Arthog – Year 6

Some notes of the key points and answers to frequently asked questions have been sent by email today. Please check your in boxes!

Arthog Meeting reminder

Thank you for completing and returning the consent forms so promptly.

We will be having a parent meeting on Tuesday 20th September at 3:20pm when there will be opportunities to ask questions.

Mrs Bernasconi

On-line safety

Throughout the school year, we teach the children about keeping themselves safe online. However, technology is not just part of school life. The on-line world we all inhabit is one which changes constantly. As parents, we know how often our children change the apps, games and vocabulary they use. The websites and resources below are designed to help us as parents and teachers keep up-to-date and keep our young people safe.

We have resource links available on our School website but I have included some important links here as well.

Resources For Parents & Carers


We are now only a few weeks away from our Year 6 trip to Arthog. I know the children are looking forward to it. This year, it will be Mrs Colin-Stokes and me who will be accompanying the children. We are very much looking forward to it too.

A letter has been sent home today with a Consent_Form and a Kit_List.

Please not feel you need to buy lots of expensive things to take. Lots of old and/or cheap joggers, leggings, t-shirts socks etc are best as things get wet as even the best waterproofs do not stop you getting wet when you go into the water! The most important thing is that they have dry clothes that they can layer. The waterproofs, walking boots and rucksack that Arthog provide are good quality and keep us dry in even heavy rain.

Please sign and return the Consent_Form to school by Wednesday 14th September.  We need to collate the information and forward it to Arthog Outdoor Education Centre.

We will be having a parent meeting on Tuesday 20th September at 3:20pm when there will be opportunities to ask questions.

In the meantime, if you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Mrs Bernasconi

Year 6 shirt signing

As part of their last day, the Year 6 children really enjoy getting a shirt signed by all the other children and teachers. On Wednesday 20th July, children can bring a separate shirt to school to take to other classes for signing.





Year 6 children had a fabulous day at the Pioneer Centre today enjoying a variety of activities: inflatables, abseiling and zip wire, high ropes and team building games. The  children are incredibly encouraging and supportive of each other, and were a pleasure to take out.
Many thanks to the PTA for this wonderful end of year 6 treat.

Y5 Commonwealth Team day

With Year 6 out today, it was an opportunity for Year 5 to get together. Mrs Stalmans organised a Commonwealth team day. The children worked well in their groups – Mrs Stalmans was impressed with them!


End of the week

Our year 6 children finished their SATs yesterday. We are so proud of how hard they have worked, and we know each one of them has done their best. To celebrate, we had lunch at Pizza Hut – plenty was eaten by all!! As expected, their behaviour was impeccable and they were a pleasure to take out.

Year 5 have also worked hard this week and completed their assessments: we are also very  proud of their effort and achievement. They have adapted well around the year 6 SATs: being moved to different rooms and having a change in timetable.

We hope everyone has a restful and enjoyable weekend in the sunshine.

J. Benson and R. Bernasconi


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Science Year 5 and 6

This half term we have been learning about and comparing the life cycles of flowering and non flowering plants, birds, insects, reptiles and amphibians.

As part of this, We have dissected flowers, taken cuttings and collected spider plants “babies” from runners and planted them on. The children have been very enthusiastic!

Many of the children have been keen to tell us about the eggs which they hope will hatch at home; the tadpoles in ponds and even the lambs and puppies which have been born at home. I know lots of them have also developed keen gardening skills over the last two years (one positive thing to come out of the pandemic).

It would be lovely to share some photos of all these living things as they grow and develop. If you email them too me, we can share them.

Happy Easter

Mrs Bernasconi