Superstars of the Week

Blue – Nancy & Eliza

Red – Harrison & Polly

Yellow – Prim & Brad

Green – Reuben & Arjun

Best Certificates

Blue – Mark

Red – Frankie

Yellow – Jacob

Green – Lucy

25 Merits

Zosia, Alice J, Katie, Orla, Georgie, Ted, Hattie, Harkirat, Esme, Florrie, Tilly

A huge ‘thank you’!

I would really like to thank and acknowledge the help and support from a team of parents this weekend. We had a hedge which needed removing as it was overgrown and becoming a nuisance. The governors agreed that it should be removed and we are so grateful to The Barby family, Mr Littleford, Mr Burr, Mr Round and a neighbour from the village who got the job done! Being able to make these improvements with the help from our school community has saved us a lot of money and ensures that our school budget can be spent on the children. I am sure they will notice the difference!

Recently, Mr Pinder helped with some trees on the playground bank and his continued support is very much appreciated. We are very lucky at Claverley to have a supportive community.


We enjoyed a wonderful Harvest service today. Thank you to everyone for coming and all your generous donations. The children sang the Harvest songs beautifully and Year 6 read their parts very clearly. It was great to have Garry back in action too!

The October Newsletter has gone out today. There are lots of future key dates so please have a look. There is a section on healthy snacks- please note, these are not limited to the 3 items listed. They are some examples of healthy snack that children can bring for break time!

Please note that we now have a few jumpers in school tonight without names in them. A black new puffer coat has gone missing from Red class- please can you check as it has the child’s name in it.

What’s happening next week – 16.10.23?

Tuesday – Bronze Ambassador training for sports leaders.

Parents’ evening

Wednesday – Year 5 parent’s lunch

Parents’ evening

Parents’ evening

We totally understand that parents often need to bring their children with them. Please ensure that they are sitting with you in the hall and not running around. When you go into your appointment, they can either go into the class with you or sit just outside of the classroom. Books will be available for you to look at.

Saturday 21st October – PTA Race Night



Parents’ Evening Bookings

Parents’ Evening slots will be live on the website on Tuesday 10th October. Parents will be able to go on and select a suitable time.

Weekly Update

Here are our superstars from the week. Well done everyone!

We are beginning to find that some children are bringing rather a lot in their packed lunches which includes sweets. We would discourage sweets being sent in as we really want to encourage healthy eating. School packed lunches consist of: a sandwich, crisps, a cookie and fruit. Yoghurts are great to put in lunchboxes too!

Wraps in a lunchbox with strawberries and grapes

What’s happening next week?

Parents will be able to book their parent evening slots via the website next week. We will confirm when you can go on and book. Parents’ evenings are on 17th and 18th October.

Wed -11.10.23 – Football team playing at the Friars, Bridgnorth.

Friday – 13.10.23 – Harvest Festival at the church. Please send in donations for the food bank on the Friday morning with your child. The service starts at 9:30am and all are welcome. The PTA will be serving tea and coffe at the church before the service.

Harvest Festival Nov 2020 – Western Community Primary School

Superstars of the Week

Blue – Molly & Eva

Red – Jack & Evelyn L

Yellow – Florence C & Bruce

Green – Matilda & Sam

Best Certificates

Blue – James

Red – Lily W

Yellow – Katie

Green – Brooke

25 Merits

Reuben, Fleur, Alex, Arjun, Penelope, Matilda, Lucy, Ryker, Sam, Brooke, Isabella, Edward

Bag 2 School – Revised Date Wednesday 29th November

To raise funds for the School PTA please fill your own bags with unwanted good quality clothes, shoes, handbags, belts & accessories. Return your bags on Wednesday 29th November by 9am.

(No uniforms, workwear, pillows, duvets or pieces of fabric).


Puddle’s Charity Pyjama Week

One of our parents (Mrs Nicholls) has asked if anyone is able to support with some fundraising.  Puddle Ducks and Swim Academy North West Midlands provide baby and child swimming lessons and every October, they support a charity. This year, it’s ’Children’s Hospital Pyjamas’. They purchase or accept donations of brand new pyjamas which are then distributed around hospitals, hospice’s, school hospital teams and women’s refuges up and down the country via local coordinators.
Anyone wishing to support this, can do so by donating new pyjamas which can be placed in the box in the school reception area or through their Just Giving page.
They are very grateful for any support.