Keeping safe Online

During these strange times many of us are spending even more time online than usual. It has been incredibly useful and meant that we can still “see” loved ones who don’t live with us, work from home, learn from home and even have family quizz nights from home. (What would we have done if this had Lockdown had happened in the 1980’s or 1990’s?) However, we still need to be mindful of safety – it is easy for us to drop our guard when we depend so much on technology.

These resources are intended to support families and are not intended for children to access alone:

Thinkuknow website


Online Safety Newsletter_Tiktok

I don’t want to over load you, but will be back with more updates and resources later in June.

Wider opening of the school on Monday 1st June

The staff and governors have worked hard to ensure the preparations for the wider reopening of the school can begin in a phased approach on Monday. There is a lot of information on this page which I am hoping you will find useful.
Monday 1st June and Tuesday 2nd June
School open for: Key Worker children, Year 6 at 8.45am and Year 1 at 9.00am.
Wednesday 3rd June and Thursday 4th June
School open for: Key Worker children, Year 6 at 8.45am and Reception children at 9.15am.

Please note that as there is strict guidance on the number of the bubbles, you must inform the school by 3pm on the Wednesday of the previous week if you are planning on sending your child back to school.

Please don’t forget to put sun cream on your child before they come to school and provide a hat – thank you.

I hope you have had a chance to look at some of the information sent out yesterday too!

We are looking forward to seeing you.

Information letter for parents

CLAVERLEY risk assessment June 1st

Letter from LA

Letter from the Catering Company

Government publication for the wider opening of schools


Online safety information for parents


Coming back to school

Hi All,

There is a lot of talk in the news and we have shared our plans for a return to school and in preparation, I thought some of these clips might help our children. It would be great if you could play them with your child and stop them when you want to discuss something. They might be usedful!

Back to School-Social-Story

While We Can’t Hug

Back to School

For Blue Class From Mrs D

So, it’s time for me to say goodbye.  Even though I haven’t seen you all for a long time, I’ve been thinking about you lots and believe it or not, it usually makes me smile when I do!

Some of you are going back to school soon, some of you aren’t. Some of you will move on to new schools, some of you will come back to Claverley as Year 6, the role models for the rest of the school.  Whatever you do, be the best version of yourself you can be, work hard and be kind.

There are certain things that come to mind when I think of you all – as a class but mostly as individuals.  Here is how I will remember each of you.  Can you tell which is for you?

I’ll remember you for…

For ‘Tales from your Garden’,

For your ICT wizardry,

For your patience towards others,

For your “great big buckets of sugar!”

For being utterly reliable,

For your resilience in the face of origami,

For your quiet offers of help,

But also, for the state of that cloakroom!


For getting my ‘jokes’,

For your epic Lockdown Diary,

For organising me,

For showing me your ‘best self’,

For your unexpected cake-decorating skills,

For your amazing new confidence,

For laughing until you cried,

For your mature acceptance when things were tough,

But also, for the terrible state of that cloakroom!


For your devotion to ‘Barbara’,

For your oodles of doodles,

For your relentless good humour,

For being a secret science buff.

For your well deserved maths move,

For your post-Arthog transformation,

For never truly deserving the ‘Horrible Child Award’!

For your competition modesty,



For stories of your furry friends,

For your delightfully chatty emails,

For sorting it out and moving forward,

For your TikTok moves,

For your nods and smiles when you catch my eye,

For comparing me to your Gran!

For your silly sense of humour,

For your secret smiles,

For being a Christmas Angel,



Take care of yourselves and keep smilling.



Spellings and Other things


So here are the final spellings for this half term.  We are going to revisit the ‘doubling consonants when adding a suffix’ rule from a few weeks ago.  That is when adding -ing or  -ed   -er.

When you add a vowel suffix to a single syllable word that ends in one vowel followed by one consonant e.g. hop, swim, put, nod , you double the consonant. Examples of this would be swim – swimming  –  swimmer (double m)  or hop – hopping – hopped (double p)

Add the suffixes -ing and -ed to these words.  Be careful to consider whether each word is a single syllable that ends in one vowel followed by one consonant.  If it is, double the consonant before adding the suffix.  top – topping – topped   but  nest – nested – nesting (no double consonant here as there are 2 consonants at the end.  Take care because the rule does not apply to all these words.

rock   hop   hope   skip  skimp   jump    turn  run   step   fly    flap   tap   stamp

Some of you may prefer these spellings – out   shout   about   outing   flour  hour  house   mouse


Other things

I thought you might enjoy watching some of these clips and then challenging and puzzling your families.  I remember seeing the walk through paper trick when I had just started teaching and my class were amazed!  This one is my favourite so I have put it first.

The second clip shows a selection of tricks with paper you might like to have a go at over half term.





