Maths homework 17th November

Maths homework has been assigned for all on MathShed.

This is a recap of factors for most as this is knowledge we will be using when we move on to fractions next week. This was learning from earlier in the term.

Please let me know if you have any problems with the MathShed or the homework on Monday so we have time to help BEFORE the due date. You should complete home work by Wednesday at the latest.

Edshed (Maths Shed and Spelling Shed)

We have now started to set maths homework, timetable tasks and spellings on EDSHED for all children in Red and Blue class.

All the children in KS2 have all been given logins and passwords for Edshed. They should be stuck in to their Reading diaries. This will give them access to both Spelling Shed tasks and Maths Shed tasks.

You do NOT need to buy the maths shed and spelling shed apps. The site can be accessed through any web broweser and played on laps tops, ipads, iphones, kindle fire or any other android tablet. Of course you may choose to buy an app if you prefer.

These video links  and links to the Edshed help pages may help if children are struggling to get used to this new resource:

As well as the task we set the children are able to access other fluency games to support their recall of number facts on Maths Shed. Obviously, we would like them to complete the tasks set but they are free to practise as much as they like once these are completed! This is a good use of screen time…

Maths homework

Both Year 5 and year 6 have had a maths task set on Maths Shed this week.

You need to use your Edshed log on and password. This will take you to both Spelling Shed and Maths Shed.

Please do let me know if there are any problems.

Mrs Bernasconi


Arthog Day 4

The theme of the day was water sports. This morning we canoed down the estuary. Before setting off, we tied two canoes together to form a catamaran. It was a race down the estuary and back.

This afternoon the children built a raft to float on a local pond. They used their knotting skills to assemble the raft.

Once built, it was time to launch their newly built raft into the water.

It was all going so well until our instructor, Tom, started suggesting some tricks! Chaos ensued….
Sadly,  our stay is nearly over and we’re packing up this evening. We have had a fabulous week learning new skills and having new experiences. Well done year 6; it has been a pleasure to take you away and make new memories.
Mrs Benson and Mrs Richardson

More Seasonal Food Tech

Blue class still in school have been using pumpkins to create delicious bread and also Creamy Pumpkin pasta sauce.

We have been very impressed with their chopping, kneading, weighing and cleaning skills….

Enjoy your half term break.

Arthog Day 3

Today the sun was shining and we ventured on a hill walk to Pared y Cefn Hir  and Cregennan lake; the views were outstanding. In order to reach the summit, we had to scramble over some rough terrain and squeeze through some narrow rocky passes. The children have continued to encourage and support each other with kind words. As one child said, “ We are really living out the school motto – to encourage one another and build each other up.”   Indeed they are and we are very proud of them.




At the end of the afternoon, we stopped off at Fairbourne beach to complete our John Muir award which entailed clearing the beach of any plastic and rubbish.


Arthog Day 2

After a good night’s sleep and a delicious full English breakfast, we were all set up for day 2. Scrambling over rocks along the beach and climbing on the cliff wall this morning was great fun and everyone stepped up to the challenge.

This afternoon we went on the infamous gorge walk.

There are no photos of this as we were all too wet.
However, everyone loved it – including the swim in the sea.

Year 5

Year 5 have had a very busy day baking and climbing.

We are investigating recipes using seasonal ingredients this week. Today we made apple and blackberry muffins.

We were impressed with the way they approached the climbing wall – many of them achieved far more than they said they expected to before hand. Good preparation for going to Arthog next year!