12.04.24 – Weekly Update

It was lovely to welcome all our children back to the summer term and it was nice that the week ended with some drier weather!

The netball team took part in a competition on Wednesday and played well. They came away with the respect award.

Some families have celebrated Eid-al-fitr and we hope you have enjoyed your special time.

Well done to all our Super Stars. We love to celebrate children’s achievements both in and out of school so do send in any certificates that your child is awarded from clubs they attend outside of school.

Superstars of the Week – Friday 12th April

Blue – Cian & Poppy

Red – Sabrina & Willow

Yellow – Orla & Brad

Green – Alex & Reuben

Best Certificates

Blue – Orlando

Red – Brody

Yellow – Luna

Green – Sam

22.03.24 – What’s been happening this week?

We started the week with a visit from a Tyrannosaurus Rex called Jam. The children really enjoyed it and learnt several new facts.

The PTA cookie competition was amazing. Well done to everyone who entered – all of the cookies looked great and Mrs Leicester-Hand had a very difficult time judging them. Here are just a few of the fabulous entries.

Well done to the winners:

Green- Abigail and Penelope

Yellow – Tilly and Harry

Red – Willow and Evalyn R

Blue – Darcey and Eliza

On Thursday, we had our annual poetry competition. We are very proud of all the children for learning and reciting their poems. The final was very tough as the standard was so high. Thankfully we had an independent judge!  Well done to all the children who took part in the final and to the winners:

EYFS/KS1 –  Jacob and Matilda

KS2 – Hugo and Alice

Parents’ evenings were well supported and thank you to all of those who attended. We had 96% attendance although some parents will be catching up with teachers next half-term if they were unable to make the days allocated. We really value the partnership we have with our families.

Well done to all our Super Stars this week!

It was lovely that so many could support us at the church for our Easter service today. Thank you to the PTA for serving teas and coffees!

Wishing all our families, whether you are observing Ramadan or celebrating Easter, a peaceful and happy holiday.


Superstars of the Week – Friday 22nd March

Blue – Jovan & Eliza

Red – Polly & Freddie

Yellow – Max & Freddie

Green – Penelope F & Reuben

Best Certificates

Blue – Nancy

Red – Jayden

Yellow – Hattie

Green – Fleur

25 Merits

Jayden, Esme S, Arnie, Evelyn H, Ella

50 Merits

Sabrina, Alice J, Hugo, Jemima, Abigail, Matthew, Albie, Brad, Prim, Maddison, Luna, Ciara, Lily, Eliza, Olivia, Poppy, Mark,

100 Merits

Charlie, Tilly, Katie, Harkirat, Florrie, Esme, Chloe, Cora


Shropshire Star

Dear Parents and Carers,

This is a polite reminder that a photographer from the ‘Shropshire Star’ newspaper will be joining us to capture the children’s ‘TEACHREX’ experience on Monday 18th March 2024. Photographs will be included as part of a feature in the newspaper.

Please be rest assured that children who do not have consent to appear on the school website will respectfully not be included in any of the photographer’s photographs and therefore, will not feature in the newspaper.

Please could we ask that you speak to a member of staff if you DO NOT wish for your child to be included in any individual/small group/large group photograph that could potentially be used as part of the feature in the newspaper. Otherwise, it will be assumed that you give your full consent for your child to have their photograph taken and to appear in the newspaper.

We are sure that a number of photographs will be taken throughout the morning, so we will not know ourselves which photos will be ultimately be selected to appear in the newspaper and which children will feature.

Many thanks for your continued support


Laura Aguayo


Our fabulous PTA

Our PTA have been incredibly busy over the last two weeks and with your support, they have raised an incredible amount of money. We have bought outside equipment and funded the TEACH Rex with some of the proceeds. The coach to take the Young Voices choir was paid for by the PTA along with donations towards swimming for Red class this term.

The Golden Ticket Bars raised a profit of £412 and the Mothers’ Day Shop raised £310.88. Which is an amazing total of £722.88! Movie Night has raised over £200 too.

The Golden Ticket winners were:

Green: Dudley Zoo tickets – Penny
Yellow: £40 one4all voucher – Bruce
Yellow: Chocolate Hamper –  Harkirat
Red: Head for the day – Hugo
Blue: peak time Flip Out passes –  James
Movie Night was a great success!
Next week, they are sending home raffle tickets which you are invited to sell. There are some amazing prizes! If you don’t sell any, please return them in the bag they come home in as we can pass them on.
A HUGE thank you to our amazing PTA!


What has been happening this week ending 15.03.24?

On Wednesday, Year 3 enjoyed having lunch with their parents. The food was delicious and I know the children enjoyed having the adults in school.

Year 5 went to Bridgnorth Endowed School at Bridgnorth to see their production of ‘Oliver’. They all said it was great!

Red Nose Day – everyone enjoyed being part of Red Nose day and wearing something which made them happy. Thank you to those who have donated to our ‘Giving’ page (link is on a previous post on the website). We have explained to the children that we can be part of something which makes a difference.


Well done to all our Super Stars this week!

18.03.24 – What’s happening next week?

What’s happening next week beginning 18th March?

Monday – Bring your decorated Easter biscuits to school. Judging takes place today!

Easter biscuits recipe | BBC Good Food

Monday – TEACH REX visiting – for all classes! This is a link to topic work for EYFS and British Science week and the theme of time. We are focussing on – DISAPPEARING DINOS.
A long time ago, dinosaurs roamed our planet, but they don’t exist anymore. Over time, other animals evolved that might have not been able to live alongside dinosaurs – like humans! On Monday, we are finding out more about dinosaurs and linking it to our History timeline.


Tuesday – Parents’ Evening. Books will be available to look at. We are looking forward to seeing you!

Wednesday – Parents’ Evening. Books will be available to look at.

Thursday – Poetry Competition. Doors will open for invited guests at 1:30pm (please note: the doors won’t be open before due to the hall in use for lunchtime). The competition starts at 1:45pm.

Friday – Easter church service at 9:30am. Year 6 will read the Easter story and each class will be singing a song as part of the service. The PTA are serving tea/coffee from 9:00am.

Break up for Easter. Return on Monday 8th April.