Comprehension paper for w/c 18.1.21

 Extra English 

On Monday 18th January it is Martin Luther King day. In school we are continuing with our guided reading. This is a an excellent comprehension for upper key stage 2 to attempt  at home. It is in 3 levels so choose your level; I would expect the majority of my year 6 to attempt at least level 2 ( 2 stars)

This is in addition to the Oak Academy  work you are doing on the Golden Compass


Science w/c 18th January

This week we are continuing the learning about separating materials. Again, you can either just watch and respond to the video or you could do most of the experiments yourself with some simple kitchen materials. If you don’t have filter paper (or coffee filters) you could use kitchen roll or a kitchen cloth. One of the practicals uses sand. This might not be something you have at home – I know we only have a little builders sand in the shed at home as my children are a little old for playing in the sand pit now! Don’t worry if you can’t do the experiments yourself as the demonstrations on the video are good. I know this is a topic which my classes have always enjoyed doing practically – it is often a bit messy with 33 children but is worth it! Enjoy!

There are two video lessons this week:

How can we separate mixtures into pure substances?

How can you separate a mixture of sand, salt and water?

This topic is also parts of one of the BBC lessons for 9-11 year olds.

BBC iplayer Lockdown learning week 1, day 3

Key workers – we will be doing science in school on Monday.

Protected: Remote Learning Monday 18th January (Maths and English)

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Mr Jew PE ideas

Chris Jew and his team have put together some live lessons for us to use for PE

The 4 activity areas are:

·        KS1/2 Yoga

·        KS1/2 Dance

·        KS2 Boxfit

·        KS2 Fitness

All lessons last approx. 25 – 45mins, including an element where pupils have to learn independently following teacher led activities.

PE lessons from East Shropshire

RE 13.1.21

Hi Blue Class!

On a Wednesday afternoon, I will be teaching Blue Class RE. I will put the lesson on here for all of you to see at home and have a go at.

This half term our big question is “What would Jesus do”?

We will be looking at different parables and teachings that Jesus made, thinking about their meanings and how Christians interpret biblical texts.

Watch and listen to the story of “The Sermon on the Mount”.

Jesus said many important things in The Sermon on the Mount. Do some further research to help you answer the following questions.

What is the main point of The Sermon on the Mount?

Can you make a list of some of the things that Jesus taught to his listeners?

What is the “Golden Rule” that Jesus said in The Sermon on the Mount and what does it mean?

If you would like to send me any of your answers please do…..

Mrs Davies


Blue English The Golden Compass 13th- 15th January

I hope you are enjoying our unit on the Golden Compass from Oak National Academy. We are slowly building all the skills we need to write the opening scene on Friday. Please keep all your notes/work from the previous lesson ( as we do in our Build up Books in school) as you will need these  on Friday.

Wednesday 13th January

Today we are looking at synonyms for running and putting them in sentences of our own. Watch Lesson 5 on the video below.

The Golden Compass

lesson 5 words associated with running

The work is quite clear .

EXTENSION: why not put the verbs you have learnt in sentences of your own?

Thursday 14th January

Today we are analysing the opening scene ( lesson 6) and writing prepositional phrases ( lesson 8)  in preparation  for our writing tomorrow.

Do each lesson and the follow up. It will not take you much  longer than an hour  to do

lesson 6 analysing the opening 

lesson 8 to write prepositional phrases

Friday 15th January

Today we will be writing the opening scene. based on the film clip. You will be using ALL the skills you learnt over the week – this piece of writing should be top notch!!

lesson 9 writing the opening

Remember to include:

  •  interesting adjectives
  • complex sentences,
  • prepositional phrases to tell us where
  • powerful verbs ( remember we learnt lots for running)
  • how characters are feeling eg carefree.

I am happy to see the finished product but I don’t want to see it unless you have done the final edit!  lesson 10 the final edit

Protected: Blue Maths 13th -15th January

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Mediterranean Topic Lesson 2

I hope you enjoyed lesson one of our topic and  you can now  identify the seven continents, and are able to locate where Europe is in relation to the rest of the world. We really enjoyed watching the first programme from Oak Academy on Europe and became very competitive trying to remember them all!! If you ae coming in on Thursday or Friday then watch this video as we are seeing how many we can remember!

Countries of Europe

Today I would like you to look at the following map of Europe

Map of the Mediterranean Sea

The following map may also help labelling the seas

Map of Mediterranean

Studying the map, decide whether the following statements are true or false.

True or false statements about the Mediterranean  

Discuss with your parents or an older sibling.

Now using the blank map below, complete the task.

Blank Mediterranean map

Task lesson 2

This lesson may take a while so you can divide it into two parts. Please ensure you spell Mediterranean correctly!!!

KEY WORKERS CHILDREN – we will be doing this lesson on Friday or Thursday if Forest School is rained off so please leave this to do in school if you are coming in this week.

If you wish to watch lesson 2 on Europe, it is very interesting

Physical features of Europe



PE – Blue Class

I know lots of  you are finding activities of your own to do in the afternoon. However, remember that physical exercise is also an important part of the curriculum. Remember how we talked about how exercise is good for both your physical health and your mental health. In school we were doing 3 PE lessons a week last term so try to keep this up. A daily walk or a cycle ride can be considered part of the curriculum. It will make your parents feel good too!

How to watch Wake Up with Joe

Joe Wicks is back on a Monday Wednesday and Friday at 9:00am on you tube

Joe Wicks’ latest set of lockdown workouts have been renamed Wake Up With Joe and the release pattern is also slightly different to how it was last time.

Rather than every weekday, new workout videos will be uploaded three times a week on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays to his official YouTube channel,

The Body Coach TV.

The primary PE activities  site below offers lots of ideas too

Primary PE ideas

There are some great ideas below including Football Skills you can do in the house; Cosmic Yoga; and Just Dance. Learning a dance routine is a great way to spend an afternoon. We already know some of our boys have some good moves. What about the girls?

More great exercise ideas including dance 



Personalised Learning on Classroom Secrets Kids

We have allocated some revision and consolidation programmes for Maths and English on Classroom Secrets Kids.

These are intended to run alongside the daily home learning materials which you will see posted on this website. Use the Reading programmes as a guided reading session each day.

Children should be able to use these materials independently. They do not require any printing. We have used our knowledge of the children’s learning and our Autumn assessments to decide which programme is most suitable for each child. Do the quiz then make sure you do the activities which will appear at the bottom (you will need to scroll down to see them). When doing the activities, ensure you press the forward arrow rather than scolling to the next slide – otherwise it won’t record your score.

All children have been allocated a programme for maths and a programme for reading. We believe this will help ensure that there are no gaps in their learning. Each section begins with a quiz – the programme then gives each child videos and tasks suitable for the the objectives. Challenges are given if children are already confident in this area of learning.

This is designed as a 12 week programme, but you can complete it quicker if you wish. Please do not feel you need to spend hours at a time on this. We would suggest a little and often approach – perhaps 20 minutes of independent learning at a time. The programme allows us to see how each child is progressing.

Mrs Bernasconi and Mrs Benson