will help you remember all the grammar and punctuation we have learnt.

Year 5

Try this punctuation and grammar test to help you remember all the grammar and punctuation we have learnt. I will be uploading 1 a week.

Year 5 English Grammar and Punctuation Test 1