Superstars of the Week

Blue – Darcey & Ella

Red – Jemima & Zosia

Yellow – Freddie & Hattie

Green – Reuben & Isabella

Best Certificates

Blue – Jackson

Red – Alice

Yellow – Harkirat

Green – Emily

25 Merits

Lily TJ, Poppy, Neveah, Nancy, Zosia, Willow, Vinnie, Arnie, Harrison, Jemima, Freddie TJ, Evelyn L

50 Merits

India, Henry

Children In Need Friday 17th November

We have decided to fundraise for BBC Children in Need, and we would really appreciate your support.  On Friday 17th November children can come to school in non-uniform (wear something spotty, Pudsey Bear related or something colourful), suggested donation £1. If Friday is a P.E Day for your child, please ensure their clothing and footwear is suitable for this.

You can donate to our School JustGiving page by clicking here (NO cash payment accepted):
Donating through JustGiving is simple, fast and totally secure.  Once you donate, they’ll send your money directly to BBC Children in Need.


Welcome back to the new half-term.

Hopefully, you have all managed to enjoy the half-term break and some of the autumn sunshine.

14 Best Autumn Poems - Classic Poems About Fall

School opens tomorrow morning (Monday 6th November) and the side gate and classroom doors open at 8:40am. Lessons start at 8:45am.

The scaffolding has finally gone and the carpark is now clear which will make collection at the end of the day so much easier. Parents dropping off at wrap around care must not use the carpark this week please.

What’s happening this week?

The poppy box will be out in the mornings. There are snap bands etc for sale.

Monday – We are looking forward to a concert from Shropshire Music Service starting at 9:00am. This was great fun last year as there were songs to sing along to! It is quite loud!

Thursday – Diwali day for Green and Yellow. Wear something colourful to school today (Green and Yellow only).


Weekly update

This has been a great week to conclude the half-term. On Monday, an excited and nervous Year 6 (I think the same could be said for the parents!) went off to Arthog with Mrs Benson and Mrs Richardson. The updates and photos have been amazing! I will post updates on the time of return here on the website on Friday.

Please do keep an eye on the parents area and your child’s class page as not everything seems to get emailed out!

Current Year 6 secondary school place applications for Year 7 – there are still a number of Year 6 applications which haven’t been made. Please make sure you do it before 31st Oct.

Yellow class went to Wolverhampton Art Gallery and they really enjoyed their trip. They all did some printing too. This is a free place to visit if you need somewhere in the dry to go next week!


The climbing wall was in action on Tuesday. The children were amazing and there was so much team work and encouragement going on. Years 4 and 5 were pushing themselves with some determined to improve on last year. Year 3 were fabulous too.

Thank you to our wonderful PTA for organising the pumpkin patch – especially to the Littleford family for donating them. Your support is amazing at all these events and your children really do benefit. The PTA have funded the climbing wall and part funded Yellow class trip which helped to keep the cost of the trip down.

Today, we shared achievements in merits, swimming and BEST certificates. There will be a BEST lunch on Monday 6th November for the BEST children from last Friday and today.

What’s happening week beginning 6.11.23?

Monday – Live music performance by Shropshire Music Service for the whole school.

Thursday – Diwali Day for Green and Yellow class. Come to school in brightly coloured clothes  – children in Green and Yellow class only.

Mrs Stalmans in Yellow class on Friday.


Well done to our reception children who have had a very successful start to their school journey. Wishing everyone (children, staff and families) a very happy half-term. We look forward to seeing you back on 6.10.23. Gates open at 8:40am. Lessons start at 8:45am.


Superstars of the Week

Best Certificates

Blue – Seb

Red – Polly

Yellow – Esme

Green – Alex

25 Merits

Jessica, Arnie, Freddie, Ella, Harrison, Hugo, Jemima, Abigail, Isaac, Jenson, Max, Matthew, Jacob, Prim, Eva, Lily, Orlando, Matilda

Communication with parents

Please note that we have recently experienced some difficulties in emailing out correspondence. Parents and Carers are advised to check out the website daily for any updates. Look in the parents area- ‘Updates’ and on your child’s class pages. Thank you.

Race Night!

A BIG ‘thank you’ to all who attended ‘Race Night’ on Saturday. It was a very successful evening and made a whopping – £1,156. 46! All of the money raised really does go back to the children and they benefit so much from it. It was a fun filled evening and everyone had a great time!

Thank you to our wonderful PTA committee: Mrs Barby, Mrs Littleford, Mrs Burr and Mrs Davies for organising the evening. Mr Smith did a great job in running the event. Thanks to Vera and Garry for their help on the night. Thanks also to Eldon who donated some drink on the evening!


Weekly update

Thank you to all who attended the parents’ evenings this week. We really do value working in partnership with parents as this benefits the children.

On Tuesday, our sports ambassadors went to Oldbury Wells for some training. They represented the school well and have brought back some good ideas.

Year 5 parent lunch was a success. Thank you to our wonderful cooks  (Beckie and Ruth) for the delicious roast dinner they served.

We had lots of amazing children to celebrate today too!

Thank you to the PTA for organising Race Night on Saturday – it sounds like a lot of fun!

What’s happening next week (23.10.23)?

Monday – Year 6 to Arthog. Bring luggage to the entrance and you can put it straight in the hall. Parents and Carers can wait in the hall if they wish until the coach leaves. It’s rather nice to wave them off!

Yellow class trip

The climbing wall arrives

Tuesday – Climbing wall for Year 3, 4 and 5. Children can come to school in PE kit for this.

Thursday – Pumpkin Patch. Forms are on the ‘letters home’ tab if needed. Year 6 can order one to go home with siblings on Thursday or to be collected on Friday.

Last day for children to attend.

Friday – PD day for staff. Arthog children return. The coach usually arrives back about 3:35pm but we will keep you posted in the afternoon. I will put a post on the website with the anticipated time of arrival so please keep looking at the parents area and updates.