Flipper the Dolphin!


It is estimated that over
8 billion packets of crisps are consumed each year in the UK, the majority of which are not recyclable and up in landfill or incinerators thats a lot of waste and a huge environmental problem! At Claverley CE Primary School, we encourage our children to be courageous advocates and would like to be a part of changing things for the better!

We are delighted to announce that we are in contact with ‘The British Ironwork Centre’ and will be welcoming ‘Flipper’ the dolphin sculpture, which we aim to fill with empty crisp packets that would potentially end up in land fill -our target is 1000 crisp packets! 

Please can you help us?

Picnic season is upon us! Please could you start saving empty crisp packets from home to bring into school in September so that we can reach our target of filling ‘Flipper’ the dolphin sculpture. We would love for family members to get involved too. The more crisp packets we can collect, the better!

Flipper the Dolphin will arrive at school on Monday 9th September and will remain with us until Friday 4th October.

Each class will be provided with a recycling bin to place crisp packets from home in-they will need to be counted before they go into the sculpture so that we can ensure we reach our target.

Thank you, as always, for your continued support and for supporting us in being advocates for positive change.

If you have any queries or questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Laura Aguayo

Bridgnorth Library

On Thursday,  we had a visit by Emma from Bridgnorth Library and she told the children about the Summer Reading Challenge that is taking place at all the libraries in Shropshire starting this Saturday.  Bridgnorth Library are also holding many other events over the summer holidays and the poster below gives more details.

We hope some of our children will take up the challenge!

SRC Events Leaflet 2024

Weekly update – 19.07.24

What a great way to end this last week of the school year!

Children have been into their new year groups and are hopefully looking forward to the new challenge it will bring. Blue class enjoyed their last swimming session.

We have all been treated to the fabulous performance of ‘Peter Pan’! It was absolutely amazing and the team effort of Blue class staff and children ensured that the audience enjoyed the show!

On Thursday, Year 6 enjoyed their leavers’ lunch and thanked Beckie and Ruth for cooking all of their delicious meals. Today, we had a great church service and celebrated everyone of our Year 6’s before we wished them a final ‘goodbye’!

We had several other achievements to celebrate too and were very proud of the children. We had swimming, dance, cubs and scouts awards – well done for continuing to share your successes.

We also found out today that we have retained the Platinum award for PE and School Games. Congratulations to everyone involved especially Mrs Richardson.


We wish all of our families a very happy summer! See you on Tuesday 3rd September.


House Team winners – Ash

Ash House have won with the most merits this term so will have an own clothes day on Thursday 18th July.

Own Clothes Day

A Big ‘Thank You’!

The PTA organised a wonderful Summer Fair on Friday night. Thankfully, the weather was just right and the field looked fantastic. Thank you to everyone who supported the event and an amazing £1,384.14 was made! This money has such a positive impact on the children and enhances the learning provision they get. It was a lovely evening – thank you to the PTA, staff and families.

Weekly update (12.07.24)

On Monday, Blue class had a great session with Mrs Hughes learning all about first aid.

On Tuesday 20 children from KS2 competed in an athletics competition at Oakengates Athletics Stadium. The team took part in a variety of events and achieved some fantastic results. They all showed amazing determination. They achieved 5th place overall out of 9 teams. We are very proud of them all.

Well done to our Super Stars this week too.


What’s happening week beginning 15.07.24?

Monday (15.07.24) – Transition session where children go into new year groups.

Tuesday (16.07.24) – Blue class dress rehearsal in the morning.

Last swimming session for Blue class.

Wednesday (17.07.24) – Blue class performance of Peter Pan at 1:30 and 6:30pm – please bring your tickets.

Thursday (18.07.24) – Year 6 Leavers’ lunch.

Friday (19.07.24) – Leavers’ church service at 9:30am. Tea and coffee served in church before the service. Everyone is welcome to this service where we celebrate our Year 6.

Leavers 2024 Poster Decoration - A3

Year 6 can bring a separate school shirt or T-Shirt to put on and get signed after the church service.

We like to all say a final farewell to the Year 6 on their last day. This means that the whole school forms an arch leading down to the side gate. If families (this includes Year 6 parents/grandparents and other adults who are collecting children)) want to stand out side the side gate, you can see the children come out of school for their final time. We will do this at 3:05pm so that we can get all the other children back to class ready to dismiss them for 3:15pm.

Break up for the summer.