Design and technology

This half term we have designed and made our own bag/ case in design and technology. After analysing a variety of bags and learning different stitches and fastenings, the children used the skills they had learnt to design their own case.
I think you will be impressed by the finished results. 7

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This half term Year 5 and Year 6 are learning all about the circulatory system in humans. We have begun to find out about the heart and lungs. Today, we carried out some investigations and demonstrations about osmosis and diffusion.

Year 6 Forest School

Year 6 impressed Mrs Mottram on Monday afternoon. They were so independent, supportive of each other and polite.

Year 5

It has been great to spend time with Year 5 this week -thank you all for joining in everything so enthusiastically and sensibly. In addition to our maths and English lessons we have been able to get out and about – working on all those important practical, problem solving and team building skills – as broadening our knowledge of space. What a lovely week!

Forest School

National Space Centre

Climbing Wall

The children supported each other brilliantly and all challenged themselves.
They should be very proud of the way they have worked as a team this week.




Friday Arthog

Final morning and the  children  are busy stripping their beds and packing – be prepared for lots of washing!

We are going to spend our last morning at the beach completing the John Muir conservation award. We aim to leave here by 1pm and hope to be home by 4pm but Mrs Webb will update you.

We have all had a fantastic time at Arthog and learnt new  skills. . As our instructor pointed out yesterday, they are good listeners and do as they are told which means we can do riskier activities; they are supportive of each other; and are plucky willing to give everything a go. Mrs Richardson and I would like to add that it has been a privilege taking your children who have been an absolute delight. You should be very proud of them all.

See you later!

Mrs Benson


Year 5 National Space Centre

Year 5 have had a very enjoyable trip to Leicester today. I wonder if we have some budding engineers or astrophysicists – they were all certainly in keen to investigate everything at the centre.

We began our visit with the Rocket Tower.

After lunch, we explored more of the interactive displays. Then watched Astronaut in the Planetarium.

This was followed by further interaction with the exhibits. We rounded off the day with a demonstration of the science behind rockets.

Arthog Thursday

Rock scrambling

Today we visited Barmouth Slabs  across the estuary from Arthog . In the morning we did scrambling over various rocky terrain and learnt climbing techniques.

After lunch, the children harnessed up and scaled the natural cliff face trying to find their way to the top, and then abseiled to the bottom supported by their team mates.

A good day was had by all.


Mountain walk Wednesday 6th October

Today the sun was shining – a perfect day for a mountain walk. The children trekked up the 623m Moel Ysgyfarnogod; this was quite a steep climb but our leader was so impressed with the children yesterday that he felt they could easily tackle it.He was right and the views from the top were amazing.

Another good day was had by all rounded off with a delicious roast dinner .