The Pioneer trip year 6

Our year 6 children had a fabulous day at the Pioneer Centre yesterday. We started the day with a zip wire and abseiling. The children then had lots of fun on the giant inflatables- racing and playing games. After lunch, the children did climbing and an obstacle course on the high ropes – not for the faint hearted! The instructors were  well organised , encouraging and ensured the day was fun for all. Our year 6 children were impeccably behaved and a pleasure to take out. A very BIG THANK YOU to the PTA who funded this trip.

Year 5 Wednesday 14th July

Whilst Year 6 visit Pioneer, we are going to have a day of practical skills and problem solving for Year 5. We will be baking biscuits , programming Microbits and bridge building. The children have chosen their recipes today and are enthusiastic about demonstrating their skills and eating the results…

We be grateful for a 50p contribution from each year 5 for ingredients.

Mrs Bernasconi


Year 6 – School Sleepover

After the disappointment of having their residential cancelled, Mrs Benson suggested a sleepover in school! With support from Mrs Wade and Mrs Richardson, the plans were made and at 6pm on Friday night, 17 very excited children returned to school. They were armed with airbeds, bedding, bags which looked like they were stopping for a week and plenty of snacks!

They played rounders on the field, ate hot dogs at 7pm and played more games. At 8.30, they started making their own pizzas!

They had another time out on the field before showing us their play followed by a few rounds of ‘Wink Murder’.

They then settled in their rooms to watch a movie and eat a few more snacks before the final ‘lights out’. It was an interesting night but all were very good!
After a 6.00am start, there were beds to deflate, bags to pack and rooms to organise. Then a delicious breakfast of pancakes and juice followed by a quick game of ‘Capture the  Flag’.

They were a great bunch, well mannered and looked after each other. A lovely time was had by all!

Forest School and science

Year 6 – Please remember that you have Forest School again tomorrow. Don’t forget to have long sleeves and joggers/ trousers rather than shorts. It’s not forecast to be warm tomorrow, so a fleece or hoody or jacket would be a good idea.

Year 5 – it’s your turn next week. I have borrowed some science equipment from Concord College for our science tomorrow. I’m looking forward to using it with you…

Mrs Bernasconi


Spellings w/c 17th May

We have more words with silent letters this week.


Blue Class use their Science

Blue class have been learning about electrical circuits in science. They have used their new skills to design and make some super interactive games. Well known games like “Operation” and “Buzz” gave the children some inspiration, but we think their creations are even better than ones that you will have seen for sale in the shops. We have been very impressed with their problem solving and team work.

Spellings w/c 12th May

These are the spellings which were given to Blue class on Monday 10th May.

Hopefully the paper copies made it home. Sorry they weren’t on the website before.

LO: to spell words with silent letters


Forest school Year 6

Please can we remind YEAR 6 children that it is forest school on Monday. They need to wear old clothes to school and bring waterproofs, and wellies ( particularly if wet) or old trainers.



Dear Parents,

Our summer term has started well. The children have embraced our new topic on Australia. Our English writing is  based on film clips from The Rabbit proof Fence- a story of three Aboriginal girls’ 900 mile  journey across Australia to return home. This is a unit recommended for year 5/6 by Oak academy. However, the whole  film is PG. I have asked that the children seek your permission before watching it at home as it deals with some sensitive issues.

Our last piece of writing was based on The The Window by Jeannie Baker – a picture book without words that shows the change in environment from guess where- Australia! Year 5 and year 6 did some ‘voice-overs’ to the book that I thought you may enjoy hearing. Listen out for your child’s voice- I hope you are as  impressed as I am at their reading aloud. There is a slight pause between slides so be patient.

Year 5 The window by Jeannie Baker

Year 6 The window by Jeannie Baker

Our children have also embraced the challenge set on World Book Day to read 4 books  by four different authors linked to the World Book Day free books . Rosie, Jake, Eden and Evan have met the challenge.  Chloe, Martha and Harriet have read all six suggestions- well done girls! Many children are on their fourth book  keen to meet the challenge by May half term. Reading a variety of authors has a big impact on children’s writing so keep reading!

The children are also enjoying our additional PE session with Chris Jew each Friday afternoon. The  focus is on cricket skills, and even I am attempting some over arm bowling.

Our NSPCC Rock Star day was a great success. Blue Class got competitive, as ever, to win the competitions on Times Table Rockstar; Ellis Brown is phenomenally fast achieving an outstanding score!  The competitions were accompanied by Rock music blasting out and I was amazed how many children know all the words to The Queen songs.

Year 6 parents and children, I know you are keen to hear about the residential at The Pioneer Centre. Even though we have a pencilled in booking, the advice from government is still not to book  a residential trip. Our insurance currently does not cover cancellation because of Covid and that makes us very hesitant to book an expensive trip of this kind. I am almost as disappointed as the children but we are planning as many exciting events as we can for our year 6 children after half term.

We are looking forward to catching up with you all next week at our parent/ teacher consultations. We also look forward to the time when we are able to see you again in person, and invite you into our school.


Mrs Benson and Mrs Bernasconi.


Spellings w/c 4th May

LO: to revise words with unstressed vowels


Please remember to practise these at home.