Lots of you have sent in pictures of your work and activities which has been lovely.  This week and over half term, collate some images and make a little collage.  That is a collection of images that are related in some way and arranged together attractively.  You could use photographs, drawings and newspaper or magazine cuttings or you could find and arrange actual items and photograph them (I would definitely include my trainers and the hair clippers in mine). Your images can be collated on powerpoint or word or emailed from an app.  If you have included objects, you may  find it easier to take a picture  and email it, that would be fine too.  Aim for A4 size but whatever size you choose, cover it in a good selection of images.  We would like the theme of your collage to be either –

a) Lockdown 2020

b) At home

Email your collage to us. If you are coming back to school, you could share your collage with everyone.  It will be interesting to see which images crop up in lots of the collages and who has some unique ideas.


More ideas …


Some of you have sent some super pictures of the texture pictures you have done. Why not try some optical illusions?

Optical illusions.


Allez – go to last weeks link from Espresso to revise some phrases.


Why not learn about trade and the economy? This is really interesting for you budding economists and business people, and is an area of geography that we planned to study.

Trade and economic activity

There is also a great way of finding about the world on Espresso.                           Explore the limits of outer space, plunge to the depths of the ocean and travel to the far-flung corners of our incredible world. Collect fun facts along the way and impress your family members

Make your world bigger


For those of you growing vegetables , you may be interested in Data logging

Data logging




Home learning W/C 18.5.20

We hope you have all had a lovely weekend. This is the last week of the first half of the summer term – well done everyone as  you have  nearly completed a whole half term of home learning. We know it’s tough but we don’t cease to be impressed by your continuing enthusiasm and hard work. Thank you for your photos  that never fail to bring us joy,  and also tears from Mrs Deards who was so impressed by your poems last week!

In school , we are busy preparing for the return of year 6, reception and year 1. Although school will be different to when we last met with social distancing and keeping classes separate, we can’t wait to have you back and we are determined the new rules won’t  stop us having  fun. Year 5, we know some of you are really disappointed at not being able to return to school yet but let’s hope we can be together soon. It is really sad that Mrs Deards will not be with us after half term and I know some of you are sending her emails and cards to school. She is determined to come in and say goodbye to you. We will be welcoming Mrs Bernasconi back to Blue; I expect lots of  you are clapping your hands wondering what IT she has planned for you.

I have just put on the English and maths learning for the week , but more activities will be added over the week. Have you tried revising the French yet from  Espresso? We are focusing on the unit called Allez. BBC bitesize  and Oak national academy have lots of ideas for afternoon activities too.

Mrs B


Maths w/c 18.5.20

Year 5

This weeks work focuses on fractions – adding and subtracting fractions including mixed numbers. Some of this is revision for you . However this is really important as fractions make a big part of the curriculum in year 6.

Year-5 video links for all days









Day 5

Arithmetic – some of you are telling me your amazing scores. It is important to look at the ones you got wrong and see if you are making similar mistakes each work and need to focus on those calculations.


Year 6

This weeks work is focussing on multiplying and dividing fractions. This is consolidation  for you but it focusses on different models and reasoning questions so it is excellent practice for secondary school.

Year-6- maths videos for each day.

Lesson 1 Multiply fractions by integers

Lesson 1 Answers Multiply fractions by integers

Lesson 2 Multiply fractions by fractions

Lesson 2 Answers Multiply fractions by fractions

Lesson 3 Divide fractions by integers

Lesson 3 Answers Divide fractions by integers

Lesson 4 Fractions of an amount

Lesson 4 Answers Fractions of an amount 2019

Arithmetic – some of you are telling me your amazing scores. It is important to look at the ones you got wrong and see if you are making similar mistakes each work and need to focus on those calculations.

ArithmeticPaper 7

i know many of you have finished white rose problem of the day. I am uploading 2018 problem of the day that have the answers on the PowerPoint. If you have trouble downloading,  search for White rose problem of the day 2018 on your search engine and they show each question separately.




English w/c 18.5.20

This weeks work is based around The Promise, a picture book by Nicola Davies.

English day 1

English day 2

English day 3

English Day 4

English day 5


Keep up your daily reading. I know some of you are sharing a book at home with your parents which is a lovely way to enjoy a book that may be slightly harder than you would read normally. How about reading a book to your younger siblings if you have any?

Year 5 and 6

I am including some more 60 second reads for UKS2.  These are suitable for year 5 and year 6 and focus on different types of questions. See what the different dogs stand for in the introduction. Year 6 carry on with your  10 minute comprehension if you haven’t completed those.

60-Second Reads Guidance (y5 and y6)



UFO Sighting

Whodunnit Poem Verse 1

Punctuation and grammar

I have included a short test for year 5 and year 6. Year 6 if you still have 10 minute assessments then you can continue with those.

Year 5 English Grammar and Punctuation Test 2

Year 6 English Grammar and Punctuation Test 2

End of the week

Well done everyone- we have reached the end of the week! Year 6, we would have been going to Pizza Hut today and it is very sad that we cant mark this milestone.

Only one more week of home learning before half term….

Please keep sending your photos and news as we love hearing form you.

Have a wonderful weekend

Mrs B and Mrs D