Boxes for biomes

A reminder that children need to bring their shoe boxes for a biome tomorrow -Thursday 1st December.

Mrs Benson

Digital Leaders

Fun with a Robot

Our Year 6 Digital Leaders have been meeting to plan how they will encourage curiosity and enthusiasm for technology as well as digital safety in our school.

They also found time to indulge in some technological fun themselves with a robot. They discovered he can be programmed to build, select, talk and even recognise individuals.

Doodlers in Science and DT

Combining science and DT

Blue class have been using their scientific knowledge about electrical circuits to create motorised “doodlers”.

The children really enjoyed making their own robot artists and were justifiably proud of their creations

A delicious end to the week- year 5

Whilst the year 6 have been having a fabulous time at Arthog, it has been lovely getting to know the year 5s. As part of the  food technology curriculum, the children have created  ‘a best of British of British’ lunch today: a cottage pie, and apple and blackberry crumble with custard or ice cream. Most of the food was locally sourced – thank you for the apples everyone- and it was all British!
The children enjoyed eating together and everyone polished off their cottage pie and discovered they liked their own home  cooking.

Dazzling day 4

Another great day at Arthog. After yesterday’s rain we have had blue skies and warm sunshine.
The day started with raft building where the children learnt how to create a large raft which could support nine. Both rafts floated amazingly and the children loved paddling across the lake.

In the afternoon, we went to the beach to complete the conservation challenge. You will find out more about this when they share their Arthog diaries. Once again the children impressed the Arthog instructors who rewarded them with a campfire on the beach and toasted marshmallows.

Photos to follow when the internet is fully functioning again.

Wet Wednesday at Arthog

We have dried out the cameras now – here are a few of the pictures.

Everyone declared that today was even better than yesterday. The instructors are blown away by what the children have achieved, how they have challenged themselves and how supportive and encouraging they are of each other. Year 6 really are following the Claverley mission to live of their BEST lives!

Everyone was soon warm after a shower and roast dinner. We finished the day with hot chocolate and marshmallows.

Wednesday at Arthog

We have had another wonderful day. Year 6 have just said that they particularly enjoyed tipping Mrs Colin-Stokes and me out of our canoe this morning…

We have all been gorge walking too – we all have lots of wet clothes to bring home for the washing machine.

Photos later in the evening when the camera is dry….

Mrs Bernasconi

Day 2 Arthog

Year 6 have had another great day today. We have walked across the bridge which crosses Barmouth bay (and back at the end of the afternoon), hiked and scrambled up the mountains above Barmouth. We had our picnic at the top before rock climbing.

We have been impressed with everyone’s resilience and team building. What a fantastic group of rock climbers! We still have the nightline  to complete after dinner too…



This term, Blue class are learning to programme using Sonic Pi. This is a free app which can be used to create music.

This week we have been using loops and debugging. We have been thinking about creating music which remind us of films about Space. The children have had fun using the “use_synth” command to create different types of sounds.