Worship – 30.3.22

Good morning,

I want us to think today about the ‘s’ in our ‘BEST’

Support our friends and community.

I also want to think about the importance of forgiving others too.

Sometimes, precious things get broken.

Relationships between people can get broken too. When this happens, only forgiveness can help to make things better. Forgiveness can be hard, especially if feelings have been badly hurt.

If you were trying to explain the meaning of forgiveness to someone who had never heard of it before, how would you describe it?

Watch this clip and it also tells the story again of the servant who didn’t forgive. Green class might only want to watch 1.19mins of the clip.


What might have happened before these pictures were taken? Why might forgiveness be necessary?

What would be the result in the school community if people failed to forgive one another?

Dear God,

When things are broken

Help us to forgive one another.

When friends let us down

Help us to forgive one another.

When life seems unfair

Help us to forgive one another.


Here is a forgiveness song!


Worship – 29th March

Good morning everyone,

Today, we are carrying on our theme of forgiveness. We are thinking about forgiving others just as God forgives us.

When Jesus was talking to his disciples he said:

‘If you forgive others for the wrongs they have done to you, your father in heaven will also forgive you’.

Jesus wanted his friends to know and remember that God will forgive anything that we have done and are ashamed about, but in return we should be ready to forgive others.

Watch the parable of the unforgiving servant.


What did you think about that story?

Have a listen to the forgiveness song


Dear God,

Help us to be ready to show forgiveness to others,

As you are ready to show forgiveness to us.


Year 6 SAT’s Information

At this point in the year, parents of Year 6 tend to have questions about the KS2 SATs. We have pulled together a parent information leaflet which we hope will answer most of the questions which are normally asked. Please do not hesitate to ask if you have any questions which we have not covered in the leaflet.

We are looking forward to talking the parents of all our Blue class children on Tuesday and Wednesday; we are sorry we will not be able to meet with you in person.

Mrs Bernasconi and Mrs Benson

Worship – Monday 28th March

Good all,

Last week we were thinking about friendship and thinking before speaking. We are all responsible for our actions and words.

Today we are going to think about fruit – because there is a connection between self-control and fruit – let’s find out why!

First of all –  what is fruit?  Can you name some examples?…..

I wonder if you can describe how a fruit tree might look as it moves though the seasons of the year? Have a watch of this video showing the development of a plum from tiny shoot to fully-ripened fruit!


Now consider what conditions are needed for trees to grow and produce fruit like this?

The four main requirements are enough light, enough water, nutritious soil and favourable temperatures. If these conditions are present, a tree should grow through the seasons and produce fruit in the summer or autumn.

Fruit is mentioned in The Bible but this is a different type of fruit. In The Bible there was a man called Paul  – he was one of the early leaders in the Christian Church and he wrote letters to several of the early churches to encourage them and to teach them more about Jesus. One of these letters was to a church in a place called Galatia, which would be in modern-day Turkey. In this letter, Paul wrote, ‘the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.’

When Paul talks about fruit here, he doesn’t mean fruit growing on a tree, which might be tasty to eat; he means good qualities or characteristics that we can see in people’s lives…..

As you think about these qualities have a moment to reflect on these questions…

What kind of people do you like to spend time with?
Do you think that these are all good qualities for a person to have? Why/why not?
Do you find it hard to show some of these qualities in your life? Why/why not?

Most people would agree that love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control are all good qualities to have in our lives. However, they are not always easy qualities to develop.

Paul describes all these qualities as ‘the fruit of the Spirit’. Christians believe that these qualities, or ‘fruit’, will develop in people’s lives as they get to know God better. They believe that this happens by spending time learning about the Bible, praying and asking God to help them to live in this way. Christians believe that God sends his Holy Spirit to live in people’s lives. This changes them on the inside and helps these qualities to develop within their lives.

Let’s take a moment now to reflect – remember  what fruit trees need to produce fruit – light, water, nutrients in the soil and temperature. When we look at fruit trees in the spring, they may all appear very similar. However, in the summer and autumn, the amount and quality of the fruit that they produce varies.

This is similar to the fruit of the Spirit: when we first meet someone, we can’t see what kind of person they are on the inside. However, as we spend time with them, we can see the qualities in their lives. Qualities like the fruits of the Spirit are difficult to measure. The only way that we can really tell whether people have these fruits is to spend time with them and notice how they treat other people. Just looking at someone won’t tell us if they have good qualities in their lives. It is important not to judge people by what they look like on the outside. The fruit of the Spirit develops on the inside: the way people behave towards others shows something about the kind of person they are on the inside.


Dear God,
Thank you for the beauty of the world around us and for the lessons that we can learn from nature.
Please help us to develop good qualities in our lives.
Help us to grow in love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
Help us to treat others with respect.

Mother’s Day Worship ~ Thursday 24th March

Good morning,

This Sunday is a very special day- it is Mother’s Day, also known as Mothering Sunday. This is a day when we celebrate our mums and sometimes other ladies that look after us such as nans, aunties and perhaps step- mums.

I am sure we all have a special mum or another person who is like a mum to us in our life. Why is your mum so special to you?

Watch this video about special mum’s, and think about your own mum or special person.


How could we show our gratitude to our mums on Mother’s Day this Sunday? How will you show your mum just how grateful you are for all that she does for you?

Here is a Mother’s Day song for you to join in with this morning…


Mother’s Day Prayer.

Dear Lord,

Today we thank you for our mothers,

For the love and care they give,

Whose love is so precious it cannot be measured,

Whose patience seems to have no end.

May we be thankful for their love,

Today and always,


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Worship 23.3.22

Good morning everyone,

On Monday, we thought about the importance of treating everyone with respect and that it is great that we are all different. Yesterday, we thought about being a good friend and thinking before we speak.

Have a look at this clip all about friendship from The Pace Trust and whilst watching think about what you can learn from it.


Let’s take a quiet moment to reflect on the importance of friendship…why isn’t it good for people to be alone?  Are you a good friend?  How do you know?……

Here is today’s song!


Dear God,
We thank you for your love.
We thank you for all the people who show love to us.
Please help us to spread more love in the world by behaving in loving ways.
Please help us to do something every day to show people that we care.

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Worship 22.3.22

Good morning everyone,

Yesterday, we thought about the importance of treating everyone with kindness and respect no matter what their skin colour, age, disability or beliefs. So many of you are good friends to each other but I want to continue the theme by reminding you to THINK before you speak or act particularly at playtimes and lunchtimes.

In the Bible there are lots of stories and recounts about good friends – today I am going to share the story from The New Testament Book of Luke, about 4 friends who ask Jesus for help.


Now that you have watched this clip, what choices could you make when you are outside to make sure that everyone has a happy break and lunchtime?

Here is a friendship song.


Dear God

We thank you for our friends and for the happy times we share with them. Help us to be a good friend to them. Teach us how to play fairly and to share. Help us to recognise loneliness in others and show friendliness towards them. We know that you are our friend and will be with us always.
