Reading w/c 6th July

We know lots of you have enjoyed the Tempest and learning about Shakespeare. BBC Bitesize Daily lessons has a some lovely videos and activities about Macbeth.

Using the play Macbeth you will learn how to summarise a character and use information from a text to write.

This lesson includes:

  • two videos of TV presenter Ore Oduba reading extracts from the book

  • three activities

Click here


Year 6 Maths w/c 6th July

This week we have not followed the White Rose maths for the week as you spent a lot of time doing angles and 2D shape with Mrs Deards. There are still some videos – just from a different place. We have also given you some power-points to look at if you feel you need a little extra support.



Powerpoint: Nets-of-3D-Shapes

Worksheet: Draw nets of 3D shapes

Answers: Draw nets of 3D shapes



Powerpoint: Circles


Answers: – Circles



Powerpoint: Read-and-Interpret-Pie-Charts

Worksheet: Read and interpret pie charts

Answers: – Read and interpret pie charts



Powerpoint: The-Mean

Worksheet:  The mean

Answers: – The mean


Hopefully, this is an arithmetic practice which you have not done before!

Arithmetic Paper

Purple Mash

As the weeks pass, we know lots of you are finding home learning harder. It is also  more difficult for us to be sure we are providing the right level of work for you when it is so long since we have seen many of you. We have been reviewing the different technological approaches to home learning used by schools around the county and different parts of the country. We have also listened to feedback from the families within our own school community. Access to devices, internet connection and printers varies from family to family and school to school; however, we would like to increase the opportunities for our Claverley children to interact with their school community.

Purple mash should provide a way for the children to communicate and share photos, voice messages and videos safely. Individual usernames and passwords have been sent out. It will continue to be useful in the new school year even if (as we hope) we are all together in school once more.

I have made a short screen-cast video to provide a short introduction to using Purple Mash. Enjoy!




Mrs Bernasconi


Dear Blue Class,

We hope you are all well and enjoyed the hot weather last week. Pictures of some of you in your pools made us very jealous! The year 6 returners are in school, and we have been busy casting for our own film of The Tempest- can we manage to learn the script and film it in two weeks?! Freya spotted a great version of The Tempest on Cbeebies ; it uses some Shakespearean language but is very entertaining especially as most of you know the story so well now. The new Alex Rider series is also out on Prime. It is targeted at over tens and teenagers, but my husband and I have been enjoying the series. Some of ‘the returners’ have been watching it at home.

We understand that home learning is getting really tough especially as lots of your parents are also busy trying to work from home too. Try to complete at least the first side of the maths sheet to keep your skills sharp, and keep up to date with the English. We have put some foundation subjects on line over the past two weeks for you to work on but understand that some of you are pursuing  your own projects.

We are very excited that it is possible to welcome our year 5 ( soon to be year 6)  back in small groups in the last week of term We cant wait to see you all.

Our  year 6 leavers are going to be invited into school  on the afternoon of Thursday 8th July for a socially distanced picnic lunch  and leavers’ service. We hope most of you will be able to make it as we want to be able to say a proper goodbye. Can you all be thinking of your memories of school as we would like to share them just as we do in church. What is your earliest / most treasured/ funniest/ happiest memory? Think of two memories that you could share with everyone.

I hope you have all been reading during Lockdown; it’s a great form of escape. Mrs Langley always has great recommendations for me; have you read books you could recommend to each other? Many  of you still have our Bookfest books which you were reading when Lockdown happened. Please could you return them to school  – either when you come in or leave them in the school entrance during school hours.

Don’t forget to keep  in touch!

Take care everyone .

Mrs Benson and Mrs Bernasconi





Geography w/c 29th June

Well done to all of you who are continuing with your topic and have managed to  visit a river . Have you worked out  at which stage of the river course was the river you visited?   Last week you focussed on how rivers are used.This week our focus is on pollution in rivers and its effect on the environment.

Watch the following PowerPoint  on  Investigating River Pollution .

