PSHE w/c 22.6.20

I expect lots of you are hearing on the news about Black Lives Matter.

UKS2 Black Lives Matter Protests Daily News Story

Racism may be something you want to talk and discuss with your parents.

what is racism

As it is black history month, I thought some of you may like to find out about some famous black people both from the past and from the present.

 Black History Month – celebrating black individuals


French w/c 22.6.20

I know some of you are enjoying keeping up to date with your French. I enclose a link about the family . Watch the videos and have a go at the exercises.

En Famille

Friday News

Another week draws to a close and we know that it is getting harder to keep motivated especially for our home learners. We are looking into ways to keep everyone going over these last few weeks of the summer term. Mrs Bernasconi has been teaching us how to record ourselves and information on a screen at the same time. Mrs Benson has recorded something for Blue Class to watch! Hopefully, we will be able to use Purple Mash to record more video clips for you over the coming weeks. I’m not sure that we are going to become TV presenters any time soon but we are trying to upskill ourselves and are having a go!

We had a nice surprise this week when a package was delivered from the Shropshire Bookfest organisers and it was the prize for Lilly. They had her winning picture framed along with a pencil set and a cash prize. Well done Lilly!

I hope you have a nice weekend whatever the weather!

Dear God,
Thank you for giving us to each other for friendship and support,
To share with and enjoy each other’s company.
May we always value each other
And always look for opportunities to improve the lives of those around us.

Year 5 and 6 English w/c 22.6.20

Over the next 2 weeks our work is based on a Talk for Writing Unit that has been written for Lockdown. It follows  a very similar build up to writing that we do in school: looking at an example and analysing a type of writing; incorporating the grammar work that is needed for the final piece.; practising the sentence structures to embed the patterns; planning the writing; writing the final piece; and editing it 

Read the introduction to the work  booklet and I have put a heading with a date at the top of the page  to show what work is assigned for each day.

The Game week 1 work booklet

Jumanji is a book by Chris Van Allsburg that was written in 1981.  It is the book that the 1995 and 2016 film of Jumanji was based on .If you would like to read Jumanji  the story/ hear it read aloud by Robin Williams, the actor in the 1995 version click the link below. It’s a fabulous recording.



Science w/c 22nd June

I received some fantastic micro-climate data gathering work this week. Well done!

The first week I put the link to Espresso’s learning path for the learning objectives we had planned for this term. You might still be working on this.

If not, take a look at these BBC bitesize videos and activities:

Life Cycles in Animals and Humans


Year 6 Maths w/c 22 June

Hello everyone! This week we are learning about perimeter, area and volume. If you find the last couple of questions on the worksheets tricky, don’t worry. The first half is the core knowledge; the last part can be quite challenging. Mrs Benson noted last week that the last few questions on the miles/kilometre conversions on the second half were very challenging.

Monday 22.6.20


Worksheet:  Area and perimeter

Answers:  Answers – Area and perimeter

Extra worksheet:Year-6-HL-Area-and-Perimeter

Alternative videos and answers for extra worksheets:Year-6-HL-Area-and-Perimeter-Parent-Guidance-and-Answers

Tuesday 23.6.20


Worksheet:  Area of a triangle

Answers: Area of a triangle

Wednesday 24.6.20


Worksheet: Area of a parallelogram

Answers: Area of a parallelogram



Worksheet: Volume of a cuboid

Answers:  Volume of a cuboid


As an alternative to Friday arithmetic I have given you a couple of options for doing some extra practice on perimeter, area and volume. You are NOT expected to do all of these sheets.

Extra practice (area and perimeter):

Year-6–Perimeter-Area-and-Volume- Pulling it all together

Year-6-Volume-of-a-Cuboid_ An investigation and a game

Don’t forget that BBC Bitesize also has a Friday challenge.

Reading Comprehension w/c 22 June

Bitesize Daily Book Club:

A Pocketful Of Stars by Aisha Bushby

LO: learn how to investigate a text, compare extracts and to write from a character’s perspective

Lesson link

Year 5 Maths w/c 22nd June

This week we are learning about reading tables on Monday and Tuesday. On Wednesday and Thursday we are looking at multiplying and dividing by .10,100 and 1,000. Sometimes the second side of the sheet in White Rose Maths is quite challenging and it can be quite a jump so if you’re finding these sheets difficult please don’t worry.


Today we are looking at reading tables.

Watch  the video  

Worksheet -Read and interpret tables

Answers – Read and interpret tables


Today we are looking at two way tables

watch the video

Worksheet – Two way tables

Lesson 2 Answers – Two way tables


Now we are focussing on multiplying decimals by 10,100,1000. This skill is very important for place value and  when converting units of measure

Watch video

Lesson 3 – Multiplying decimals by 10 100 and 1000

Lesson 3 Answers – Multiplying decimals by 10 100 and 1000


Today we are focussing on multiplying decimals by 10,100,1000. This skill is very important for place value and  when converting units of measure.

Watch video

Worksheet- Dividing decimals by 10 100 and 1000

 Answers -Dividing decimals by 10 100 and 1000



Have  a go at the BBC Bitesize Friday challenge. Remember this does not come out until the actual day. If you didn’t do last weeks challenge, here it is  challenge.

Work through the challenges, remember you should be able to do up to number 5 or 6





Maths Blue Year 6 Wednesday, Thursday, Friday


Today we are looking at converting between metric measures. This is an important skill for life and is a key part of the year 6 curriculum. This is revision and it is important that you know all these conversions.

video links for this week

Video converting  metric measures

Worksheet Convert-metric-measures



Today we are looking at converting between miles and km. Whilst we use miles in the UK, in Europe they calculate distance in Kilometres. This is the only conversion between imperial and metric measure they expect you to KNOW in year 6 

5 miles = 8 kilometres

Again, this is revision  for year 6 so you should be confident converting betteen miles and km

video links for the week 

video miles to km

Worksheet Miles-and-kilometres



Attempt the Friday challenge on BBC Bitesize. It does not appear until Friday. If you didn’t do last weeks, have a go at it  this week.

Friday challenge from 12th June

Full arithmetic below

Arithmetic Paper 4