Maths homework 8th December

I have set tasks on Classroom Secrets Kids. This week they are mostly about adding and subtracting fractions. I am mindful that lots of children have been off poorly, so I have chosen videos and slides with interactive question embedded so that there is revision of class learning available to all.

This is the last maths homework of the term. Do please keep practising your multiplication facts though as these are so important – instant knowledge of these is essential for mastering the year 5 and Year 6 curriculum. Some children have also been enjoying using the free WhiteRose app to practice their mental addition, subtraction, multiplication and division skills.

English homework

Year 6

The children are focussing on phrases and clauses; this includes work on noun phrases and relative clauses. Mrs Wade has been through this work with the children, but remember to look at the examples at the top. The children need to complete pages 12- 14.

Year 5 

The children are continuing to work on relative clauses. These ones are a bit trickier! Pages 18 and 19 need to be completed.

Maths Homework

Mrs Bernasconi has set this on classroom secrets. Year 6 also have a maths SATs  study book and are consolidating their work on fractions . Fractions are a big part of the curriculum in Year 6. If the children struggle over any questions, circle them and we will help them during school time.

Times tables 

Remember it’s the big tables test tomorrow 2nd December. Next week the children need to revise the times table facts and the division facts for 3 and 6 time tables.

Finally a big thank you for the boxes – we had plenty. The children have started making their biomes. Next Thursday and Friday they will be finishing them off so will need any extra ‘bits and bobs’ for then.

Maths Homework

Hello Blue Class

I have allocated some tasks on fractions this week on ClassRoom Secrets Kids.

I have spoken to Mrs Benson about what you have been learning over the last week – most have you have tasks, slides and/ or videos on Comparing fractions. There are questions embedded in the videos and slides for you to complete. Don’t forget to make sure you have gone all the way to the end and then gone back to assigned learning to ensure you have allowed the system to register your efforts!

Year 5 and 6 do NOT have the same tasks allocate.

I am looking forward to seeing you again on Monday.

Mrs Bernasconi

Blue homework


Year 5 

In class we have been looking at relative pronouns and relative clauses. Their homework is page 13, 16,17 of their workbook.

Year 6 

The children have been  revising commas for extra information. Their homework is on page 44 and 45 of the Year 6 workbook.


There is no homework on maths Classroom Secrets as Mrs Bernasconi was taken ill yesterday and was unable to set it. Please continue to practise your times tables for the test next week that covers all the multiplication facts for the times tables we have revised this term: 4,8,3,6,7,8,9,11,12.

English homework blue 17.11.22

Year 6 

Please continue with your work on colons and semi colons- page 61, 62 and 63. Remember there are some examples at the top of the page if you are struggling.


Year 5

To support the work on homophones that we have been doing in spellings, please complete pages 94 and 95.

Times tables this week 

x7 x11 will be tested on Friday 25th November.


Maths homework 17.11.22

Maths homework has been allocated on Classroom Secrets Kids again.

You should all find two new tasks when you log in. This week the focus is multiplication.

Please make sure you get to the end and follow all the instructions. Check back that your answers have fully registered. Please let me know on Monday if you are having any difficulties. We can then look at together on a device at school. Any tasks which are videos or slides have questions embedded in them for you to answer.


English homework 10.11.22

Year 5

Homework is page 15 on clauses and phrases.

Year 6

Homework is  page 58-60 focussing on colons and semi-colons.

Next weeks times tables are x4 x 8 

Maths homework 10th November

Maths homework has been set for all Year 5 and Year 6 on Classroom Secrets Kids again this week. More than one task has been allocated to each of you, but these are not long tasks.

Arithmetic using the content from previous years has been given to most of you to give you the opportunity to recall and practise that content as we build on that with new learning this year. A cube and square number challenge has also been set for some year 6. Others have been set a task practising  how to divide by 10, 100 and 1,000 which includes slides but there are questions to complete within these.

The Divide by 10, 100 and 1,000 Video Tutorial is there to support anyone who is feeling less confident so this one item is optional.

Maths homework should be completed by Tuesday 15th November.

Well done to those those who attempted everything and especially those that completed everything last week.

It was disappointing that so much of the homework was left unattempted last week.

Blue class, you need to come to say to us if you have any problems with your home work. No-one has come to with us with any concerns over the content of the work or with technical problems accessing it so far. Please check if you missed any tasks last week.

Times tables homework

We are continuing to practise our times tables each week as they are crucial for being able to solve maths problems in year 5/6. We are revising the multiplication facts for different tables each week and they are being tested each Friday:

11.11.22      x 3 x 9

18.11.22      x4   x8

25.11.22       x7   x11

2.12.22     All times tables multiplication facts

9.12.22      Multiplication and division facts for X3  X6

13.1 23    Multiplication and division facts for X6  X12

20.1 .23  Multiplication and division facts for  X3  X9

27.1.23   Multiplication and division facts for  X4  X8

3.2 23    Multiplication and division facts for  X7  X11

10.2.23  Multiplication and division facts for  X2  X5  x10

17.2.23  Multiplication and division facts for ALL TIMES TABLES UP TO 12

Blue Class Maths Homework

Maths homework tasks have been allocated on ClassRoom Secrets Kids .  . 

The focus for everyone  is on factors and multiples this week as that is something that we have been learning about this week and just before half term. I have set tasks based on assessment of learning in class, so not everyone has the same tasks. These tasks should be completed by Wednesday 9th November.

(Be careful – there is also a Classroom Secrets website which is a sister site for planning. Your log in will not work on this site.)

Your log-in page looks like this.

Everyone has been given a new log -in this year so the only tasks on there will be the ones for the homework this week. Everybody has been given an opportunity to see what the page looks like. Remember to follow the links and the bottom of the activities to ensure the site registers that the task is complete.