Red and Blue Computing

Programming with Scratch

These resources are suitable for both Red and Blue class. They are from the people at Amazing ICT. They support the teachers in Shropshire and Telford.

Home Teaching – Key Stage 2

The Home Teaching resources on the first page have lots of projects and resources to support you as you build your skills. They have online support provided, but you must have a grown up with you if you use this part. ( You can always email me for support instead if that isn’t possible!) .

There are two “pathways” to choose. You might want to start on pathway 2 if you can remember the scratch programming you have done with me in school or you remember finding it easy and interesting. You can choose – those of you in Year 6 have done quite a bit of scratch programming with me in the past, but then Year 4 and 5 did really well with this last year too and Year 3 also made a great start this year.

Scratch is free and can now run on iPads as well as on windows laptops.

Scratch Website



I’d love to see your projects. If you complete them and save them on you can send me a link.


News update

Dear Blue Class,

I hope you are all well; it seems SUCH a long time since I saw many of you. Mrs Bernasconi and myself are posting a variety of work on the website. I know it’s hard finding the motivation to get  going when you’re on your own at home but it is SO important to do some maths and English each day. We are always here to help if you need us. Thank you to all of you who are still sending us back your writing and photos of life at home.

It was wonderful last week to welcome some of our year 6 back into the classroom. It was a little strange having so few of us in our usually packed room. However, this didn’t stop us having  lots of fun and laughter whilst completing lots of work! I know some more of you are planning to return soon – we cant wait to see you.

I am well. Over the past few weeks my garden has come into bloom and  my vegetables have started to grow (except for the beetroot and broccoli which has been eaten by pigeons!). It was very exciting  when the announcement came that we could welcome visitors in the garden,but not very practical as it rained most of the weekend. Have you managed to see some family and friends – albeit at a distance? I am still doing lots of walks with my little dog, Ruby, and it has been more fun now we can walk with one other friend. Ruby has enjoyed it too!

My daughter and her boyfriend, who have been staying with us since before lockdown, are finally returning to their tiny London  flat with no garden. Although they will be still be working from home, they at least can go and sit in parks now and meet friends outside. We will miss them as we have been playing lots of games and taking part in table tennis tournaments. As you know, I am not very competitive so winning doesn’t matter to me!!Do you really believe that?

Mrs Deards has texted to ask how you are getting on;she was very sad not to be able to say goodbye to you in person. Did you read the poem she wrote to you? The children in year 6 were trying to work out who she was referring to on each line of the poem. Did you find yourself?

Thinking of you all. Keep safe.

Mrs Benson.








English Blue Class Wednesday 10th – Friday 12th June


Day 4 The Tempest
I hope you have enjoyed immersing yourself in the world of Shakespeare, and imagined visiting the Globe to watch a play. It is now time to return to Shakespeare’s play: The Tempest. If you want to recap on the last 3 episodes, watch these before watching episode 4

Watch episode 4 of the Tempest

Episode 4

episode_04 transcript

Read the transcript of the episode if it helps you.

Antonio really is up to his tricks again: scheming to get Sebastian to murder his own brother, Alonso, so he can become King of Naples. They do not realise that the King’s son, Ferdinand, is alive on the other side of the island. Is Sebastian tempted?

Now watch episode 5

Episode 5

Read the transcript of the episode if it helps you.


At the end of this scene, you are introduced to the comedy duo: Sebastian and Trinculo; and one of Prospero’s servants: Caliban – half man/ half fish. These fellows are also up to no good. Do you think they will  overcome Prospero?

Wednesday Task

Imagine you are Sebastian; write the account of the story so far from your point of view. Explain how you are tempted by Antonio’s plan. You have seen how Antonio succeeded in getting rid of his brother Prospero. Could you do the same? Explain how you tricked your brother when he woke up pretending you were defending him from lions. This will only need to be about 2 paragraphs. However, really get ‘under the skin’ of Sebastian. Imagine what it’s like to be thoroughly unpleasant!

For more ideas – read Act 11 of your script from Alonso “I’m so sleepy,” …. to the end of the scene. STOP at Act 11 the Beach.


We are really enjoying reading the play in school get some of your family to read it/ act it out with you.

Day 4 The Tempest word document


Thursday 11th June

Day 5 The Tempest

Today watch episode 6 of the Tempest

Episode 6

Read the transcript from as well if you find it easier.


In this scene, Miranda falls in love with Ferdinand- the King of Naples’ son- with a little help from Prospero’s magic dust. It is all part of Prospero’s magnificent plan.

