Forest School and science

Year 6 – Please remember that you have Forest School again tomorrow. Don’t forget to have long sleeves and joggers/ trousers rather than shorts. It’s not forecast to be warm tomorrow, so a fleece or hoody or jacket would be a good idea.

Year 5 – it’s your turn next week. I have borrowed some science equipment from Concord College for our science tomorrow. I’m looking forward to using it with you…

Mrs Bernasconi


Great day Year 6!

After much anticipation, the climbing wall arrived thanks to Arthog Outreach.

Year 6 arrived bubbling with excitement and a few nerves too! Once they had harnesses on, they were good to go and what a great time they had. They encouraged and supported each other and had a wonderful time.


They really encouraged Mrs Richardson too!


Worship – Monday 14th June

Monday– our value is Trust and last week we thought about what Trust was and about having trust in others. This week as you watch this video, think about the qualities mentioned. Do you have them? Are you someone who is trustworthy?

Image result for david in the bible for kids

Dear God,

Thank you for our family, friends and those who we can trust,

Sometimes it is hard to make the right decisions,

Help us to be honest and reliable and someone that others can turn to.

Help us to be truthful even though that can take courage

Help us to be trustworthy in the small things that we are asked to do



Welcome to a new half term – Monday 7th June

Good morning and welcome back to the 2nd half of the summer term. I hope that you have all enjoyed a great week off and the fabulous weather we had too.

Our new value for this half term is Trust. Our values are the principles which guide our thinking and behaviour so what will you learn from today?

See the source image

Look at the following power Point

Values Trustwolf’.

Click on the link for the story of ‘The boy who cried wolf’.

Listen to the song ‘I’ll be there for you’.


Year 5 Forest School

This week was the turn of Year 5 to go down to Forest School. With the weather we have had this half term, it is a good job they have been making shelters!