Blue Class Geography Rivers

This term our geography  topic is Rivers. Over the  rest of the term we will be looking at the water cycle; the journey of a river; the rivers in the UK with a focus on the River Severn: how rivers are used; flooding; and comparison to a river in another country.

Week 1

This week we are looking at the water cycle.

Water on Earth

Planet Earth is covered in water.

There is water in oceans, rivers, lakes and streams.

There is water in the ground, inside plants, in our bodies and in the air we breathe.

There is always the same amount of water. It never goes away, but it changes from liquid, to gas (water vapour) or solid (ice), then back again.

It is recycled, day after day, year after year, century after century.

This is called the water cycle.

The above information came from espresso  – you may want to look at this simple explanation first. The water cycle

Our task today is to present an informative poster using the technical language of the Water Cycle.Below are lots of links and information. Watch them all and then think about how you are going to present your poster in a simple way. Will you need a glossary to explain the complicated words?

More water cycle

Investigating Rivers The water cycle

Practise explaining the water cycle to an adult first to check you really understand before you make your poster.



Make your own water cycle

you can also make it in a jar.

Year 6 maths Wednesday and Thursday and Friday


On Monday and Tuesday you focussed on reflection and translation. Some people find this easier than others and can see the coordinates straight away. However other people find this  harder. If you feel you need more consolidation, have a go at the questions below. Use Monday’s link for squared paper if you need any

Revision Co-ordinates

Alternatively for consolidation, you  can also look at Geometry review 4 of the pack we sent you home with .

If you feel confident then go to Oak Academy coordinates and shapes Day 4 to solve practical coordinate problems.which focus on missing coordinates. Attempt  the quiz first , then work through the video pausing it  when they ask you to work something out;  and then complete the independent task.

To solve practical coordinate problems


Our last day of coordinates.  I expect you’re experts by now. Some of you may want to attempt the last day of oak academy and work through their video pausing to try and answer questions;

To solve practical coordinate problems 2

Working through old SATs questions are a great way of seeing how  different questions are set out.

Cubes look at the questions below

Coordinates – Cubes- Questions

Cubes  Answers and Notes

Spheres and pyramids

Coordinates – circles and pyramids – Questions

Coordinates – circles- Answers and Notes


Well done nearly there … To finish the week, complete an arithmetic paper. You really should be aiming for full marks now as there is nothing in the sheet you cant do!

Arithmetic Paper 6



English: Wednesday , Thursday and Friday

Wednesday The Tempest

Today, I am very excited to introduce you to the Shakespeare play we will be studying for the next few weeks: The Tempest. It was written in 1610-1611 and is believed to be the last play Shakespeare wrote before retiring from the theatre. Like A Midsummer Night’s Dream, which some of you may remember, it is a romantic comedy. Tempest is another word for storm. I am hoping the year 6 children in school will be able to make a film of the play using the green screen.

Click on the link below and listen to the first part of the story

.Episode 1

Read the transcript alongside the video if you like  episode_01

Think about the questions below

1.How long have Prospero and Miranda been on the island?

2. How old is Miranda now?

3. Do we know who sent them to the island?

4. Do we know why?

5.What is a staff that Prospero carries?

6. What is Prospero wearing?

7. What do you think is in his leather bound book?

8. What is a sprite?

9. On the last line it says, “Never ever mess with wizards”. What clues are there that Prospero is a wizard?

10. The real play opens with a storm.Why do you think Shakespeare may have opened his play this way?

Now look at the adapted play script. It may be fun reading it with a parent or an older sibling


Read Act 1 up until Prospero says “I’ll teach you a lesson, Alonso! And you Antonio. Never ever mess with Wizards!”

The bosun is the ships’s officer in charge of the crew.

Now have a go at the following activity

Activity day 1


Thursday  The Tempest

Watch episode 2 of the story

Episode 2 video


Now read page 4 (may say page 5 on the online script) up until  Ariel says “Twelve years I’ve been doing this…. Sprites are meant to sprite around doing sprite stuff.”

Using the  PLAY SCRIPT and the video or transcript, answer the following questions in the comprehension below

comprehension Thursday

answers to  comprehension Thursday


Watch episode 3 of the Tempest

Episode 3

Read the transcript if you prefer.episode_03

Read the next two pages of the PLAY SCRIPT up to where Prospero says:

 Wizard is as wizard does. I’m going to check on Caliban.

