Superstars of the Week – Friday 15th March

Blue – James & Freya

Red – Jack & Lily

Yellow – Orla & Maddison

Green – Ralph & Matilda

Best Certificates

Blue – Georgia

Red – Ella

Yellow – Esme & Aisling

Green – Abigail

25 Merits

Reuben, Penelope, Ryker, Emily, Arjun, Matilda, Isabella, Arnie, Evelyn, Jovan

50 Merits

Bruce, Harry, Florence, Jacob, Georgie, Vinnie, Luca, Freya, Eva, Nancy, India, Orlando

100 Merits

Henry, Darcey

8.03.24 – Weekly update

What’s happening next week beginning 11.03.24?

Monday -Parents’ evening booking system goes live today and you will be able to select your appointment slot.

All children will be reciting their poems to the class this week.

Wed – Dental talk for Reception.

Year 3 parents’ lunch.

Red class swimming.

5:30pm – Meeting for Year 4 parents re: residential to The Pioneer.

Thursday – Reception eye test.

Year 5 to BEd to see ‘Oliver’.

PTA Movie Night until 5:15pm.

Friday – Red Nose Day – wear official Red Nose day clothes or something that makes you happy!

What’s been happening this week?

On Thursday, we took part in World Book day and what a great day it was! Thank you for providing costumes as the children looked amazing and they all knew which character they had come dressed as. Staff looked fabulous too! There was a selection of activities which they took part in with other children from their house team based around a book. As always, there were so many positive comments about the way our older children looked after the younger ones.


Thank you to the PTA for organising the fabulous ‘Golden Ticket’ event! There was great excitement around the school and we have awarded prizes to three winners today. Congratulations to the winners so far:

One4all voucher – Arnie

Head for the Day – Hugo

Flip Out tickets – James

The PTA also arranged the Mothers’ Day shop where the children really enjoy selecting gifts. Thank you to the PTA for giving up a lot of time to sort this out.


As part of International Women’s Day and Barclays Girls’ Football day, we enjoyed coming in sporty clothes. Our girls enjoyed some great football matches at lunchtime today too.

Well done to our superstars this week!






Superstars of the Week – Friday 8th March

Blue – Jaxon & Olivia

Red – Hugo & Evelyn H

Yellow – Bruce & Hattie

Green – Ranveer & Emily

Best Certificates

Blue – Cian

Red – Georgiana

Yellow – Florence C

Green – Alex

25 Merits

Freddie S, Jonny, Evalyn R, Jack, Georgiana, Willow, Lily W, Freddie TJ, Harrison, Polly, Jessica, Iris, James, Nevaeh

50 Merits

Isa, Ted, Harkirat, Katie, Esme AC, Orla, Molly, Hattie

Support for parents from the Parenting Team

The Parenting Team will be delivering free Understanding Your Child and Understanding Your Child SEND groups from April 2024 (poster attached).

These 10 week groups aim to:

•             Promote understanding of children’s behaviour within the context of developmental issues

•             Promote the development of parent/child relationship

•             Increase confidence and self-esteem in both parents and children

•             Give parents a strategy for repair when things go wrong

•             Promote reflective, sensitive and effective parenting

We are also offering a free SLEEP TIGHT workshop from April and June 2024 (poster attached).

These 5 week workshops cover:

•             Recognising the role of sleep hygiene to improve sleep

•             Identifying causes of sleep issues and appropriate practical strategies to try

•             Completing sleep diaries and identifying potential sleep issues

Please do not hesitate to contact us directly if you have any questions: or give us a call on 01743 250950

Parenting Support Line Poster 2024

Sleep Tight Workshop Summer Term 24

UYC & SEND Groups Summer Term 24 (2)

Den Building!


Dear parents and carers,

I’m sure we can all look back on our childhood and remember the days of begging our grown ups for bed sheets to build dens! Not only does this create life long memories, but it is also very beneficial for a child’s spacial awareness, problem solving and gross motor skills. We would love for the children in Green class to have the opportunity to make dens as part of their outdoor learning environment.
We would be incredibly grateful of any donations of old bedsheets, duvet covers, large pieces of fabric that our children can use to build dens!

Many thanks for your continued support.

The Green Team

Weekly update

What’s happening next week – 4.03.24?

Monday -Assessment fortnight starts. We will be doing our termly assessments over the next 2 weeks. Children are encouraged to do the best they can in them and demonstrate what they have learnt.

Tuesday – Tag Rugby team out pm

Thursday – World Book Day

FridayBarclays FA Girls Biggest Ever Football Day!  

All children can come to school in football kit or sports kit. We will be doing some girls football at lunchtime.

This week, Yellow class went on a trip to Shrewsbury Museum where they looked around and had a chance to paint some portraits.

On Wednesday, our year 4 Dodgeball team played in the county finals at Telford. The competition was for the best teams across Shropshire. All played extremely well, showing great skills, determination and teamwork. After the group stages they were placed a very commendable 4th. We are very proud of them to have represented our school in a county final. Well done to; Willow, Alice, Esme, Jayden, Luca and Freddie. Thank you Mrs Richardson for taking the team.

Today, we had an assembly delivered by Severn Trent water called ‘Super Sewers’. The children were told about the kinds of things that should and can go down the sink and toilet and what not to put down them!

The school council do a great job in sharing ideas raised in their class. They recently submitted a wish list and several requests were made to the PTA. Thank you to our wonderful PTA and all of you for supporting events as their wishes were granted! They have new goals for the field, a new friendship stop and buddy bench too.

We all enjoy Celebration assembly and sharing all the good news from the week. Well done to this weeks Super Stars!

Superstars of the Week

Blue – Jackson & Cian

Red – Abigail & Alice

Yellow – Matthew & Isabel

Green – Brooke & Isaac

Best Certificates

Blue – Freya

Red – Esme

Yellow – Isabel

Green – Penny

25 Merits

Georgia, Ella, Olivia, Eliza, Logan, Jaxon, Eva, Nancy, Poppy, Abigail, Alex, Ralph, Isaac, Ranveer, Sam, Brooke, Edward, Ezra, Lucy, Fleur, Ciara, Luna, Isabel, Alice, Max, Matthew, Albie, Brad

50 Merits

Darcey, Florrie, Aisling