Blue English- persuasive writing 24.02.21 – 26.02.21

Over the next few days we will be planning and writing a persuasive letter building on the work you did with Mrs Bernasconi. These skills will be useful for any other persuasive writing we will be doing in school. Children studying for their GCSEs still do persuasive writing and use the same skills!

Don’t forget I am running guided reading live sessions on Thursday which are focussing on persuasive techniques. Please join me if you can – see other post for times and groups.


In this lesson, we will begin the process of planning to write a persuasive letter. You will be taught how to use a new planning structure for making persuasive points.

To plan a persuasive letter video


In preparation for writing our persuasive letter, we will practise using our plans and writing sentences using formal conjunctions.

To use formal conjunctions in persuasive writing


In today’s lesson Mr Brown will model how to write a persuasive letter and then you will write your own letter. Using the modelled version for ideas will give you the confidence when you come to write your own persuasive letter from scratch.

To write a persuasive letter

Protected: Blue Maths Wednesday 24th – Friday 26th

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Blue French

I know some of you have really been enjoying the on- line French. A little bit everyday really helps you develop your confidence.

Week 3 is called Qu’est-ce que c’est? and it’s all about naming and describing pets.

Have a go at a lesson a day

Qu’est-ce que c’est? What is it?

Protected: Guided Reading Thursday 25.2.21

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Protected: Art Monet impressionist painting w/c 22nd February

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Topic – Ancient Egypt

Our new topic this term is Ancient Egypt; I hope you ae going to enjoy it. We will be continuing to study this topic when you return to school so it’s a good idea to complete these lessons so you have an understanding of the work covered so far.

Our key question for the first lesson is:

Where is Ancient Egypt ?

Watch the video on Oak Academy to introduce you to Ancient Egypt and its rulers. In the video they refer to BCE ( before the common era) which is also known as BC (before Christ) which is before Jesus was born, so you can see how long ago the Egyptians ruled.

 Video Where is Ancient Egypt and who ruled it?

In order to complete this lesson, you will need to look at the two maps of Ancient Egypt below.

Map of ancient Egypt 1

Map of Ancient Egypt 2

Using the set of instructions, complete the blank map of Ancient Egypt. You may want to keep your blank map to put in your topic book when you return to school.

Ancient Egypt map instructions

Blank map

If you would like to know a little more about Ancient Egypt, watch the you-tube video below.

Ancient Egypt

Children who are coming into school we will be doing this lesson on Friday so please do not do before you come in!




For the next two weeks, we are going to focus our learning on the searching the internet: search engines. This links to the theme of understanding and evaluating what we find and see on the internet – the main theme of Safer internet day. There is so much information available through the internet, but not all of it is accurate or safe. How do we find what we want? How do we know the facts are true?

Fortunately, there are some Oak academy lessons which very closely follow our plan for this term.

Each lesson is quite short – I suggest you do two this week and two next week. You could do them all in one week but don’t do them all on one day!

W/c 22nd February

Lesson 1 – Searching the web

Lesson 2-  Selecting search results

W/c 1st March

Lesson 3 – How search results are ranked

lesson 4 – How are searches influenced?

Hopefully, we will be back together soon – I am looking forward to doing some more Scratch and pulling the Microbits out of their hiding place!

There are two extra lessons on using the internet to communicate which would be useful for you to complete. They focus on the different apps and social media platforms and consider who they are suitable for communicating with, age appropriate guidance and how to keep your information private.

Lesson 5 – How we communicate

Lesson 6 – Communicating responsibly



Science w/c 22 February

We are going to begin our science learning this half term by focusing on the history of science and scientists. I am sure you remember that we did a little of this in the Autumn term when we found out about Charles Darwin and evolution.

First, we will think about how our ideas about science change over time. New discoveries and theories are a really important part of science. Lots of new things have been discovered even since I started to study science at school! Change and discoveries – two of the exciting things about science.

In lesson 2, we will find out about a scientist and do some practical work which is safe to do at home.

Lesson 1How do scientific ideas change?  – click here for the lesson

Lesson 2 – Who is Katherine Johnson? click here for the lesson

In this lesson, we will learn about Katherine Johnson’s main achievements and the story of her life. We will learn how she used maths to get rockets into space and back home safely. We will learn what trajectory is, we will have a chance to do some practical work  and draw the trajectory for different objects.

Lesson 3 How has our understanding and use of electricity developed?  – click here for the lesson

Protected: Maths Monday 22nd Feb and Tuesday 23rd Feb

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English w/c 22 February

Persuasive Writing

This week we are going to do a unit of work which will end with you writing a persuasive letter. We build up the skills and ideas day by day, so it is important that you do each lesson. If you are a key worker child who is school some days and not others, please do the lessons on the set days so that you are not confused when you come into school.

Guided reading this week is also planned to support this objective – look out for Mrs Benson’s post about guided reading materials and the times and links for her live guided reading sessions on the Teams timetable.

Monday 22nd Feb

(don’t forget to look at the new spellings for the week on the spelling page too)

To understand the features of a persuasive letter

In today’s lesson, we will be learning all about what it means to persuade someone and will look closely at the features of a persuasive letter. Click here for lesson video

Tuesday 23rd February – today we have two shorter lesson videos

To generate points to use in our persuasive letter

In this lesson, we will begin to prepare to write our persuasive letter by generating points to use in our argument. Click here for the lesson video

To develop a rich understanding of words associated with feeling surprised
In this lesson, we will introduce new vocabulary, identify word pairs and synonyms and apply the vocabulary in sentences. Click here for the lesson video