Our Trip to the Severn Valley Country Park

We have been on a fantastic Science trip to the Severn Valley Country Park today. Thank you very much to our wonderful parent helpers. We had a great time learning about animals and their habitats. We enjoyed pond-dipping and mini-beast hunts in the beautiful meadows and woodlands.


Trip to the Severn Valley Country Park

Our Year 1 children have enjoyed a fantastic Science Trip to the Severn Valley Country Park today. We learnt all about different animals and their habitats. We went pond-dipping and had mini-beast hunts in the meadow and the woods. The children were a credit to our school, well done Year 1!



Blue Class spellings and maths homework w/b 23/9

Edshed is now up and running. All children received log in details on Friday which have been stuck into reading diaries. I also checked this morning that all children have got them. When children log on they will need to use this new log in not their one from last academic year. Therefore, any saved log in details will need to be changed.

Children will still bring a paper copy of new spellings for this week but they are also on Edshed for those who prefer to learn them using the games.

Maths homework will be on the maths shed part of the site from and is set to appear on a Tuesday and completed by the Tuesday. If any children have any difficulty logging on or finding their assignments they should come and see any member of the Blue class team before the homework is due. We are aiming not to give out paper copies of homework in order to try to do our bit to save the amount of paper we use so homework will be set on line.

Kind regards,

Mrs Colin-Stokes


Coming Up Next Week!

Monday: School Uniform/ Usual timetable

Tuesday: Trip to the Severn Valley Country Park (leaving at 9.15am and returning by 3pm at the latest)

The children need to wear their school sweatshirt, an old pair of trousers and their wellies. We can put these on at school if they keep them here. They need to bring a waterproof coat and a packed lunch if one has not been ordered. If the weather is wet, we will probably get the children to wear their puddle suits!

Wednesday: New Year 2 Maths Homework will be set on Purple Mash

Thursday: P.E- Please come to school in your kit.

Friday: Macmillan Coffee Morning

Year 2 will be given spellings to take home to learn from today. The test will be on the following Friday.


Red Class spellings for week beginning 23.09.24

This week’s words have ‘ou’ which make  a /u/ sound.

Group 1: young, touch, double

Group 2: double, enough, trouble, couple, touch, young

Group 3: double, enough, trouble, couple, touch, young, cousin, flourish, encourage

The children have been given their logins for Ed Shed which should be stuck inside their reading diaries. There are spelling games set which will support the learning of the weekly words.

EdShed Web Game - Spelling Shed and MathShed

Please type the following in the browser to log in.


On the sign in page, select school username and select Claverley CE Primary. It should then work with your child’s login details.


What’s happening next week beginning 23.09.24?

Tuesday – Year 1 and 2 on a trip to the Severn Valley Country Park.

Wednesday – Reception children to do the Baseline

Sports Ambassadors training at William Brookes School.

Friday – Macmillan Coffee Morning

Family members are invited to come and have a drink with their child’s class at the time indicated. All donations go to Macmillan.

9:20-9:45am – Green class

9:45 – 10:10am – Yellow class

10:10-10:35am – Red class

10:35-11:00am – Blue class

Friday night – PTA Colour Run

What has been happening this week – 16.09.24?

We had a really great PTA meeting on Monday. Thank you to those who were able to attend and it was great to see some new faces. The core team do a fabulous job and with everyone’s support, the money raised really does benefit the children. The PTA have already agreed to part fund Red and Year 1 and 2 trips. They are paying for the Arthog climbing wall for KS2. There will be many more events which have a contribution to in order to keep the costs down – thank you.

We have had our new school council elected this week. They all have some great ideas to make our school a better place so I am sure the meetings will be productive!

The sports ambassadors are already in action and Mrs Richardson has plenty of jobs lined up for them!

Well done to our Super Stars and BEST this week.

Superstars of the Week – Friday 20th September

Blue – James & Molly

Red – Florence & Brody

Yellow – Alex & Fleur

Green – Conor & Sebastian

Best Certificates

Blue – Jemima

Red – Esme

Yellow – Albie

Green – Oliver

25 Merits

Eva, Henry


Maths homework and spellings – week beginning 16/9

We are still experiencing issues with Edshed so paper copies of maths homework will be given out tomorrow and a paper copy of the new spellings was given out today. Hopefully these issues will soon be resolved and children will be able to log on to view and complete homework and play the games related to their spellings.

Apologies for the inconvenience.

Mrs Colin-Stokes