You have now met almost all of the main characters. Go to page 4 and 5 of the    PUPIL PAMPHLET. Think of 3 words to describe each of the characters we have met already. You will learn some things about the characters from what they say, other people say about them and what they do.. Try to think of different words not all synonyms of the same word (words that mean the same)

 For Antonio you could put:  ruthless, scheming and greedy (for power).

Some characters will be easier than others as we know more about them.

SPELLINGS and quick PAG test   will be next week as you have had lots of English work this week with our new Shakespeare unit.

Science w/c 1 June

Our original curriculum plan for the summer term includes Life Cycles. The main objectives in this are:

  • understand the development and life cycles of different living things
  • be able to identify differences in the life cycles of a mammal, an amphibian, an insect and a bird

To start you off with this, look at the learning path on Espresso Discovery. Click here 

The log in for espresso was emailed to you with other log ins by Mrs Derrer some time ago. If you don’t have it, email me or Mrs Benson. It is a whole school log in so is the same one some of your siblings are using.

I will be posting more activities.

Blue English – Monday 1st June and Tuesday 2nd June

There is a Shakespeare theme to all our English learning this week – Mrs Benson will provide further updates….

I have separated the tasks for Monday and Tuesday, but you may wish to start the writing task on Tuesday after you have completed the comprehension then edit and create a Word, Publisher, Powerpoint or PicCollage version on Tuesday. 


We have a reading comprehension to begin the week This is available in a printable version or there is an online “mark as you go” version. There are differentiated versions of both. Read it carefully as you will need the information for tomorrow’s activity as well as to answer today’s comprehension.

Shakespeare Comprehension Online

Printable comprehensions

Comprehension-William-Shakespeare-Year 5

William-Shakespeare- Walliams (Mrs Wade’s Guided reading group)

Comprehension-William-Shakespeare-Year 6

William Shakespeare_ Alternative for year 6


Today we are going to practise the skill of summarising. The idea is to read a text and pull out the key facts. The tricky part is including the key points with losing the meaning and without rewriting the whole of the the original text.

You need to produce a fact file of the Life and works of William Shakespeare.

You should include:

  • headings and subheadings
  • bullet points
  • complete sentences

You could collect your information from this video: BBC Class Clip

(You can do your own research online – remember to ask permission and keep safe  if you do this).

You might also use the text you read on Monday. A key technique would be to highlight key points to include in your summary.

These posters may help you to remember how to use bullet points properly:

Punctuate Bullet Points Consistently Display Posters

This clip from the BBC might be useful but is very easy watching – just for fun! Watch it when you have completed your writing and are ready for a rest: CBBC



Year 6 Maths w/c 1.6.20

Welcome to a new half term. We have some changes as year 6 are now able to come into school. We are still providing guidance and materials online for those of you learning from home. These posts will give you the opportunity to study the same objectives as those year 6 who are in school – we may adapt materials and the way we learn for those in school as that is what we teachers do. (We assess and respond to you!)

This week we have a mixture of materials including some videos from Oak Academy rather than WhiteRose as we have been discussing the areas of Maths that you have covered so far this year and feel that Position and Direction including co-ordinates is a useful area for you to look at before you move on to secondary school.

Mrs Bernasconi


Video and online independent tasks

Worksheet:    Y6 Translations

Answers:  Y6 Translations

Powerpoint:      Y6 Translations

Blank squared paper  1cm squared paper

(You might find this useful as an explanation in addition to the video)

If you have forgotten some of the co-ordinates learning from year 4 and 5 (or you are just feeling a bit rusty) this video lesson should help you to revise and reactivate that knowledge: Co-ordinates in four quadrants


Video and online independent tasks

Worksheet: Y6 Autumn Block 4 WO4 Reflections 2019

Answers: Y6 Autumn Block 4 ANS4 Reflections 2019

Powerpoint: Y6 Autumn Block 4 PPT4 Reflections 2019

1cm squared paper



Year 5 Maths w/c 1.6.20

Year 5

This week we are taking our final look at fractions – multiplying fractions and finding a fraction of a number. Fractions are such an important part of the year 6 curriculum and if you are confident with the year 5 curriculum then you will find it much easier next year. Remember when you are marking, it is the ones that you get wrong that you need to look at again. If you are unsure, check with a parent, older sibling or contact Mrs Bernasconi or myself. Remember there are also worksheets / activities  to the same topic on BBC Bitesize for w/c 1st June


video links to weeks lessons

Lesson 1 – Multiply unit and non-unit fractions by integers

Lesson 1 Answers – Multiply unit and non-unit fractions by integers


Watch video link ( see Monday)

