Mental Health Week

Good morning Blue Class,

Pinch and a punch – the first of the month! We are just embarking on week 5 of our Home Learning. We want to tell you how proud we are of you all and we understand that learning at home isn’t always easy particularly if your parents are trying to work as well. Some of you have told me that you feel isolated (cut off from your friends) and a bit lonely at times. That is totally normal in these strange circumstances. It is not just children that are struggling; I think most adults would also tell you that they have days when they feel fed up and it’s hard to get motivated.

This week is mental health week and this year it is particularly important  because of Lock down and lots of people are struggling emotionally. I know Mrs Derrer has put on some links and ideas for you to follow but I thought I would signpost you to some more things suitable for KS2. There are 5 short films on BBC Bitesize that explore  ways to help your mental well being: connect with others; be active; give to others; take notice; keep learning. We are going to watch one a day in school. Why don’t you try that at home?

The brain lab five short films

There are also some some Super Move Mood videos to help you get moving and help your mental well being. Scroll down to get down to the KS2 moves

Super Mood Movers

Try to keep positive and keep busy. The government are talking about schools  returning from 8th March and I am sure primary schools will be one of the first to go back. We are already in February and that’s a short month so not long. Mrs Bernasconi and myself are also determined to make our summer term a great one with memories we will be able to cherish.

I am looking forward to seeing most of you in a small guided reading group this week which will also allow us time to chat.

Have a good week

Mrs Benson




Monday 1st February – Musical Monday

Today is the start of mental health week- wear something to reflect your personality! Come to the Teams meetings or school in something you like to wear!

Why not treat today as Musical Monday and dance together. Here is a song your parents will know too – so you can have fun dancing as a family!

A message from the Duchess of Cambridge

The mental health assembly

Express Yourself – Primary Assembly

Mental Health Week


This week is children’s mental health week and the theme is ‘Express Yourself’. So, take the time to do some things you enjoy like: painting, listening to music, dancing, craft activities, cooking, riding your bike or anything else that you really enjoy. You can send me a picture and I will create a display for when you all return to school.

Here are a few things you might also like to do:

Listen to the story ‘Sadsville’ read by Basil Brush.

There are a few more ideas here

Things to do

Things you can do to relax

mindful moment

9 things to say to your anxious child

You might like to watch this story again ‘While We Can’t Hug’.

Rain Before Rainbows by Smriti Halls and David Litchfield is an uplifting story of hope, perfect for anxious small children who need a ray of joy in their bedtime stories and you can listen to the story here

Some of our children love learning about animals and it can be relaxing watching them! Take a look and see what goes on at Chester Zoo

Take some time to enjoy being together.

Bedford Borough Council: Mental Health Awareness Week

Young Voices

I know lots of you have missed practising the songs going  to Young Voices this year. However, there is a Young Voices at Home  which is live every Thursday at 11:00am. Sadly, we are unable to do this at school as singing is not allowed but why not practise the songs at home?

Young Voices at Home

Teams Chat


Dear All,

I hope you all had a lovely weekend and managed to have some fun in the beautiful snow- what a treat for lockdown.

Well done to all the children who managed to join the class meeting today via the link. I know some of you had problems as someone had accidentally deleted the link. Mrs Bernasconi has sorted that now by making the document unable to be edited.

The conversation facility  on Teams is intended to support learning or for those children struggling to access a meeting. It is NOT for children to add memes, gifs or silly messages. You have your own Whatsapp groups and X- box to talk to each privately. This is a learning platform and it is both frustrating and  disappointing to see inappropriate language and conversation. It  makes it more difficult for staff and children who are  trying to have a valuable learning conversation. I appreciate that this is just the small minority and most children are using the site appropriately.

I am looking forward to meeting with year 6 on  Teams on Thursday at 9:15am where I hope to revise multiplying fractions. I know some children struggled with multiplying 13 x 2 1/2  last week in school.  I would also like to teach you dividing by a fraction – the only thing left to learn on the arithmetic paper.

I look forward to seeing you then.

Mrs Benson

Recipe for a successful Lockdown

I thought some of you may enjoy reading Harriet’s original and clever poem  written in the style of a recipe.

Serves – the nation

A Recipe to Survive Lockdown By Harriet Haden

Preparation time – zero hours

Cooking time – 1or 2 years

Preheat your compassion, love and understanding to full.

Before you begin wash your hands thoroughly whilst singing ‘Happy Birthday’ twice and put on an apron and face mask.

Carefully weigh out equal amounts of volunteers, carers, NHS Staff and Scientists.

Roll out 2m of social distancing and apply worldwide. Add a large tablespoon of common sense,

Sieve in some exercise daily,

No ‘knead’ to travel far from home for this.

Crack a few politicians together and

Whisk up to create many safe support bubbles.

Mash up a teams meeting every day with your classmates and

Grate some face time calls to friends who are lonely over the top.

Scoop in as many ventilators as possible along with 2 litres of hand sanitiser

DO NOT whip up any panic shoppers or toilet roll hoarders and

Add a dash of care in the community to taste

Bang your saucepan with an wooden spoon loudly to celebrate NHS achievements

Boil up some fundraising and allow to simmer with Sir Captain Tom for 100 laps.

Decorate with vaccines for all and serve asap with a generous side order of hope.

Lockdown the cake in an airtight container as it will last a long time.

WARNING -Before serving check temperature and if it feels hot add paracetamol, keep at home and allow to rest.




Get cooking!

It was lovely to see and speak to year 5 this morning. 

I challenged you all to make a healthy lunch. Oliver has  made some delicious looking home made burgers for his family on Tuesday evening.

PE with Mr Jew and the East Shropshire Team

Here is the link for the PE lessons that Mr Jew and his team have put together. They are doing them each week and you will be able to see them all if you subscribe. Here is the link to them – enjoy! You can send in your pictures too!

Worship- Tuesday 19th January

Yesterday, we learnt about Martin Luther King Jn and how he had a dream to change the future. He wanted everybody to be treated equally and fairly. Today, I would like you to think about yourself and how special you are. What makes you unique and special? What makes you different to your friends? Is it your hair colour or your height? Is it the number of brothers and sisters? Your family structure?

Now think about what makes us all different?

We are all humans, people with feelings, hopes and dreams of our own. Watch this video about a happy dancing sheep who is full of beans and the love of life until things change. What messages can you learn from the story?

This video always makes me smile and some of you might have seen it before. The sheep learnt an important lesson thanks to the jackaloupe- what do you think the lesson was? There might be more than one!

I think the sheep learnt that it didn’t matter what he looked like. By dancing and being happy, he brought joy and happiness to his friends. he jackaloupe taught him to be proud of who he was and to be positive in this world of ups and downs.

Have a quiet think about times when you have felt down, sad or lost your confidence. What could you do to help you to ‘bounce back’ and put a smile on your face?

Dear God

Thank you for all the different skills and talents that you have given us.

Help us to make the best use of our skills and be determined to think that we can do good things

Help us to be the best person that we can be
