Year 5 workshop

Year 5 children can wear PE kit to the OWS workshop today

Year 6 trip Pioneer centre

Year 6 had a great day out today at The Pioneer Centre near Cleobury  Mortimer. This trip is an end of year treat for our leavers and is very kindly financed by the PTA.
The children started the day  with a game of laser tag in the woods . Some members of Claverley got  very competitive and it wasn’t just the children! Following this, the children spent the rest of the morning playing organised games on the giant inflatables.. After lunch, they did  zip wire and abseiling .
It was a fabulous day. As always, our year 6 behaviour was impeccable and they were a pleasure to take out. A massive thank you to the PTA and to Sarah Preece who transported the children.


We have had some questions about whether to wear PE kit or normal school uniform on Monday as we are going swimming.
The younger children have worn PE kit to make changing easier and to keep the children warm.

As the forecast is for another warm sunny day, I would suggest that they wear  PE kit ( including school t- shirt) or normal school uniform – whichever will be cool enough in our very warm classroom and they find easiest to put on when damp after swimming.

Mrs Bernasconi




Please don’t forget your swimming kit on Monday morning.
We have the swimming section of our PE curriculum this half term – at least we have the good weather for it.

Mrs Bernasconi

Viking Day

Today the children in Blue Class had an enjoyable Viking theme day. They all devised their own Viking name and family name; we listened to Viking sagas from Olaf – the Viking; we designed our own farm; we had an afternoon of art and craft; and interspersed these activities with Viking Bootcamp.


End of SATs week

Congratulations to all our year 6 who have finished their SATs this week. They worked incredibly hard, remained focussed and did their absolute BEST. Well done year 6.

Our annual trip to Pizza Hut for a buffet lunch, following the end of the tests,was a great success. The children’s behaviour was impeccable, and I think we all ate as much pizza, salad, and ice cream as we possibly could!

Also, many thanks to our Year 5 who have supported their classmates and been very flexible moving between  rooms and having different teachers. Your treat is no homework this weekend.

See you all next week – curriculum back to normal. Don’t forget Viking Day on Thursday.

Have a restful weekend.

Mrs Benson and Mrs Bernasconi

Poetry Competition

We are so proud of all our children who have learnt a poem for their homework and recited them to their classes. It is wonderful hearing such a variety of poems and poets – some children have even written their own poem. Today the teachers and TAs had a very difficult job picking out the ten finalists from KS1 and KS2 to go forward for the poetry competition on Tuesday. All semi- finalists were fabulous and had clearly been practising their poem as they were so polished. Well done all and thank you for supporting your children

We are looking forward to the finals on Tuesday when we will hear the ten finalists from EYFS/KS1 and the ten finalists from KS2. The children who are involved have taken a letter home to invite their relatives to the recital.

Parents’ Evening

Just a quick reminder that we have parents’ evenings on Tuesday 21st March and Wednesday 22nd March. We have noticed that there are quite a few children for whom no appointment has yet been booked.

This is an opportunity to see your children’s books and to discuss their progress and recent assessments.

Bookings should be made online through the page on the school website.

We look forward to meeting with you this week.


Home learning Blue Friday 10th March

Good morning,

Another snow day at home. I have set some arithmetic for year 5 and year 6 . You will need a piece of paper to do the 16 calculations. . Give yourself 20 minutes. You should be able to do this as it is more time than you have in SATS! I have also put the answers – don’t peek until you’ve finished. I am happy for you to e-mail me your scores!!

year 5 arithmetic home learning

year 6 arithmetic home learning

Year 5 answers

year 6 arithmetic home learning answers

Well spotted Lexi – a mistake in the answer for number 3 on the year 6 sheet. It is now corrected!


This is an ideal day to perfect your poem that you have should have already selected. You will need to read it slowly, clearly and with expression. I am looking forward to hearing how you are getting on with them next week.

Have a lovely weekend .

Maths Booster

Due to the uncertainty with the weather, there will be No maths booster tomorrow morning- Friday 10th March.