Lesson 2 – Multiply mixed numbers by integers

Lesson 2 Answers – Multiply mixed numbers by integers


Watch video link ( see Monday)

Lesson 3 – Fractions of an amount

Lesson 3 Answers – Fractions of an amount


Watch video link ( see Monday)

Lesson 4 – Fractions as operators

Lesson 4 Answers – Fractions as operators


Nearly there… To finish  the week , complete an arithmetic


Home Learning w/c 1st June

Welcome to the new half term!

Home learning may look a little different this week. Mrs Bernasconi and myself will both be teaching in Blue. Mrs Bernasconi will be in school on a Monday and Tuesday, and I will be teaching on a Wednesday and Thursday. Work will be set for everyone on a Friday. We are very excited to be welcoming those  year 6 returners into school and we hope there will be  lots of learning taking place  as well as lots of fun in spite of the social distancing.

Mrs Bernasconi will be setting the English for year 5 and 6, and Maths for year 6 for the days she works; I will be setting it for the following three days so you won’t be able to access a whole weeks work as before. Year 6,  your work will mirror the objectives  we are teaching in class – obviously being in school will be slightly different as you will have our input, and we will be on hand to help. Foundation subjects will also mirror what we are doing in class, and won’t all be set at the beginning of the week.

Keep up the hard work everyone. We look forward to hearing all your news and work updates.

Mrs Benson

Spellings and Other things


So here are the final spellings for this half term.  We are going to revisit the ‘doubling consonants when adding a suffix’ rule from a few weeks ago.  That is when adding -ing or  -ed   -er.

When you add a vowel suffix to a single syllable word that ends in one vowel followed by one consonant e.g. hop, swim, put, nod , you double the consonant. Examples of this would be swim – swimming  –  swimmer (double m)  or hop – hopping – hopped (double p)

Add the suffixes -ing and -ed to these words.  Be careful to consider whether each word is a single syllable that ends in one vowel followed by one consonant.  If it is, double the consonant before adding the suffix.  top – topping – topped   but  nest – nested – nesting (no double consonant here as there are 2 consonants at the end.  Take care because the rule does not apply to all these words.

rock   hop   hope   skip  skimp   jump    turn  run   step   fly    flap   tap   stamp

Some of you may prefer these spellings – out   shout   about   outing   flour  hour  house   mouse


Other things

I thought you might enjoy watching some of these clips and then challenging and puzzling your families.  I remember seeing the walk through paper trick when I had just started teaching and my class were amazed!  This one is my favourite so I have put it first.

The second clip shows a selection of tricks with paper you might like to have a go at over half term.





Lots of you have sent in pictures of your work and activities which has been lovely.  This week and over half term, collate some images and make a little collage.  That is a collection of images that are related in some way and arranged together attractively.  You could use photographs, drawings and newspaper or magazine cuttings or you could find and arrange actual items and photograph them (I would definitely include my trainers and the hair clippers in mine). Your images can be collated on powerpoint or word or emailed from an app.  If you have included objects, you may  find it easier to take a picture  and email it, that would be fine too.  Aim for A4 size but whatever size you choose, cover it in a good selection of images.  We would like the theme of your collage to be either –

a) Lockdown 2020

b) At home

Email your collage to us. If you are coming back to school, you could share your collage with everyone.  It will be interesting to see which images crop up in lots of the collages and who has some unique ideas.


More ideas …


Some of you have sent some super pictures of the texture pictures you have done. Why not try some optical illusions?

Optical illusions.


Allez – go to last weeks link from Espresso to revise some phrases.


Why not learn about trade and the economy? This is really interesting for you budding economists and business people, and is an area of geography that we planned to study.

Trade and economic activity

There is also a great way of finding about the world on Espresso.                           Explore the limits of outer space, plunge to the depths of the ocean and travel to the far-flung corners of our incredible world. Collect fun facts along the way and impress your family members

Make your world bigger


For those of you growing vegetables , you may be interested in Data logging

Data logging