Blue Class PE and swimming

Swimming starts tomorrow (4th June) for 5 weeks until and including 2nd July. Children are welcome to come in PE kit or normal uniform as obviously they will change at the leisure centre. Swimming replaces our usual ‘Monday PE’ slot for the next few weeks therefore children need not come in PE kits on Mondays until 8th July when we will resume PE on Monday afternoons.

Mrs Colin-Stokes

Field trip to Danford Brook

This afternoon Blue class visited our local brook  as part of our topic on rivers. We measured the width, depth and speed of the river. We discovered that  where the stream was narrower,  the water was deeper and the stream was flowing faster.

Lots of fun was had – particularly when we raced the ducks along the brook! Whilst no one fell in, there were a few wet feet!

Using OS maps back at school we found out brook flowed into the River Wolfe which then flowed into the River Severn just above Bridgnorth.

Well done year 6


We are incredibly proud of our year 6 pupils who have worked very hard in prepararation for their SATs. They have given their absolute BEST this week and taken the tests in their stride.

To celebrate the end of SATs week,  the children and  year 6 staff went to Pizza Hut for lunch. We were joined by some parents, and fun was had by all. Plenty of pizza, salad, fizzy drinks and ice cream was consumed!! As always, our children were a credit to our school.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Mrs Benson and Mrs Colin-Stokes

Blue Class spellings – set 13/5

New spellings were set today but only for Year 5 to learn this week as Year 6 have more than enough to focus on with their SATs this week. Therefore, next Monday (20th) Year 5 will have a spelling test but Year 6 will not. Year 5 Maths homework will be set, as usual, this week and is due in next Tuesday (21st).

Mrs Colin-Stokes


Shropshire Star

Dear Parents and Carers,

This is a polite reminder that a photographer from the ‘Shropshire Star’ newspaper will be joining us to capture the children’s ‘TEACHREX’ experience on Monday 18th March 2024. Photographs will be included as part of a feature in the newspaper.

Please be rest assured that children who do not have consent to appear on the school website will respectfully not be included in any of the photographer’s photographs and therefore, will not feature in the newspaper.

Please could we ask that you speak to a member of staff if you DO NOT wish for your child to be included in any individual/small group/large group photograph that could potentially be used as part of the feature in the newspaper. Otherwise, it will be assumed that you give your full consent for your child to have their photograph taken and to appear in the newspaper.

We are sure that a number of photographs will be taken throughout the morning, so we will not know ourselves which photos will be ultimately be selected to appear in the newspaper and which children will feature.

Many thanks for your continued support


Laura Aguayo


Thank you

Thank you all for making my time at Claverley so wonderful.

I was quite overwhelmed by my beautiful cards, gift and messages on my last day at Claverley. Children, staff, parents and governors were so kind, supportive and generous.

I know the children in Blue class will continue to flourish and I am very confident that I will hear wonderful things about them from my friends at Claverley.

Blue Class – take care of Mrs Benson, Mrs Colin Stokes, Mrs Wade and Mrs Richardson. I know they will work hard and look after you brilliantly. Aim high and achieve your best as always. Keep encouraging and supporting each other.

Mrs Bernasconi

Happy Christmas

Dear Parents,

Welcome to the end of a very busy autumn term.  All the staff working in Blue would like to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a healthy and happy new year.  Thank you for our wonderful and generous gifts and kind words in cards; they are very much appreciated. It is a pleasure working with your children of whom you should be very proud.

We look forward to welcoming them back on 4th January.


Mrs Benson, Mrs Bernasconi, Mrs Wade and Mrs Richardson

Edshed (Maths Shed and Spelling Shed)

We have now started to set maths homework, timetable tasks and spellings on EDSHED for all children in Red and Blue class.

All the children in KS2 have all been given logins and passwords for Edshed. They should be stuck in to their Reading diaries. This will give them access to both Spelling Shed tasks and Maths Shed tasks.

You do NOT need to buy the maths shed and spelling shed apps. The site can be accessed through any web broweser and played on laps tops, ipads, iphones, kindle fire or any other android tablet. Of course you may choose to buy an app if you prefer.

These video links  and links to the Edshed help pages may help if children are struggling to get used to this new resource:

As well as the task we set the children are able to access other fluency games to support their recall of number facts on Maths Shed. Obviously, we would like them to complete the tasks set but they are free to practise as much as they like once these are completed! This is a good use of screen time…

Homework 9.11.23

Dear Parents

Blue class will be recieving homework from today. Homework is set on a Thursday and neeeds to be completed by the following Tuesday ( 14.11.23). Although homework is always based on work we have been doing in class, children should try not to leave it until Monday evening so we can help then if they are stuck before it needs to be handed in.  Mrs Bernasconi will be setting the Maths homework on line using Ed shed this week. May I remind you that children should also be reading each day at home and parents should sign the reading diaries. There are also timestables tests each week. Tomorrow’s  times tables are 3 and 9. Next Friday is 7 and 11.

English Homework

This week we have been looking at how to use commas to add extra information in a sentence ( parenthesis)

Year 5 have pages 48 and 49 to complete in their grammar  workbook .

Year 6 have pages 44 and 45 to complete in their grammar workbook.

Thank you for all your support.

Mrs Benson