Thursday task
Today I want you to imagine that you are Miranda. Write a diary from Miranda’s viewpoint. Remember it’s been a very busy night and day. Firstly, Miranda finds out her father has caused a storm and caused a ship wreck; then Prospero tells her how they arrived on the island and all about how his own brother, Antonio, wanted them dead. Finally, she meets Ferdinand, the first young man of her own age that she has ever encountered, and falls in love with him. It’s certainly been quite a busy 24 hours!
How does Miranda feel? She thought she had always lived on the island but now she realises her father was once the Duke of Milan and they were sent to sea in a boat hoping they would drown. Miranda knows her father wants revenge on her uncle and the King of Naples. Is she the sort of person who would want revenge? How does she feel about Ferdinand? She is obviously ‘head over heels’ in love. Ferdinand will one day be the King of Naples. I wonder if Miranda has dreams about returning to Italy and becoming queen?

• Make sure you break your work into clear paragraphs depicting the different parts of the story.
• Write in the first person.
• Include feelings.
• Use parenthesis (commas, dashes or brackets) when you are explaining who the characters are.
• How will your diary end?

Day 5 Thursday The Tempest a word document


It is time to practise your spag skills

Year 6 English Grammar and Punctuation Test 2

Year 5 English Grammar and Punctuation Test 2

Have you tried the BBC Bitesize reading lesson each week? It is read by a famous person. and they all focus on different  comprehension skills. I am selecting the lesson from 1st May called the London Eye Mystery by Siobhan Dowd; it is the same lesson for year 5 and year 6. If you know you ae a struggling reader, look at year 4 reading challenge each week from BBC Bitesize.

The London Eye Mystery year 5 and 6 








Year 6 Maths Wednesday 10th June – Friday 12th June

We are going to continue our work on Algebra for the next 2 days .


Today we are going to look at substitution

Algebra video links for next two days or go to white rose week 7

Or watch the video link for day 3 substitution below



Lesson-3-Substitution worksheet


If you want more of a challenge look at these reasoning and problem solving.they are 3 different levels

Year-6-reasoning and problem solving

If you feel you need  more consolidation, watch the powerpoint.


Now practise the fluency questions. there are 3 different levels.

Year-6-Substitution more practice


Today we are looking at solving one step equations

Algebra video links

Look at day 4 one step equations or go to White Rose week 7 day 4 or watch below!





If you need more of a challenge. Have a go at these reasoning and problem solving questions.

Year-6 reasoning and problem solving one step equations

If you want more consolidation watch the powerpoint


Here’ s some more fluency questions. Remember there are 3 different levels.

Year 6 one step equations fluency


Arithmetic Paper 5

Why not have a go at the BBC Bitesize challenge every Friday? They don’t upload it until the actual day. Here’s last week’s challenge if you didn’t do it.

BBC Bitesize Friday challenge 5th June


English Monday 8th June and Tuesday 9th June

Over the next two days we are going to begin explore the world of Theatre from the time that Shakespeare wrote his plays.


To begin with, you need to watch, listen, read and make notes. Immerse yourself in the world of Shakespeare and theatre and imagine what it would like to travel in time and visit the original Globe to watch a play by Shakespeare in the time of Elizabeth I

The Globe Theatre in London is a reconstruction of the original Globe Theatre which Shakespeare helped to build.

Virtual Tour: Globe Theatre 

Videos bbc teach: What was the theatre like in Shakespeare’s time?

Shakespeare’s World

Fact Sheets: First Globe Theatre- Fact Sheet                   Audiences

Quick Comprehension: Questions – How much have you learnt about the Globe

Extra information – some of you might like to read more about theatre and what London was like in Shakespeare’s day: Playhouses- Factsheet      London- Factsheet

These are links to the reconstruction o the Globe in London today:

Globe Theatre playground                  Globe Theatre today

Write: Diary and Description

Imagine you have been to the original Globe to watch a play by Shakepeare in the time of Elizabeth I or James VI . Perhaps you have been to see Macbeth, Midsummer Night’s Dream or the Tempest. (These have all been performed in school in the last five years..).

Write a diary entry of your visit. You should include your feelings about the building and the play you have seen.

You should include some facts about your visit.:

  • What did the theatre look like?
  • Where did you sit?
  • Did you have to stand?
  • What did you pay?
  • Was it comfortable?
  • What did it smell like?
  • Was it quiet or noisy?

Remember to write:

  • in the first person (I was surprised)
  • in the past tense
  • in paragraphs

Printable version of these lessons:Blue English _ Globe

Fun extras:

Make a model of Globe    globe model or Make-Your-Own-Globe-Theatre-

Michael Rosen Video: What’s so special about Shakespeare?


Reading Comprehension Blue w/c 8th June 2020

The reading sessions from BBC Bitesize focus on a range of year 5 and 6 comprehension skills.


Tell Me No Lies by Malorie Blackman

LO: inference skills about characterisation and writing in the style of an author

Lesson link


Science w/c 8.6.20

This week we have some activities which give you an opportunity to work scientifically. There are objectives in the science curriculum which require scientific skills rather than facts.

