Winner of art competition

We are delighted to announce that Lilly Brown, Year 6, has won first prize in the Shrewsbury Bookfest  art competition. Her picture was selected from  over  600 contestants. It depicts a scene from the book Eagle Warrior by Gill Lewis, one of the books put forward to win the Book Award.

We are very proud of Lilly’s achievement.

Lilly is pictured with another piece that she produced last week – what an amazing and talented artist!

Here’s what she said about her competition entry.

‘I have a strong passion for acrylic painting. As my paint brush glides across the canvas, my troubles and worries disappear & I can truly express myself through painting. So, I decided I would love the chance to win, or at least come as a runner up in this competition. It was hard choosing a book to base my painting on. After I came to the conclusion I wanted to choose the book Eagle Warrior, I wanted to do the last part of the book – when the eagle flies off into the sunset. It took me about three hours to complete as I had to let multiple layers of paint dry and I had to sketch the eagle.’

Shrewsbury Bookfest

Good Morning

Don’t forget Shrewsbury Bookfest awards ceremony goes live this morning at 10:00am. Why not take a break from your learning and find out the winning book and the winners of the competitions?

I had trouble inserting the link so search for Shrewsbury Bookfest in your search engine



Well done everyone for getting back to your home learning and keeping in touch. You are combining the work which has been set along with a good variety of extra activities. I know that teachers have been looking at and uploading pictures and here are some which have been sent to me too – who do you recognise? The art work was produced by Oliver A. Keep going everyone!


welcome back

Hi Everyone

Welcome back to the Summer term. I am sorry we can’t all be together but fingers crossed we will before the end of the term.

We have included your new home learning in Blue homework. It is important that you try your best to do both the maths and English so you don’t fall behind during lockdown.

I am really excited to announce that the votes have been counted and  the winning book from Bookfest will be announced on Thursday . Also we will have an opportunity to see the winning films and winners of the art competition. Maybe we will have a winner from Blue Class?! Sadly, we cant have our awards morning in school but you could try to make it a special time at home, and even if we don’t have a winner I think it will be good entertainment. I enclose a copy of the email I received from one of the Bookfest organisers below:

As advised before ‘lockdown’, the Book Awards Ceremony event at Theatre Severn had to be cancelled and of course along with it the opportunity to live-stream the event to your classrooms. BUT …. we have been working behind the scenes ever since this situation was placed on us, to ensure that the Big Book Award project is brought to a proper and celebratory close for all the pupils and teachers to share.

So.  The VIRTUAL Book Awards Ceremony will be released on the Bookfest website on Thursday 23rd April.  This is a film version of the ceremony that we have produced and all that you, and your pupils and parents need to do is make your way to the Bookfest website – where the link to the film can be found on 23rd April

This film is a glorious celebration of all the work done by your pupils that was inspired by the six books on the Big Book Award shortlist for 2020 and has been carefully crafted by local filmmaker and good friend to Bookfest, Aaron Child from Painted Life Productions

Featured in the film (that lasts for approximately 40 minutes) will be the following: 

·  Poems written and performed by the performance poet, Sara-Jane Arbury.

·  Short readings and chat from all six shortlist authors on their work.

·  Winners of the Letter Writing, Film Trailer and Art Competitions.

·  An announcement of the winning book that pupils voted for as their favourite read from the shortlist.

We hope that you’re able to share this link with pupils via your internal communication channels in time for when this film event goes live on the Bookfest website on Thursday 23 April.  But don’t panic….the film will stay up on the website for a good few days (and weeks?!).

Prizes for all the competition winners will be delivered once schools reopen and we hope that Bookfest volunteers will have the chance to present these in person at your school assembly…We will make contact as soon as the ‘lockdown’ period is over.  The six shortlisted authors have also made it very clear that they’d love to hear from you and your pupils and that they’re desperately sad not to have had the opportunity to see you at Theatre Severn.

Keep well, happy and safe.

Kind regards,

Shrewsbury Bookfest School Coordinator
Have a great week back at  ‘home school’. We both love  hearing your news and seeing your pictures so continue to send in your e-mails.
Mrs Benson and Mrs Deards

Thank you!

I thought I would share a few pictures sent in from one of our key workers, Gracie and Drew’s mum. She works for the NHS and I know she has been on some very long shifts over the Easter holiday. These pictures show her along with some of her colleagues holding pictures which Gracie and Drew produced and sent in.

If your family is taking part in the clap for the NHS on Thursday nights, maybe we could all do an extra clap tonight for an amazing mum who is part of our Claverley community.

Well done to any of our other key workers too!