Photography / ICT w/c 6th July

The year 6 “returners” have been using the Do-ink app to Green screen.

There are lots of app and free pieces of software which allow you to edit and alter film and photos. Why not try some of these photographic challenges.


A forced perspective – an example of one of the challenges.

RE Spirited Arts Competition

A few years ago Claverley School took part in this competition  run by NATRE ( – the subject teacher association for RE professionals.) This year  the theme is


Follow the link above to find out about  the competition. Your entries need to have reached them by 31st July



I know some of you have  enjoyed the French work that we have put on the website.

I have put a link for  school       from espresso if you would like to practise the vocabulary and learn about school life in France

Blue Class English w/c 6th July


This will be the last English assignment that we will be setting this term.This week we would like you to write about your lockdown experience. Use your diary as a starting point for some of your paragraphs.

Word  version of all the work for your lockdown experience.

Some of you may want to get involved in a  writing competition about your lockdown experience

Writing competition

Comprehension Monday

 Comprehension questions and vocabulary work


Reading w/c 6th July

We know lots of you have enjoyed the Tempest and learning about Shakespeare. BBC Bitesize Daily lessons has a some lovely videos and activities about Macbeth.

Using the play Macbeth you will learn how to summarise a character and use information from a text to write.

This lesson includes:

  • two videos of TV presenter Ore Oduba reading extracts from the book

  • three activities

Click here


Year 6 Maths w/c 6th July

This week we have not followed the White Rose maths for the week as you spent a lot of time doing angles and 2D shape with Mrs Deards. There are still some videos – just from a different place. We have also given you some power-points to look at if you feel you need a little extra support.



Powerpoint: Nets-of-3D-Shapes

Worksheet: Draw nets of 3D shapes

Answers: Draw nets of 3D shapes



Powerpoint: Circles


Answers: – Circles



Powerpoint: Read-and-Interpret-Pie-Charts

Worksheet: Read and interpret pie charts

Answers: – Read and interpret pie charts



Powerpoint: The-Mean

Worksheet:  The mean

Answers: – The mean


Hopefully, this is an arithmetic practice which you have not done before!

Arithmetic Paper

Geography w/c 29th June

Well done to all of you who are continuing with your topic and have managed to  visit a river . Have you worked out  at which stage of the river course was the river you visited?   Last week you focussed on how rivers are used.This week our focus is on pollution in rivers and its effect on the environment.

Watch the following PowerPoint  on  Investigating River Pollution .

You can EITHER   create a poster campaigning against river pollution. This could include not littering, appealing to factories and industrial sites, and including reasons why protecting rivers is so important OR  imagine that you have been asked to present a speech at a local environmental rally about river pollution. In your  speech you  must include details of river pollution at both local and global levels, why this pollution occurs and proposals for ensuring that river pollution is reduced.  Use persuasive and geographical vocabulary.


Year 5 Maths w/c 29th June

This week we are going to revise some place value work which we covered at the beginning of year 5 . Understanding place value is an essential building block for understanding work in year 6 .

Monday 29th June 

Today we are going to look at rounding. Remember it is the number after the one you are rounding to that counts. If it is 5 and above, you round up and if it is below 5 you round down.

Rounding Video

if you are struggling start with this start with the rounding to 10,100,1000 sheet


  worksheet rounding to 10, 100 and 1,000

answers  Rounding to 10, 100, 1000

If you are feeling more confident, go straight to rounding within  a 1,000


 Round numbers within 100,000 

Answers  Rounding numbers within 100,000

Tuesday 30th June

Today we are going to look at more rounding. if you only did the first sheet yesterday, then go onto the second sheet today. If you managed the second sheet, the try the rounding within a million today


Round numbers to one million 

 Round numbers to 1 million

Wednesday 1st July

Counting on in multiples of tens is another key skill in maths, and useful for calculating mentally.

There is no video but it is worth going through the teaching powerpoint


Counting in 10s, 100s, 1,000s, 10,000s and 100,000s

Answer Counting in 10s, 100s, 1,000s, 10,000s and 100,000

Thursday 2nd July

Roman numerals is an objective for year 5 but roman numerals questions may come up in SAts next year

Watch the Powerpoint as there is no video

PPT -Roman-Numerals

Worksheet Roman-numeral

Answer  Roman Numerals

Friday 3rd July

Hopefully your place value is really good now!

Today its time to do another arithmetic!


Remember there is also the Friday challenge on BBC BItesize daily lessons