Monday 24th May – Worship

Good morning,

The focus today is ‘being a peacemaker’

Light a Candle for Peace

Matthew 5:9 "Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God."

‘Peacekeepers’ are people who keep the peace whatever the cost! Peace makers are people who make peace where there is trouble and disagreement.

Who was Mother Theresa?

Mother Teresa was a Roman Catholic nun and missionary.

In India, she taught at the Loreta school for 20 years before becoming headmistress. It was around this time that Teresa claimed to hear the calling of God, who told her to help the sick and needy. At the time, India was very poor. Teresa felt she must do everything possible to ease their suffering.

In 1979, she received the Nobel Peace Prize for her charity work.Mother Teresa

Here is an example of another peacemaker -Desmond Tutu

Desmond Tutu is a religious leader in South Africa. His protests helped to bring an end to South Africa’s Apartheid laws. 1984 he received the Nobel Peace Prize for his work.

Are you a peacekeeper, or a peace maker?

When you find yourself or your friends in conflict or upset, we might ask you:
What happened?
What were you thinking when it happened?
What do you think now?
Who has been affected or upset by this and how?
What needs to happen to put this right?

Maybe you could ask these questions when you want to help others and be a peacemaker.

Dear God,

We thank you for giving us your peace.

Help us to spread peace at home and at school by loving and caring for each other.

Help us to spread peace by thinking and praying for children who have no food or who live in fear.



Blue Class use their Science

Blue class have been learning about electrical circuits in science. They have used their new skills to design and make some super interactive games. Well known games like “Operation” and “Buzz” gave the children some inspiration, but we think their creations are even better than ones that you will have seen for sale in the shops. We have been very impressed with their problem solving and team work.

Cricket Engagement Day – Monday 24th May

On Monday, each class is having a cricket session as part of a cricket engagement day. This has been funded by Worfield cricket club as part of the ‘Chance to Shine’ programme. All children can come to school in PE kit for the day.

Year 5 have Forest School so can wear their forest school clothes which can also be worn for cricket. They need joggers, several layers, a coat and a change of footwear.

Royal Mail Competition

The Royal Mail have organised a competition to design a stamp.

Please find the letter for parents and the official entry form. The entries must be returned to school by Tuesday 25th May



Enter the Heroes Stamp Design Competition

Honouring the heroes of the coronavirus pandemic… on stamps

The late Captain Sir Tom MooreA nurse, administering an injectionA volunteer, delivering groceriesA bus driver

For more than 50 years Royal Mail’s Special Stamp programme has commemorated British history and achievement. Stamps have also been issued to honour the achievements of many British people. Often, the people who appear on stamps are already famous. They include scientists and explorers, writers, artists, musicians, athletes, and Prime Ministers.

Since the coronavirus pandemic began, there have been many people who have done great things. Many of them are not famous, but they have done extraordinary work. These are the people who have helped us all through a really difficult time. Some are frontline workers in healthcare, others look after elderly or vulnerable people.

All children aged 4-14 from across the UK (except residents of the Isle of Man and Channel Islands) can enter the competition through their school, or independently from a school with permission from an adult.

The closing date for entries is 5pm on Friday 28th May 2021.


Year 6 Forest School

It has been another good week at Forest School with the turn of Year 6.  The theme of  shelter building has continued and the children have been challenged to make a shelter to protect them from the elements! Also we are as a school learning about the birds native to Great Britain! Green Class and Blue year 6 are winning so far! The year 6 children are getting a good experience of leadership and trying to get things to work!

Report from Mrs Mottram


Monday 17th -Worship – Living at Peace with the World

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. John 14:27

Good morning,

Have a listen to this piece of music which is called Venus, the Bringer of Peace from The Planets by Gustav Holst.

Have a look at this picture

Three Lessons We Can Learn from Saint Francis of Assisi

Do you know who it is? Are there any clues in the picture that could tell you anything about this person?

It is St Francis of Assisi and he lived nearly 900 years ago. However, he is still remembered by many people today. His Saints day is on October 4th. Watch this clip and find out what he does to show his kindness for the animals and why you think we remember him.

St Francis came to be known as friend of the animals and there are many stories about his kindness towards them. He tried to show God’s love to all of creation.

Think about all the animals in the world, either pets, animals in captivity or in the wild and how they should be treated with care and respect.

CDO interview: Pets at Home uses data analytics to further petcare  'ecosystem'

Dear God,
We thank you for our world and for all the animals that live in it.
Help us to care for the world.
Help us to care for the animals.
Help us to care for the people.
So that the world can be enjoyed by those who come after us.

This is the prayer of St Francis and you might recognise it as it is very famous still today.


Forest school Year 6

Please can we remind YEAR 6 children that it is forest school on Monday. They need to wear old clothes to school and bring waterproofs, and wellies ( particularly if wet) or old trainers.


Tuesday Assembly – Finding out about Ramadan and Eid

Today we were lucky to have a virtual assembly delivered by the Muslim Learner Service. Imran made the assembly fun and enjoyable for everyone from Reception to Year 6. He talked to us about Ramadan and looking forward to Eid.

‘I now know about Ramadan and it was really good’ Logan.

’I like knowing about the importance of fasting’ Owen.

The assembly contained songs and lots of information and we really understood the significance of Ramadan. We hope everyone celebrating gets to share time with their loved ones and some delicious food!

Eid Mubarak