Year 5/6 Science – Changes as humans develop

Having studied life cycles of plants and animals in science, Year 5 and 6 are now moving on the the connected Year 5/6  topic of  Animals, including humans
The National Curriculum says that pupils should be taught to:

  • describe the changes as humans develop to old age

Notes and guidance (non-statutory)

  • Pupils should draw a timeline to indicate stages in the growth and development of humans. They should learn about the changes experienced in puberty.
  • Pupils could work scientifically by researching the gestation periods of other animals and comparing them with humans; by finding out and recording the length and mass of a baby as it grows.

This is not part of the RSE curriculum which we will cover before the end of the summer. A separate letter will be sent before the RSE curriculum is taught.

We will refer and make links to the previous topic (Living things and their habitats in which pupils should be taught to:

  • describe the differences in the life cycles of a mammal, an amphibian, an insect and a bird
  • describe the life process of reproduction in some plants and animals

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

Mrs Bernasconi

End of the week

Our year 6 children finished their SATs yesterday. We are so proud of how hard they have worked, and we know each one of them has done their best. To celebrate, we had lunch at Pizza Hut – plenty was eaten by all!! As expected, their behaviour was impeccable and they were a pleasure to take out.

Year 5 have also worked hard this week and completed their assessments: we are also very  proud of their effort and achievement. They have adapted well around the year 6 SATs: being moved to different rooms and having a change in timetable.

We hope everyone has a restful and enjoyable weekend in the sunshine.

J. Benson and R. Bernasconi


Year 6 Leavers’ Hoodies

Over recent years, the Year 6 have had Leavers’ hoodies bought for them by their parents. One of the parents has contacted this company which was used last year and the link is on this post if you wish to go on and order one for your child. We do give permission for them to be worn in school.

Here is the link used by last year’s Leavers.  The orders must be made by 15th May.

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Science Year 5 and 6

This half term we have been learning about and comparing the life cycles of flowering and non flowering plants, birds, insects, reptiles and amphibians.

As part of this, We have dissected flowers, taken cuttings and collected spider plants “babies” from runners and planted them on. The children have been very enthusiastic!

Many of the children have been keen to tell us about the eggs which they hope will hatch at home; the tadpoles in ponds and even the lambs and puppies which have been born at home. I know lots of them have also developed keen gardening skills over the last two years (one positive thing to come out of the pandemic).

It would be lovely to share some photos of all these living things as they grow and develop. If you email them too me, we can share them.

Happy Easter

Mrs Bernasconi


Year 6 Easter holiday homework

Some parents and children have asked for practice papers to work on over the Easter  holiday. As teachers, we feel this is a good idea as it keeps their learning fresh in their mind. SATs are only two weeks after the Easter break.

There is a lot of work there so please do not attempt it all in one go. The reading paper could be done in three 20 minute parts spread over the  2 weeks or attempted in one hour to get a sense of the timing constraints.

There are two short grammar papers- maybe try one a week?

There are some  maths reasoning papers which should be completed in 40 minutes. We have also included an arithmetic paper which they love!

Children may want to work through some of these papers with an adult or prefer to attempt them independently. We have asked the children to circle any questions they are struggling with because as they know, it is the ones that they get wrong that interest us because we can focus on these in class or on a one to one. All the papers ae marked and their results are shared with the children.

We appreciate some of you may have busy holidays planned, but it would be great if they could complete some of the papers – particularly those that they struggle with.

We wish you all a happy Easter.

Mrs Benson and Mrs Bernasconi


Spellings w/c 4th April (LO: to spell words with a Long /e/ Sound Spelt ‘ie’)

New spellings for this week:


Can you think of any words with a long /e/ sound ‘ei’ after c?
Spellings which will be tested on Tuesday this week (5th April)

LO: to investigate words with ei grapheme (Long /a/ Spelt as ‘ei’ )




Year 5 Homework

Hello Year 5

This week’s homework is on Classroom Secrets Kids again – sorry it wasn’t on yesterday. You have an extended deadline to make up for this – try to complete by Friday.

This week there is statistics for Maths, For English, there are two tasks: some grammar (SPAG) revision plus a vocabulary development task.

We had one or two of you ask us to investigate why your work isn’t registering even though you have completed it. the main issue seems to be if you use your browser to “go back” it works best if you use the “back to your games” at the end of your task.


Year 6 SAT’s Information

At this point in the year, parents of Year 6 tend to have questions about the KS2 SATs. We have pulled together a parent information leaflet which we hope will answer most of the questions which are normally asked. Please do not hesitate to ask if you have any questions which we have not covered in the leaflet.

We are looking forward to talking the parents of all our Blue class children on Tuesday and Wednesday; we are sorry we will not be able to meet with you in person.

Mrs Bernasconi and Mrs Benson

Year 5 Homework

Year 5 have some tasks assigned on Classroom Secrets Kids again this week for homework.

Maths – Area of compound shapes (slides with questions embedded plus a game)

English – Comprehension (Not Even a Whisper)

SPAG – two games (determiners and relative pronouns)

These are all things we have worked on in class this week.