
Year 5 have homework set on Classroom Secrets Kids again this week. There is maths and English.

The maths is in two parts – units of measurement.

The English is also in two parts. This focuses on modal verbs.

As usual, please try to at least start it over the weekend so that you can ask for help BEFORE it is due to be completed.

Year 6 – Mrs Benson has given you printed work / pages from your SATs revision  books.

Year 6 Homework Blue

Year 6 

Maths ( year 6)

This morning, in booster, the children learnt how to do long division. They have brought home some questions. They should start  with exercise B and can continue to exercise C if they wish to become really proficient. May I suggest they try some before Monday whilst it is still fresh in their mind, and  so they can ask for help  if they’re stuck. Long division always carry two marks and there are at least two in the arithmetic paper. The children did the 2019 SATs arithmetic test this morning and the majority attempted long division even though they had only learnt it this morning – well done year 6!

English comprehension ( year 6)

I have sent home part of a comprehension paper this morning. Most children ( apart from a few who are given an extra 5 minutes) have 20 minutes to complete the paper; this involves reading the text and answering the questions. For many of the children, the time constraint is what they find most difficult. I have suggested they work for 20 minutes and then draw a line if they haven’t finished. They should go onto complete the rest of the paper. In the past, we have found practising lots of comprehensions under timed conditions helps improve their speed.


Homelearning w/c 14th February

At the moment we are not aware of any children who are self isolating but well, so have just given a brief outline of learning for this week.  Please let us know if your children are isolating but well enough to learn at home.


In maths this week we will continue to look at converting units of measure.

We begin the week focusing on problems solving with metric units of measure (length, mass and capacity.

We will then move on to Imperial units of measure

WhiteRose Converting measure videos year 5

White Rose units of measure videos Year 6

Oak Academy Converting units of measure


We are continuing to look at biographies. We will be writing a biography of Martin Luther King.

This Oak academy would be a good alternative if you are unable to come to school but well enough to learn at home. Biography lessons


Our Forces topic continues this week with a practical look at Gears, Levers and pullies.

This Oak academy would be a good alternative if you are unable to come to school but well enough to learn at home: Gears levers and pullies

Computing and PSHE

These topics are linked this week.

We have been learning to use Forms on Office 365. We will learning more about communicating safely and respectfully online. We will then use Forms to create quizzes to rehearse and test each others knowledge and understanding.


Geography- our topic this half term is Global Trade

Oak Academy Globalisation

None of the Oak Academy units are exactly as we will be teaching in class but they do provide the children with some teaching in the videos and allow them to cover the same objectives as the children in school. They also do not require a printer and do not use up your data…

Homework Friday 11th February

Homework should be completed by Wednesday 16th February. As usual, please either Mrs Bernasconi or Mrs Benson know before then if you need help.

This week all of Blue have a Comprehension assigned on Classroom Secrets Kids. Classroomsecrets Kids This is a biography as we have been focusing on this type of text in English.

Year 5’s Maths homework is also on Classroom Secrets Kids – there should be two activities on Kilograms and Kilometres.Classroomsecrets Kids

Year 6 have two pages from their CPG books – p55 and p56. This revises conversion of units of measure.

These WhiteRose videos (which they provide for home learning) will help if Year 5 or 6 feel they need some support with their homework.

Homework Friday 4th February

 English Year 5 and 6 

Well done for completing the comprehension last week; I know it took some of you quite a long time but you will get faster with practice. I was impressed by your scores!

This week I have set an exercise on Classroom Secrets Kids on the  perfect tense which we have looked at in class this week. Watch the video tutorial that i have also assigned so you are really confident before tackling the exercise.

Maths Year 5 

Your homework is on Purple Mash and is an exercise on multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 which you focussed on earlier this week with Mrs Bernasconi. The exercise won’t register the answer if you get it wrong so try again.

Maths year 6 

Pages from your Maths CGP book focussing on multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100 and 1000, and dividing and multiplying using decimals.

Remember  all homework needs to be completed by Wednesday. It is a good idea to try before Tuesday in case you have any difficulties. 


English 2.2.22

Today we are starting a new English unit on biographies – it is titled The Undefeated and is based in the poem by Kwame Alexander .

Today we are looking at part of a biography on Jesse Owens – a famous athlete who was alive before the Second World War.

Read  Berlin Olympic1936 from  the resources and answer the questions.


Berlin Olympics version 1 comprehension

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Protected: Home Learning Tuesday 1st February – Maths

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