You can EITHER   create a poster campaigning against river pollution. This could include not littering, appealing to factories and industrial sites, and including reasons why protecting rivers is so important OR  imagine that you have been asked to present a speech at a local environmental rally about river pollution. In your  speech you  must include details of river pollution at both local and global levels, why this pollution occurs and proposals for ensuring that river pollution is reduced.  Use persuasive and geographical vocabulary.


Year 5 Maths w/c 29th June

This week we are going to revise some place value work which we covered at the beginning of year 5 . Understanding place value is an essential building block for understanding work in year 6 .

Monday 29th June 

Today we are going to look at rounding. Remember it is the number after the one you are rounding to that counts. If it is 5 and above, you round up and if it is below 5 you round down.

Rounding Video

if you are struggling start with this start with the rounding to 10,100,1000 sheet


  worksheet rounding to 10, 100 and 1,000

answers  Rounding to 10, 100, 1000

If you are feeling more confident, go straight to rounding within  a 1,000


 Round numbers within 100,000 

Answers  Rounding numbers within 100,000

Tuesday 30th June

Today we are going to look at more rounding. if you only did the first sheet yesterday, then go onto the second sheet today. If you managed the second sheet, the try the rounding within a million today


Round numbers to one million 

 Round numbers to 1 million

Wednesday 1st July

Counting on in multiples of tens is another key skill in maths, and useful for calculating mentally.

There is no video but it is worth going through the teaching powerpoint


Counting in 10s, 100s, 1,000s, 10,000s and 100,000s

Answer Counting in 10s, 100s, 1,000s, 10,000s and 100,000

Thursday 2nd July

Roman numerals is an objective for year 5 but roman numerals questions may come up in SAts next year

Watch the Powerpoint as there is no video

PPT -Roman-Numerals

Worksheet Roman-numeral

Answer  Roman Numerals

Friday 3rd July

Hopefully your place value is really good now!

Today its time to do another arithmetic!


Remember there is also the Friday challenge on BBC BItesize daily lessons








Science and STEM w/c 29 June

This week I have found a practical STEM activity for you: making a water wheel.


This prompts us to think about where our energy comes from.

How do we produce energy?

How about trying this Solar kettle activity? (You will need some sunshine this one!)


Don’t forget the Computing activities  which I posted before. These scratch activities should last you a few weeks.


Year 6 Maths w/c 29 June



Worksheet:  Lesson 1 – Introducing the ratio symbol

Lesson 1 Answers – Introducing the ratio symbol



Worksheet: Lesson 2 – Calculating ratio

Lesson 2 Answers – Calculating ratio



Worksheet: Lesson 3 – Using scale factors

Lesson 3 Answers – Using scale factors



Worksheet: Lesson 4 – Ratio and proportion problems

Lesson 4 Answers – Ratio and proportion problems


How did you find the “pulling it all together” questions last week?

This week, we are back to practising arithmetic skills on Friday:

Arithmetic Paper 3


Blue Class English w/c 29th June

This week we are continuing with the Game and you will be planning and  writing your own story. The work is all in the booklet and the individual days are marked.

The Game week 2

Monday 29th June  -plan

Tuesday 30th  June – write the first two/three paragraphs.

Wednesday 1st July – finish your story.

Thursday 2nd July – edit story ( this wont take long).


Year 5 English Grammar and Punctuation Test 4

Year 6 English Grammar and Punctuation Test 4

If you are struggling with any aspects of the text, look on espresso as there are lots of videos on all aspects of grammar and punctuation.

Friday 3rd July

Today we have some reading comprehension for you. There are also some questions about vocabulary and SPAG included in these packs.


Walliams – you might like to try this one:



Geography w/c 22.6.20


Thank you for those of you who sent us  your research about the River Severn. It is great to find out something about your local river; I learnt some new facts from your work. I know some of you have also been on a visit to a river as part of this topic with your family.

This week we are looking at Why Rivers are important/ how they are used. Watch the PowerPoint

Investigating Rivers  – why Rivers are important. 

More information about uses of rivers

Pick 3 of the areas that you are interested in and write some information about how rivers are used; it would be great to use some extra information of your own.

I enclose a sheet that you may want to work on but it may be easier using lined paper.

Investigating Rivers