Thank you

Thank you all for making my time at Claverley so wonderful.

I was quite overwhelmed by my beautiful cards, gift and messages on my last day at Claverley. Children, staff, parents and governors were so kind, supportive and generous.

I know the children in Blue class will continue to flourish and I am very confident that I will hear wonderful things about them from my friends at Claverley.

Blue Class – take care of Mrs Benson, Mrs Colin Stokes, Mrs Wade and Mrs Richardson. I know they will work hard and look after you brilliantly. Aim high and achieve your best as always. Keep encouraging and supporting each other.

Mrs Bernasconi

Maths homework

Maths homework for year 5 is assigned on Edshed. This is usually something we have learned about in class that week or the week before. This is support recall and retrieval of learning.

Year 6 are now being given their maths homework in their booster group sessions. This will usually be some pages from the CGP books which they have been given.

All children should continue to practise their mutliplication and division facts. Instant recall supports so much of the other maths in Year 5 and 6.

Tasks are set on Edshed to support this. The children also have log in for Timetable Rock Stars. They may wish to use other, more traditional methods, to practise or they may have other apps which they find useful.

Happy Christmas

Dear Parents,

Welcome to the end of a very busy autumn term.  All the staff working in Blue would like to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a healthy and happy new year.  Thank you for our wonderful and generous gifts and kind words in cards; they are very much appreciated. It is a pleasure working with your children of whom you should be very proud.

We look forward to welcoming them back on 4th January.


Mrs Benson, Mrs Bernasconi, Mrs Wade and Mrs Richardson

What’s happening week beginning- 11.12.23?

Monday- Mrs Edwards is in Green class all this week.

Christmas shop- organised and run by the PTA.

Tuesday- Red class performances at 1:30 (doors will not be open until 1:20pm) and 6:00pm (the doors will be open at 5:45pm). The performances last about 30 mins and you can take children home after the afternoon one (including siblings) or leave them in school until the end of the day.
Wednesday- Whole school Christmas dinner. Christmas jumpers can be worn today over usual school uniform on the lower half.

Thursday- KS1 performances at 1:30pm (doors open at 1:20pm). You can take children and siblings home after the performance if you wish.
Evening performance- doors open at 5:15pm and not before. Performance starts at 5:30pm.

Digital Leaders

Digital Leaders are children with a passion for technology who want to share their knowledge with others and promote the use of all things digital throughout the school. Being a Digital Leader is a fantastic opportunity to take on responsibility, learn new skills, develop and
demonstrate leadership skills.

Some Year 5 and some year 6 children from Blue class have been chosen to have this role this year.

Year 6

Lily, Iris and Jaxon

Year 5

Molly, Chloe and Eliza


We are looking forward to seeing them support the other children with the safe use of technology.

Friday 8th December – Christmas Jumper day

Children can wear a Christmas jumper on Friday 8th December. They will need to wear school wear PE kit on the lower half ready for the Santa Dash. Green and Yellow can also wear joggers and trainers ready for the Santa Dash too! Children can also bring a Santa hat to wear if they wish!

Santa Dash Anyone? - Breathing Matters - UCL Respiratory

New toys can be donated on the day and left in the entrance area ready for Garry to collect.

Blue visit to the National Space Centre

Blue Class have fully immersed themselves in their science today.

They were a pleasure to take to the National Space Centre. They enthused about the planetarium, exclaimed in the Rocket science show and engaged in the many interactive displays.

Thank you to the parent volunteers who came with us and the support of the PTA.

Blue class visit to National Space Centre

We are looking forward to our visit on Monday 4th December 2023 to the National Space Centre in Leicester.

We will be leaving school promptly at 8am and will return to school at approximately 5pm.

Children will need a packed lunch which should be clearly labelled and in a lightweight bag. the lunch have will be stored in a crate whilst we explore the centre. Please send a refillable bottle with your child so that we can keep them hydrated.

Children should wear school uniform. It is a only a short walk along a footpath from the coach area to the centre, so we will be leaving thick coats on the coach. School hoodies and trousers/ plain black joggers might be warmer than cardigans and skirts.

There is a shop at the centre – children should bring no more than £5 if they wish to buy a small souvenir. They will be responsible for their own money so should bring something to carry it in which can fit in a pocket. Please do not feel that you have to send your child with money.

This is a link to the website for those who would like to look where we are going.

Choir notice for Sunday -3.12.23

On Sunday, the choir can join Mrs Harper-Jones and Mrs Derrer at 5:50pm on the lychgate steps ready to sing a couple of carols before the lights go on. We will then sing about fours carols after the lights go on. Please be on hand to collect your child once we have finished but do let us know when you take your child – thank you.

We are really looking forward to getting in the festive spirit!