Reading Books returns

Please could you bring back to school any school reading books you still have at home.

We have received lots of these over the last week, but there are still some outstanding.

This may well include your Book Fest book.

Many thanks.

The Tempest

Our Year 6 “returners” are excited to present their abridged version of Shakespeare’s The Tempest.

They have been studying Shakespeare and the Tempest in English this term. Using Live action filming and Green screen techniques, they have created this film as an impressive alternative to the usual end of year play.

We have uploaded it in two parts due to the time limits on You tube.



Part 2





Good Luck Year Six!

I just wanted to say goodbye to our Year 6 who have just shared their final day of Primary School with us. I have very fond memories of teaching you when you were little and wish you every happiness at your new schools. Keep in touch, we always love to hear how you are getting on. Have a wonderful summer!

Best Wishes, Miss Pinches

Catch up

Dear Blue Class,

Our term is drawing to an end. The year 6 returners in school have been busy filming our abridged version of  The Tempest; they have been quite incredible learning lines  last weekend and sorting out costumes  over night so it was possible to film all our outdoor scenes on Thursday. Mrs Bernasconi  and the year 6 will be using the green screen on Monday  to create the effects of a storm, a night sky, and  Ferdinand emerging from the sea. Then it’s time for editing – we cant wait to show you our finished version.

Thank you to those children who sent me their amazing stories based on the Game: Elora, Isla, Macey and Rudi. If more of you have stories you want to share  and have some feedback, then please send them in.

Next week, we are welcoming the rest of  our year 6 into school for an outside leavers’ service. It will be wonderful to all be together again, but we do understand that some of you, who have members of the family who are  shielding at home, are unable to make it. We are hoping to film the ceremony so you can enjoy it at home. Don’t forget to write your memories : earliest, funniest, happiest, most memorable; you need two plus a lockdown memory. If you can’t make the ceremony, record your memories and send it to Mrs Derrer or either Mrs Bernasconi or myself, and we will try to incorporate it into the service. Mrs Derrer, Garry, Mrs Deards,  Mrs Wade , Mrs Bernasconi and myself will all be there. Year 6 returners, we will be doing our memories in school so don’t worry about doing them at home.

The final week of term, we are excited to welcome our year 5 and year 4 into Blue Class; we know some of you have not been into school since March so it will feel a little strange, and school will look a little different. However we can’t wait to see you and hear your news. Again, we understand some of you have family members who are shielding so we may have to wait until September to see you.

This week in English we are writing our lockdown experience –  the highs and the lows -see homework. Some of you may want to enter the 700 word writing competition where the best entries from different age groups will be put  in a book for prosperity. If you do, you will need to do some careful editing- picking out the key events that made  your lockdown special; you could use your diaries that you have been writing for ideas. Remember all of your experiences are unique and not one person will have had the same lockdown.

Thank you, once again, to your amazing parents who have been teachers for the past term.

I am hoping the sun is going to return this week so we can all get outside again.

Take care and see you soon.

Mrs Benson

Purple Mash

As the weeks pass, we know lots of you are finding home learning harder. It is also  more difficult for us to be sure we are providing the right level of work for you when it is so long since we have seen many of you. We have been reviewing the different technological approaches to home learning used by schools around the county and different parts of the country. We have also listened to feedback from the families within our own school community. Access to devices, internet connection and printers varies from family to family and school to school; however, we would like to increase the opportunities for our Claverley children to interact with their school community.

Purple mash should provide a way for the children to communicate and share photos, voice messages and videos safely. Individual usernames and passwords have been sent out. It will continue to be useful in the new school year even if (as we hope) we are all together in school once more.

I have made a short screen-cast video to provide a short introduction to using Purple Mash. Enjoy!




Mrs Bernasconi


Dear Blue Class,

We hope you are all well and enjoyed the hot weather last week. Pictures of some of you in your pools made us very jealous! The year 6 returners are in school, and we have been busy casting for our own film of The Tempest- can we manage to learn the script and film it in two weeks?! Freya spotted a great version of The Tempest on Cbeebies ; it uses some Shakespearean language but is very entertaining especially as most of you know the story so well now. The new Alex Rider series is also out on Prime. It is targeted at over tens and teenagers, but my husband and I have been enjoying the series. Some of ‘the returners’ have been watching it at home.

We understand that home learning is getting really tough especially as lots of your parents are also busy trying to work from home too. Try to complete at least the first side of the maths sheet to keep your skills sharp, and keep up to date with the English. We have put some foundation subjects on line over the past two weeks for you to work on but understand that some of you are pursuing  your own projects.

We are very excited that it is possible to welcome our year 5 ( soon to be year 6)  back in small groups in the last week of term We cant wait to see you all.