Working Scientifically:

  • plan different types of scientific enquiries to answer questions, including recognising and controlling variables where necessary
  • take measurements, using a range of scientific equipment, with increasing accuracy and precision, taking repeat readings when appropriate
  • record data and results of increasing complexity using scientific diagrams and labels, classification keys, tables, scatter graphs, bar and line graphs

These activities encourage you to think about the different micro-climates that you can find in your own garden: lesson-activity_measuring-microclimates   Some parts of my garden get no sun but others have sun for most of the day. In some parts only certain plants grow well. In others parts I can grow anything. I wonder why this is?

  1. Choose three of four different places in your garden. You should think which you think is he windiest, the hottest, the driest.

2. Once you have identified the different places, take a photo using a phone or tablet if you have one. Try zooming in on different things. We will use these pictures later.

3.   Making the weather equipment, measuring Air temperature, wind speed and wind direction as it suggests in these sheets: lesson-activity_measuring-microclimates. You might also observe the number of hours of sunshine in that area.

4. Which type of chart would be the best for presenting your data? Would it be a bar chart or a line graph? Can you draw one or use IT to create one? You might like to use the graphs section on purple mash for this especially if you don’t have excel or other suitable software at home.

Printable versions:

Working scientifically linked with habitats instructions





Year 5 Maths w/c 8th June

The White Rose maths on line  for year 5 this week is a repetition of the work from before Easter. As we did this work then, I am revising converting between units as its an important topic in both year 5 and  Year 6, and is a topic that some parents have picked out as an area of weakness. There are no videos for these sheets, but it is a topic  we have looked at before.

Monday 8th June

Today we are looking at converting kg to g and km to m . Remember kilo means 1,000.

kilograms and kilometres sheet

answers kilograms and kilometres

Tuesday 9th June

Today we are looking at millimetres and millilitres. One part of the sheet focuses on 1000 mm=1 m which isn’t something we have thought about a lot before. Milli means a thousandth. A mm is a thousandth of a metre,.

A millilitre is a thousandth of a litre

millilitres and millimetres

answers millimetres and millilitres

Wednesday 10th June

Today we are looking at other metric units

10 mm= 1 cm

100 cm = 1 m

1000 mm = 1m

mm to cm  and cm to m are the  ones that do not convert using a 1,000 so those are the ones you really need to remember!

metric units

answers metric units

Thursday 11th June

Today’s work is about imperial units that are still used today. We did look at this in class before we broke up. Many people still bake using  lbs and ounces. Some people still talk about inches and yards..You don’t need to know the actual conversion but you need to be aware eg the imperial measure we use to weigh ourselves is stones but the metric measure is kilograms. I could measure a pencil in inches or cm.

imperial units

answers imperial units

Friday 12th June

Arithmetic paper


Why not have a go at the Friday Challenge on BBC Bitesize? The challenge doesn’t appear until the actual day but here’s last weeks if you didn’t try it.

Friday challenge

Questions 1 -7 are designed for children 5-11. You should be able to achieve Q6 but have a go at them all. these questions arereally good for your reasoning skills – applying what you know to a new situation.




Foundation subjects Blue w/c 8th June


We are working through these lessons with ‘the returners’.

Lesson 2 Rivers -Investigating rivers  and the journey of a river.

Watch the video

Espresso is also doing some work on rivers- watch their video and look at their fact file

A river journey

Now look at the slide show below

Investigating Rivers 

Now attempt the worksheet below 2a is a little easier and 2b is a little harder

Investigating rivers Worksheet


In art this term we are looking at landscapes.

We will be using viewfinders to select interesting views or features.The beauty of a viewfinder is that you don’t have to sketch the whole scene – just the part you can see. For someone like me, who is not very good at art, this means I can just focus on the tiny part I am drawing, thinking about relative proportions, lines and shapes within the area selected..

Watch the sense of place slide show

.Sense of Place Slide 1

Now make your own viewfinder, and tackle two of the challenges on the sheet. Don’t try and do them all unless you want to.

A Sense of Place Worksheet


Why not find out about Buddhism? There are 4 lessons on the Oak Academy

Lesson 1

Who was Siddhartha Gautama?


BBC Bitesize has a lesson about school in French


Espresso also has a great unit on L’Ecole

L’Ecole – all about school in French

Spellings Blue Class w/c 8th June

Spellings his week are in a slightly different format: rather than having a list of words which follow a rule we would like you to focus on the rule.

You have been using plurals for most of your primary school life, but it is something which lots of you (and many grown ups in the UK) make mistakes with. It is something which year 6 are expected to be able to do accurately in their writing.

BBC Bitesize video and activities

Activity sheets:

Plurals-in-Sentences-first level
