
Hello Everyone,

I’ve just seen that I have posted about the Meteor under ‘Blue Homework’.  Just to be clear, it’s not homework, just something I thought might interest some of you!

Whilst I’m here, do any of you like riddles?

Here are 3 to mull over (answers at the end – scroll down).

  1.  What has 2 arms but no hands, a neck but no head and a back but no legs?

2.  What is always coming but never arrives?

3.  What can be broken just by saying its name?


Does anyone know any more?  Email them to me because Daisy likes to try and catch me out.  I’d like to have a few of my own!

Its my wedding anniversary tomorrow and I am going to make a card this year as I can’t buy one.  I thought I might make some origami flowers to stick on.  Lots of you were really good at origami – do you remember the group that worked so hard to make the ‘decorative cube’?  It took ages but they did it in the end!  We had hearts  and stars and different types of boxes as well as Father Christmas and penguins galore! Perhaps you could look up online for some ideas to make an Easter card.  If you do, will you send some pictures of your creations?  You may find them helpful if you are making the spring garden from your homework tasks grid in your pack.

I’ve included some links but there are plenty more.  I’m using thread instead of craft wire so I can stick mine on a card.  Ask your parents before you follow these links please.



Keep smiling!

Mrs D x



a shirt

the future


Message from the Head

Hello to everyone and especially all the children!

Today we would have been breaking up for the Easter holiday with our Church service and PTA organised Easter egg hunt. Sadly, we are not spending this last day together and I have been searching but can’t find any eggs! So you are not missing out!

Your teachers and I have loved hearing from you all and finding out what you have been doing. We are very pleased that you are continuing to work hard from your new classrooms! I wonder if you have all shared a ‘Super Silver’ or even ‘Great to be Gold’ lunch together, if not, you could plan one next week. I would love to know if any of your parents have earned one!

I am adding some ideas for the holidays to this post. You don’t have to do them but you might like to choose a couple to try. I have seen lots of children going onto the site with an artist called Rob Biddulph and he shows you how to draw some amazing characters – it doesn’t matter if you are a fantastic artist or a beginner, you can have a go!

I hope you enjoy have some fun and enjoy the lovely weather.

Mrs Derrer

Activities for Half-Term (1)


Dear All,

Well, it is week 2 of Home learning. How are you all getting on? It is 1st April today . have any of you played any tricks on anyone yet? Remember it has to be before midday!

I am a little sad as today was going to be our poetry competition and I am really going to miss hearing  the polished finalists. It is lovely hearing the variety of poems and poets that you select to share with us.

To keep us in the poetry mode, I have set some work using Hamilton home learning resources on a poem by TS Eliot- a famous poet who was born in the 1888. The musical Cats, by Andrew Lloyd Webber, is based on TS Eliot’s poems about cats. I will put the work in the homework area

Mrs Deards and myself have really enjoyed hearing from some of you – please continue to e- mail  us.



Mrs B

End of first week

Good morning Blue Class

This is the end of the first week of home learning. How are you getting on? We have received some lovely e-mails  and pictures from  you and really enjoy hearing your news.; please keep them coming.  There has been some impressive cooking going on  and I feel there may be a lot of competition for Junior Masterchef this year!

Have many of you been joining in with Joe Wicks exercise at 9am? We also hope you have been able to get out for your daily exercise – keeping your distance from others , of course.

We will update your home learning next week.

Have a lovely weekend

Mrs B

Catching up

Good morning Blue class

How are you all? School seemed very empty without you yesterday . Well, you certainly have something to write about in your diary today – lockdown! That is something that has never happened to any of us before; it feels very strange. However , at least the sun is shining so we can all go out in the garden. I have been perfecting my table tennis skills with my daughter who is home from London.
I am happy to receive e-mails if you want to tell me what you have been up to. How is the home learning? Have you sorted a routine for yourselves?

Keep busy and healthy

Thinking of you all

Mrs B

Voting for Bookfest books

We are missing all our children who are  either self-isolating at home or too poorly to come to school. Our book  trailers are complete  and will be sent off this evening; I posted  the paintings this afternoon ; and now all we have to do is vote for our favourite books. If you were not in school today, please can you send me your votes for your favourite books by 3 o’clock  tomorrow. Remember if you read 3 books , you will have 3 votes and you can use them as you wish: all on on one book or share them out.  If you read all six books , you get 6 votes etc . Please can you ask your parents to e mail me with your votes – don’t  forget to give me the title of the books you are voting for.

Thank you Mrs B



World Book Day

We have used the books from the Bookfest and enjoyed creating our trailers which we will film next week.

Book Fair

Reading in Unusual Places Competition

Our children have been so inspired by the reading day and so many were reading outside during their lunch breaks that it gave us an idea. We would love photos of your child reading in an usual place! It could be taken anywhere that they have an opportunity to read. Send them in and there will be a prize for the most unusual place. Pictures to be in by Tuesday 11th February.

Following the success of the reading day, we have arranged for a book fair during the week beginning Monday 30th March. It is being delivered by ‘Travelling Books’ and you can see a lot of information on their website.

The World Book Day vouchers will be given out on World Book Day which is on Thursday 5th March. You can choose to purchase a free book from bookshops or save your token until the bookfair and use it for £1 off a book.

World Book Day – Thursday 5th March. We will be encouraging children to come as a favourite character and we might see some different ones from the Bookfest books!