Year 6 end of year trip to Pioneer

Yesterday the year 6 children went to the Pioneer Activity  Centre for the day as their end of year treat, and what a fabulous day we had.

The children’s behaviour was exemplary and the leaders commented on how encouraging of each other they were- it’s great to think that they live out our school motto wherever they are.

This treat was funded by the PTA – a massive thank you to them.

From Blue Class

Swimming lessons.

An e-mail has been sent out explaining the unfortunate cancellation of the planned swimming lessons today. The children were disappointed not to be going swimming but were pleased to know their missed lessons well be re-scheduled. As there will be no swimming next week either, we will have PE on our ‘usual’ Monday afternoon slot so children should come in their PE kits please. We will then have Science on Tuesday afternoon.

A letter has been sent home with children today regarding RSE, PSHE and Science. If reply slips could be returned by Monday 10th I would be grateful.

Mrs Colin-Stokes

Blue Class PE and swimming

Swimming starts tomorrow (4th June) for 5 weeks until and including 2nd July. Children are welcome to come in PE kit or normal uniform as obviously they will change at the leisure centre. Swimming replaces our usual ‘Monday PE’ slot for the next few weeks therefore children need not come in PE kits on Mondays until 8th July when we will resume PE on Monday afternoons.

Mrs Colin-Stokes

Field trip to Danford Brook

This afternoon Blue class visited our local brook  as part of our topic on rivers. We measured the width, depth and speed of the river. We discovered that  where the stream was narrower,  the water was deeper and the stream was flowing faster.

Lots of fun was had – particularly when we raced the ducks along the brook! Whilst no one fell in, there were a few wet feet!

Using OS maps back at school we found out brook flowed into the River Wolfe which then flowed into the River Severn just above Bridgnorth.

Well done year 6


We are incredibly proud of our year 6 pupils who have worked very hard in prepararation for their SATs. They have given their absolute BEST this week and taken the tests in their stride.

To celebrate the end of SATs week,  the children and  year 6 staff went to Pizza Hut for lunch. We were joined by some parents, and fun was had by all. Plenty of pizza, salad, fizzy drinks and ice cream was consumed!! As always, our children were a credit to our school.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Mrs Benson and Mrs Colin-Stokes

Blue Class spellings – set 13/5

New spellings were set today but only for Year 5 to learn this week as Year 6 have more than enough to focus on with their SATs this week. Therefore, next Monday (20th) Year 5 will have a spelling test but Year 6 will not. Year 5 Maths homework will be set, as usual, this week and is due in next Tuesday (21st).

Mrs Colin-Stokes


Everyday Heroes

This half term Green class are looking at ‘Everyday Heroes’. We will be focusing on our local community and those that help us in our everyday lives.
We would love to invite you into school to talk to our children about your profession/role in our community, at a time that would be convenient, to give children the opportunity to ask questions to acquire knowledge about the various roles and responsibilities in our community and how they all help us. It doesn’t have to stop there, we would also love to welcome Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, family members if you know of anyone who would like to pay us a visit. We aim to celebrate diversity in the world of work and how all roles are equally as important.
If you would be interested in coming in to speak to us then please drop us an email or pop in and speak to a member of staff.

The Green Team

Year 5 Maths homework

Year 5 Maths homework will now be set on Tuesdays and will due in the following Tuesday. It will continue to be set on the Maths section of EdShed for the majority of children who this is working well for. Some children, who were having difficulties on line, have requested paper copies which they have been given. The change of day is because my working days are at the start of the week and means I can give out and collect the homework.

Mrs Colin-Stokes

Shropshire Star

Dear Parents and Carers,

This is a polite reminder that a photographer from the ‘Shropshire Star’ newspaper will be joining us to capture the children’s ‘TEACHREX’ experience on Monday 18th March 2024. Photographs will be included as part of a feature in the newspaper.

Please be rest assured that children who do not have consent to appear on the school website will respectfully not be included in any of the photographer’s photographs and therefore, will not feature in the newspaper.

Please could we ask that you speak to a member of staff if you DO NOT wish for your child to be included in any individual/small group/large group photograph that could potentially be used as part of the feature in the newspaper. Otherwise, it will be assumed that you give your full consent for your child to have their photograph taken and to appear in the newspaper.

We are sure that a number of photographs will be taken throughout the morning, so we will not know ourselves which photos will be ultimately be selected to appear in the newspaper and which children will feature.

Many thanks for your continued support


Laura Aguayo