Year 6 homework

Thank you for your interesting information on 1912 that you did for homework over the last two weeks. Year 6 comprehension and arithmetic  homework has been marked and handed back if you were here.

This weeks homework is a short grammar and punctuation paper. There are some in school for the children who are absent but I have attached the sheets. Don’t look at the answers! Mrs Wade will go through this with you.

Year 6 English Grammar and Punctuation Test 2

Year 6 are also doing Page 60, 61, 62 of their CGP book based on area and perimeter we have been looking at this week.

Mrs Bernasconi also wanted you to do the angles in a triangle work that you looked at earlier in the week. These sheets are in school for absent children.



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Spellings w/c 21 March

LO: to investigate words with the root “graph”


Science – Life Cycles

This term, as shown on our Long Term plan, we are studying the Year 5 Living Things part of the science curriculum. This focuses on Life Cycles including plant, insect, reptile, amphibian, bird and mammal life cycles. This includes the statutory objectives included in the Science Curriculum that build understanding about growth and reproduction.

For year 5 and 6, the National Curriculum requires all children to:

• describe the differences in the life cycles of a mammal, an amphibian, an insect and a bird
• describe the life process of reproduction in some plants and animals

Next term, our programme of study for science will cover the National Curriculum objective to  describe the changes as humans develop to old age.

These science objectives are separate from the RSE curriculum – the RSE specific objectives associated with Life Cycles will also be addressed in the Summer Term.

Please do not hesitate to speak to me if you have any questions.

Plants for Science


In Year 5 and 6, we are investigating how plants reproduce.

Does anyone have a spider plant with lots of babies which we could “borrow”? We would be hoping to plant and grow the babies and return the parent plant to you.

If you have any other plants you would recommend as good for taking cuttings, they would also be gratefully received.

I have one geranium to bring in and I have plastic pots.

Many thanks

Mrs Bernasconi

Blue home learning

The password for the home learning post for those Self isolating for COVID but feeling well enough to complete some learning is the Blue22.

Protected: Blue Home learning Monday 21st and Tuesday 22nd March

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Spellings w/c 14 March

Words Roots—this week we are looking at words with the roots ”fin” and “tach”


Homework Year 5

Hello everybody

I am looking forward to being back with you on Monday (Covid free).

I have assigned some homework on Classroom Secrets Kids again.

The English is some Comprehension focusing on word meaning.

The maths activities are based on your learning in class this week (co-ordinates and perimeter).

A few of you are beginning to accumulate tasks on your Classroom Secrets Account. Please let one of us know if you are having difficulties so that we can help you. This week’s tasks are dated 18/3/22.

If you have slides allocated but feel confident, skip to the points where you need to insert answers (there are circles showing where these are. The tasks will not show as completed if you do not answer the questions. Slides are allocated to allow you to go back over and remember what you have learned in class.

Don’t forget to keep learning those spellings and practising those multiplication and division facts.