Monday’s team building activities

Mondays activities
First evening meal
Team building

Spiders web

Arthog Tuesday 5th October

The children had lots of fun canoeing this morning on a small lake near the centre. Despite the rain, they thoroughly enjoyed themselves  taking part in competitions.
This  afternoon our instructor decided it was safe enough to visit the gorge. We all gasped when we saw the torrents of water rushing over the boulders – it was certainly much deeper and ferocious than I had ever seen it. However the children embraced the challenge of making their way up the gorge . They loved putting their faces in the waterfall and sliding down the rock slide . More wet clothes !!
They are taking part in orienteering round the site this evening. I think there will be some tired children tonight.

Arthog update

Morning All,

The children all  had a good nights sleep and woke up bright and bushy tailed. We had a very wet walk last night in teaming rain across the causeway to Fairbourne. Considering  most of us were soaked, no one moaned – what a resilient lot!.We returned to Arthog for hot chocolate and everyone was asleep by 10:30pm

We are waiting to hear our activity for the day. Gorge walking was planned but the water levels are too high so hopefully later in the week. Our leader, Ben, has just arrived and informed us we are canoeing this morning.

Hopefully we won’t get too wet!

Arthog safe arrival

After a remarkably quick and sick free journey, we arrived  in Arthog to sunshine.
Team building activities on site  were fun this afternoon followed by a trip to the beach. The instructor was adamant they should only go up to their knees – Um …not sure they all listened!! However they certainly enjoyed themselves and returned to the centre for warm showers.
A delicious dinner was devoured by all.
We are off for a night walk this evening down to Fairbourne. Everyone happy and smiling. I think they will be ready for bed tonight.
I am sorry the WiFi is too weak to add pictures. We will try again tomorrow.
Blue Class

Year 5 -next week (4.10.21)

We have lots of exciting plans for next week -beginning 4th October.

Year 6 are off to Arthog from Monday to Friday. No doubt they will have a wonderful time. Mrs Benson and Mrs Richardson are accompanying them for the week.

Year 5 – The plan is for them to have the first hour of the day in their classes and then Mrs Bernasconi will have all of Year 5 together for the rest of the day.

Monday – Forest school in the afternoon so come in the appropriate clothes.

Tuesday – Netball tournament for selected team.

Wednesday – Year 5 come in PE kit

Thursday – Year 5 off to the Space Centre in Leicester with Mrs Bernasconi, Mrs Wade and Mrs Colin-Stokes. Leave school at 8.00am promptly and return at 5.00pm approx. Children are to wear school uniform for this trip please.

Friday – Year 5 on the Arthog climbing wall.

We hope they will have a brilliant week.

Start to term

Dear Parents and Carers,

It was lovely to welcome your children back this week. We had a good few days and the children have embraced their learning. Their behaviour has been impeccable despite the wasp infestation in the classroom! This has now been sorted.

Mrs Bernasconi will be teaching the class on a Monday and Tuesday ( and part of Wednesday afternoon).  Mrs Benson will be teaching on a Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. PE is on a Wednesday and Friday; please can children come in to school in their PE gear.

Some children in year 6 have started walking home alone. Please can you e mail the office or send a letter in to tell us the children have permission to do that this year. Can you do the same if you are allowing your child to walk round to the car park to meet you. It is important that we have an updated list   to ensure your children are safe.

We look forward to hopefully meeting you in person this year. If you wish to contact us, please can you email  us and we will reply as soon as possible.

Many Thanks

Mrs Benson and Mrs Bernasconi


Information for the return to school for children on Thursday 2nd September


Image result for welcome back to school

I hope that you have all had a lovely summer and we are looking forward to seeing you next week. We are also delighted to share some exciting news. Mrs Edwards is expecting a baby in January and we are all really pleased for her.

All children should come to school on Thursday 2nd September in school uniform. Blue, Red and Yellow class children come to school in PE kit on Friday. 

With the advice on operational measures for schools changing for this new academic year, here is some information which will hopefully explain the procedures clearly.

The letter summarises the operational measures in place –

Letter for parents Sept 2021

Chart of procedures when a positive case is confirmed-

Claverley Primary School-Covid-Continency-Summary-Sept-2021 (5)

Risk Assessment and Outbreak Management Plan

Claverley CE Primary Risk Assessment for Sept 2021

Claverley CE Primary School Outbreak Management Plan Sept 2021

Here is a reminder on timings and information sent out at the end of the summer term.

September 2021 letter (1)

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Young Cadets

It was with special thanks to PSO Oakley and Breese that the Year 6 children have taken part in the Young Cadets course. They have learnt more about the role of the police and some of the things they do. They learnt the phonetic alphabet, about forensics and anti-social behaviour.

On Friday, we held their ‘Passing Out’ parade in front of the whole school. They acted out their scenarios demonstrating the skills they had learnt and were then awarded their passing out certificates and badges by PCSOs Oakley and Breese and Police Officer Lightfoot.

Well done Year 6! Click the link to see them with their certificates.