Monday 18th January – Martin Luther King Jn. Day in the United States of America

Good morning everyone.

During this pandemic, we know it is important that everyone works together and does their part so that we can look forward to life getting back to normal and you can all come back to school.

Today, you will be learning about a time in American history when people were not able be together merely due to the colour of their skin.

Look at the Power Point to find out about a man called Martin Luther King Jn and how he tried to change things for the better. In order to understand what was happening,  when you get to the slide with the picture of an eye you could say, if you told all the children with blue eyes that they could go out to play, would that be fair? Why not?


Martin Luther King Day



Here is a video clip which Red and Blue class might like to watch. The first video clip is the one to watch.

Children might like to think about their own hopes and dreams for the future. You can talk about them or draw them on this sheet.

Martin Luther King dream cloud activity sheet

Dear God

Thank you for our wonderful school community where everyone is special and valued.

Help us to treat each other as equals and with kindness and respect

Help us to look after each other especially our families while we are spending more time at home

May we all work together to be the best that we can




Blue – end of Week 2

Dear Blue Class,

You have reached the end of week 2 of Home Learning – well done. I have already  had lots of examples of your writing; you are all producing such interesting sentences.  I am impressed! Can I remind all children/parents that we need to hear from you once a week with feedback on how you are coping or with examples of work.

I hope you are managing to enjoy some of the other lessons on the website. We did our topic lesson this afternoon in school. Tom remembered an impressive 31 of the countries in Europe. He also knows all the European country flags; he will be a magnificent member of a quiz team when he is older.

Yesterday, I attempted  hosting my first Teams meeting with year 6. I had a few technical difficulties but thanks to Will Brown, who realised I was not on the Teams App, I eventually managed to see you all and lots of your pets! I can’t tell you how lovely it was to see your faces year 6 and you seemed so grown up and proficient sitting at your desks. Next week I would like to meet with the year 5 on Thursday at 9:15am. Lets hope that meeting goes a bit more smoothly! Mrs Bernasconi will be doing her normal ‘meet and greet’ Teams on Monday at  9:00am.

When I met with the year 6, we suggested trying to make a healthy lunch. Archie has gone one better and cooked his family a delicious looking curry from the Joe Wick’s cookbook. Perhaps all of you could have a go at making lunch or helping with dinner next week?

I hope you all have a lovely weekend with your families.

Take care and keep safe

Mrs Benson

Teams Meeting

We will have another full class “get together” on Monday morning at 9:00am – I think there was a typo in a previous message.

If there is anything you think the whole class would benefit from me taking them through by sharing my screen, please let me know.

It was great to see so many this week. We had nearly the whole class together.

Please look out for my message about the Teams link.

Mrs Bernasconi


Times Table Rock Stars

I have been looking at the teacher part of Times Table Rocks Stars  to see how you are all doing.

Tables Table Rock Stars

It is great to see that 15 of you have been on this since you started your January remote learning.

Four children stand out as having used it most: Ellis, Molly, Poppy and Jake. Well done! Keep it up!

It would be great to see you doing more practice on this – it is something you can do independently and you don’t need a big screen or fancy device. It doesn’t seem to use much bandwidth or data either!

This “heat map” tells us how fast the Blue Class is:

Let’s see if we can get the whole thing to turn green!

Teams Meeting year 6 Thursday 14th January 9:15am

Dear Children,

I would like an opportunity to see if I can invite you to a Teams meeting and share my screen with you. I know you did this with Mrs Bernasconi yesterday but , as you know, I am not quite as proficient as her at IT! More importantly, it’s a chance for me to see all your faces and  hopefully for you to be able to speak to me and each other. For this reason, I am only inviting year 6 tomorrow- 14.1.21-  at 9:15am  as it will be a smaller group. It will be your turn next week year 5!

I cant wait to see you all.

Mrs Benson




year 6

Recipe poems

I have been overwhelmed by your superb recipe poems based on The British by Benjamin Zephaniah. Lots of you wrote fabulous poems about school, but I have included some of the poems our children at home  wrote on other subjects they are fond of. Please take the time to read some of your friends’ work.

A Tennis Court Will Brown

Chloe HOYS

The NHS Jake Sheldon

Here are a few poems our children in school wrote today too

Archie’s poem – the football team

Elora’s poem – the drama group

Tom Football team

Thank you for your hard work. Have a good weekend everyone.

Mrs Benson



Dear All,

We are almost at the end of the week. Well done to all of you who have embraced your home learning. We have had some very positive e-mails.

I am looking forwarding to reading your recipe poems in the style of Benjamin Zephaniah. Freya sent a video of her reading her poem; it is a fabulous poem and was beautifully read- slowly and with expression. I have attached a copy of her poem here. It may inspire some of you. Well done Freya.

Freya’s recipe poem: School

Please send your work to ; I realise some of the year 5 may not have my e-mail address.

It looks like it’s going to be  beautifully snowy day  so get out for a walk or a play in the garden.

Mrs Bernasconi is looking forward to touching base with you all at a Teams meeting on Monday at 9:00am

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Benson


Using Teams – Remote Learning

We are planning to use Teams as part of our Remote learning. We will begin this on Monday 11th. Whilst this will also be other resources which we will use to support the children with their learning, we hope it will help the children to feel to connected  with each other and the whole school community.
Please could you log in to Office 365 before Monday with your children. Teams meetings are smoother if you download the Teams app but this is not essential. Office 365 will work on many different devices. Many of you will be familiar with Office 365 from your own work or may have other children which use it for school; however,  please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any problems.
If children have not logged in or changed their passwords since we sent them out, then Office 365 is likely to ask the children to change their passwords.
You just need to enter the current password and then create a new password. Office can be a bit awkward about the password you create. It prefers a mix of numbers and letters and preferably not complete words.
Please make a note of it somewhere secure as password resets are not as quick as when we forget the ones for shopping sites!
Mrs Bernasconi

Blue Class Lockdown – Home learning

Good Morning Blue Class,

You have woken up to another lockdown when many of you will not be in school for half a term. Some of you will be excited but some of you will be filled with dread. We understand how hard this is for you and your parents so we want to make this experience as valuable and as accessible as we can. We are really sad that you will not all be with us in school as teaching is much more fun with real children!

Much of the work we planned for you this term is designed for the classroom when we can have discussions, and lead your learning. For this reason, some of the topics we planned for you on our long term plan may be altered so it is easier for you to learn at home. We will reflect what you are doing at home with our children that are in school so they will have continuity if they are not in each day.

The English unit we planned – Goth Girl- was intended to be read in class with lots of discussion, and support. The home learning was designed for children who were isolating for a few days so please disregard that post if you have already read it.

Maths work for today has already been put on the website.

For English today, I am including 2 comprehensions: one for year 6 and one for year 5. Read the booklets carefully and then answer the questions. There is an answer booklet so you can  check your answers once you have finished- it may be helpful to do this with a parent. Remember READ the question twice. Think about what it is asking; find the relevant place in the text; and ensure you have answered the question that has been asked.

Year 5 Reading Fiction Booklet

Year 5 Reading Assessment Fiction Answer Booklet

Year 5 Reading Assessment Fiction Marking Scheme


year 6 answer booklet


We know how hard it is to keep motivated at home – learning on your own. Set up a learning space and set aside some time each day for school work. We have learnt a lot from the last lockdown and are hoping to have regular live team sessions with you. The teachers were in school yesterday for our normal PD day and part of that was ensuring we could access you at home via TEAMS so fingers crossed! We are also in school today discussing your home learning .

Check this website EVERY DAY for updates.

I will see some of you in school tomorrow morning.

Take care and keep safe.

Mrs Benson