Our  year 6 leavers are going to be invited into school  on the afternoon of Thursday 8th July for a socially distanced picnic lunch  and leavers’ service. We hope most of you will be able to make it as we want to be able to say a proper goodbye. Can you all be thinking of your memories of school as we would like to share them just as we do in church. What is your earliest / most treasured/ funniest/ happiest memory? Think of two memories that you could share with everyone.

I hope you have all been reading during Lockdown; it’s a great form of escape. Mrs Langley always has great recommendations for me; have you read books you could recommend to each other? Many  of you still have our Bookfest books which you were reading when Lockdown happened. Please could you return them to school  – either when you come in or leave them in the school entrance during school hours.

Don’t forget to keep  in touch!

Take care everyone .

Mrs Benson and Mrs Bernasconi





Friday News

Another week draws to a close and we know that it is getting harder to keep motivated especially for our home learners. We are looking into ways to keep everyone going over these last few weeks of the summer term. Mrs Bernasconi has been teaching us how to record ourselves and information on a screen at the same time. Mrs Benson has recorded something for Blue Class to watch! Hopefully, we will be able to use Purple Mash to record more video clips for you over the coming weeks. I’m not sure that we are going to become TV presenters any time soon but we are trying to upskill ourselves and are having a go!

We had a nice surprise this week when a package was delivered from the Shropshire Bookfest organisers and it was the prize for Lilly. They had her winning picture framed along with a pencil set and a cash prize. Well done Lilly!

I hope you have a nice weekend whatever the weather!

Dear God,
Thank you for giving us to each other for friendship and support,
To share with and enjoy each other’s company.
May we always value each other
And always look for opportunities to improve the lives of those around us.

Computing skills without a computer

Problem solving and Computational Thinking

Barefoot Computing has some lovely activities including dance moves, hand jives, pizza making, story sequencing and code breaking which will build the thinking skills behind the computing curriculum. There are a range of activities for 4 to 11 year olds.

Learning together activities

Theses are fun and creative activities, to help you guide your child through fundamental parts of the computing curriculum without the need for screen time. They include everything you need to get started with activity sheets and accompanying materials.

There also Mini Missions to complete



News update

Dear Blue Class,

I hope you are all well; it seems SUCH a long time since I saw many of you. Mrs Bernasconi and myself are posting a variety of work on the website. I know it’s hard finding the motivation to get  going when you’re on your own at home but it is SO important to do some maths and English each day. We are always here to help if you need us. Thank you to all of you who are still sending us back your writing and photos of life at home.

It was wonderful last week to welcome some of our year 6 back into the classroom. It was a little strange having so few of us in our usually packed room. However, this didn’t stop us having  lots of fun and laughter whilst completing lots of work! I know some more of you are planning to return soon – we cant wait to see you.

I am well. Over the past few weeks my garden has come into bloom and  my vegetables have started to grow (except for the beetroot and broccoli which has been eaten by pigeons!). It was very exciting  when the announcement came that we could welcome visitors in the garden,but not very practical as it rained most of the weekend. Have you managed to see some family and friends – albeit at a distance? I am still doing lots of walks with my little dog, Ruby, and it has been more fun now we can walk with one other friend. Ruby has enjoyed it too!

My daughter and her boyfriend, who have been staying with us since before lockdown, are finally returning to their tiny London  flat with no garden. Although they will be still be working from home, they at least can go and sit in parks now and meet friends outside. We will miss them as we have been playing lots of games and taking part in table tennis tournaments. As you know, I am not very competitive so winning doesn’t matter to me!!Do you really believe that?

Mrs Deards has texted to ask how you are getting on;she was very sad not to be able to say goodbye to you in person. Did you read the poem she wrote to you? The children in year 6 were trying to work out who she was referring to on each line of the poem. Did you find yourself?

Thinking of you all. Keep safe.

Mrs Benson.








To All our Home Learners

Hi to all our home learning children (some of you might need your parents to read this to you!),

I just wanted to update you on this week and say that we haven’t forgotten you! As part of the government guidance, some children have come back to school. We have had to make lots of plans ready including making sure that there is enough space between the tables and giving everyone their own resources. We have had to use a strict ‘keep left’ policy for the corridors too.

So, I think we have all experienced lots of different emotions this week. I expect you have had lots of different feelings while working and being at home too. We often talk about our feelings in school so I wonder if you might want to use this video and tell someone at home how you are feeling at home.

I am feeling happy that we have have a good week in school and have seen a few of our children. I am also a bit sad that we haven’t started the second part of the summer term seeing all of you. We know that keeping safe is the most important thing we can all do and that this plan is best for now. Keep going with your home learning!

I have also seen this song (Just Sing!) which some of you might like to learn too!

A prayer to share

Dear God,

Thank you for all the feelings we have and that it is good to talk to others about them.

It is fine to feel sad or scared sometimes

And it’s great to feel happy when we can.

Please help us control our bad feelings and not let them take over us.
