Spellings w/c 6/9/22

This week the children have been given a selection of words from the year 3/4 statutory spellings list to revise. They are words which are commonly mis-spelt by many children (and adults).


Spellings will normally be given to Blue Class on Mondays and tested the following Monday. To encourage the children to retain their learning, a few words from previous weeks will be included in the tests.



This year we will continue to hand out spellings from the No Nonsense spelling scheme which will be tested weekly. Since it is a while since we launched this programme, I would like to emphasise that the goal is long term retention of spelling ability. The programme uses a combination of spelling patterns which are built up and revised, together with rehearsal and retrieval opportunities for the children. We encourage the children  to think about the way they learn best. Most children do not retain the spellings to use in their own writing unless they are keep practising and retrieving them from their memories. If your child seems to find this skill easy, they can challenge themselves to find other words which use the same pattern or to find exceptions to the rule.


We are now only a few weeks away from our Year 6 trip to Arthog. I know the children are looking forward to it. This year, it will be Mrs Colin-Stokes and me who will be accompanying the children. We are very much looking forward to it too.

A letter has been sent home today with a Consent_Form and a Kit_List.

Please not feel you need to buy lots of expensive things to take. Lots of old and/or cheap joggers, leggings, t-shirts socks etc are best as things get wet as even the best waterproofs do not stop you getting wet when you go into the water! The most important thing is that they have dry clothes that they can layer. The waterproofs, walking boots and rucksack that Arthog provide are good quality and keep us dry in even heavy rain.

Please sign and return the Consent_Form to school by Wednesday 14th September.  We need to collate the information and forward it to Arthog Outdoor Education Centre.

We will be having a parent meeting on Tuesday 20th September at 3:20pm when there will be opportunities to ask questions.

In the meantime, if you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Mrs Bernasconi

Year 6 shirt signing

As part of their last day, the Year 6 children really enjoy getting a shirt signed by all the other children and teachers. On Wednesday 20th July, children can bring a separate shirt to school to take to other classes for signing.



12th July

Many of the children in Blue are going out tomorrow to Oakengates Athletics . Could those children not attending please wear their PE kit as we may play rounders at the start of the day when it is cooler.

Many thanks



Year 6 children had a fabulous day at the Pioneer Centre today enjoying a variety of activities: inflatables, abseiling and zip wire, high ropes and team building games. The  children are incredibly encouraging and supportive of each other, and were a pleasure to take out.
Many thanks to the PTA for this wonderful end of year 6 treat.

Y5 Commonwealth Team day

With Year 6 out today, it was an opportunity for Year 5 to get together. Mrs Stalmans organised a Commonwealth team day. The children worked well in their groups – Mrs Stalmans was impressed with them!


RSE lessons

Dear Parents and Carers of YEAR 5 (in Red and Blue class) and 6 (in Blue) children only,

Over the coming weeks, the Year 6 staff are planning to deliver the relationships side of PSHE. This includes puberty, conception and pregnancy and birth. We would like to give you the opportunity to view the materials which will be used. You would be welcome to pop into school on Thursday 7th July after collection at the end of the day. If you then have your children, they can be supervised in another room.  We find that if parents are informed, it makes those conversations at home less tricky! If you are unable to come to this at short notice, please contact Mrs Benson or Mrs Bernasconi as we will work with you to support in whichever way we can.

Kind regards

Jo Derrer

Spellings w/c 13th June 2022

Converting nouns or verbs into adjectives using the suffix ‘ful’
