Spellings w/c 22nd February

To investigate the suffixes -ant and -ent

There are two videos t0 support the understanding of when to use each of these suffixes. It is a good idea to watch these as it will help you apply the knowledge to other words – not just the ten listed this week. This is a more effective way of improving your spelling than attempting to learn every word individually. I suggest you use video 1 at the beginning of the week and one later in the week. You could leave the test until the end of the week.

View video lesson 1

In this lesson, we will investigate the two suffixes -ent and -ant, including noticing some pattern with word class and letter sounds.

To practise and apply knowledge of suffixes -ant and -ent, including test

View video lesson 2

In this lesson, we will practise and apply spelling rules and patterns for the suffixes -ent and -ant. We will discover and use a new spelling strategy to practise -ent and -ant words before a spelling test at the end of the lesson.
Spelling list:

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Protected: Blue Maths Weds- Fri 10-11th February

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Blue English A Career in Computer Games 10th-11th February

I hope you are enjoying the short story by Anthony Horowitz. I couldn’t wait to get through the lessons to find out what happened! These lessons really examine the reading skills needed to analyse a text.


In today’s lesson we are going to focus on two of the lessons: lesson 3 and 4. In  lesson 3 we will read the next part of the story and make inferences to help us reflect upon how Kevin is feeling. Inference is often what children find hard in comprehension: reading between the lines to work out what is happening or what someone is feeling.

lesson 3 and 4

In the second lesson ( 4)  we will read the rest of interview and consider Kevin’s feelings, make predictions and consider the story arc in this short story.

There isn’t lots of writing so two lessons should be easy to manage.


Today is our final lesson in this short unit. In this lesson we read part of the climax and consider how the scene and atmosphere changes as the story progresses. We reflect upon our previous predictions and the genre of this text.

lesson 5

I hope you enjoyed this short unit. If you are like me and want to know what happens at the end, don’t panic  as I  bought the book that contains the short story so will find somehow to read it to you.

Guided Reading live lessons w/c 8.02.21

Our English unit has a reading focus this week so I am not including any additional guided reading. I am running three live guided reading sessions. Rowling, I am afraid it’s your turn to miss out this week but you can do the Year 6 comprehension independently- I was really impressed by your depth of answers in our discussion last week. Children coming into school, I will be doing the guided reading with you on Wednesday, and the follow up will be on Thursday so don’t do it at home before you come in! It is really valuable discussing a text together so please join me if you can. Its also a good chance to catch up in a small group.

 Thursday 9:10am – 9:35am Walliams-

Hannah, Fabio, Laila, Will, Nina, Logan, Apryl, Molly, Oliver

Thursday 1:15pm – 1:40pm – Blyton

Amelia, Rosie, Evan, Poppy N, Pollyanna, Chloe, Maisie, Martha

Thursday 1:50pm – 2:15pm – Dahl

Poppy B, William M, Nina, Logan, Apryl, Molly, Oliver B


Year 6 

Pig Heart Boy text

You don’t need the questions for the lesson but just for the follow up

Pig Heart Boy questions

pig heart boy answers

Year 5

The Iron Man text

You don’t need the questions for the lesson but just for the follow up

The Iron Man comprehension questions

iron man answers

If you have trouble joining the links, I will phone you on Teams

Links to guided reading sessions



French- Blue w/c 8.2.21

Lots of you really enjoyed doing the French unit last week: C’est Moi! Many of you tried a short  daily lesson and realised how much it helped reinforce your vocabulary and grammar. Superb!

This week there is a 4 day unit  Ou habites-tu?  which means Where do you live? Why not try a daily lesson again? Join the link below

 Ou habites-tu?

I decided to enrol on Duolingo this weekend to improve my French.  I have been doing half an hour a day and I am really enjoying it.

Mrs Benson




OWS Competition – Become a reporter (Blue, Red and Yellow Year 3)

Oldbury Wells School have created an exciting new project/competition which many of the local primaries are getting involved with. The challenge is to be a news reporter and report about something you have been learning this term.


Image result for cartoon news reporter for kids


Here is the introductory video to get you started. It explains very clearly what the project is all about.


Here is the first episode of “Oldbury Wells News” which sets the scene and gives an example of a student report. One of their year 9 helpers on the clip wasn’t given much time to learn his lines/plan the report, so when you watch it, you can gain ideas for what improvements to make for your own report. He was still brave in going on camera!


You might like to watch BBC Newsround to give you some more ideas on how to present a report.


In Blue class, you could report on something from your topic on the Mediterranean or your science topic on ‘Changing Materials’.

If you are in Red class, you could report on the science topic -sound or you could go back in time and interview Noah taken from our RE topic. You could do it on earthquakes, mountains, volcanoes or even the Portia spider!

Topics in Yellow class have been learning about volcanoes, mountains and earthquakes so you could do a report on one of those.

Here is some more helpful information for children including guidance on how to plan your report and there are more links to help you create a good report.

Primary Project Spring 1 – Student Help Sheet

Here is an information sheet for parents including guidance for uploading the finished report.

Primary Project Spring 1 – Parent Guid

We really hope that you enjoy doing the project and that it proves to be a valuable learning experience, as well as a bit of fun! 



Last week

Good Morning Everyone,

We have reached our final week of the half term . Well done to all of you – children and parents; we know its not easy.

Thank you to those of you who joined our live lessons last week. Mrs Bernasconi’s Maths support for year 5 went well and will be running again this week. Remember if anyone needs help with any aspect of their work, we can arrange an individual Teams call with you. It was also lovely to see most of you at our guided reading groups. Blyton – it is your turn this week. See the separate post and timetable for live lessons.

We have come to the end of our unit on The Golden Compass but I was disappointed that I did not see more of your work. We are expected to provide you with work, and you are expected to complete at least  the maths and English. It is helpful for you to have feedback on your work and we love to see what you have been doing. For those of you who have not been in touch in a while, please contact us this week. I am also excited to see some of your Mediterranen projects and read about the country that you have researched.

Finally, I am enclosing some pictures. Jake Sheldon had a very interesting visit to the Water Treatment site where his Dad works and learnt all about how they make water safe for us to drink. He even tested some!

Evie produced a beautiful Monet picture. The boys at school really enjoyed painting over the landscape black and white photos and we were all delighted with the results. 

Mrs Bernasconi is looking forward to seeing you at the Teams assembly this morning where she will be talking about keeping safe on the internet. We will also be having a final Show and Tell assembly on Thursday afternoon at 2:30pm. Remember – no school on Friday as its a PD day when the teachers will be learning about the new PSHE programme for schools.

Have a great last week

Mrs Benson and Mrs Bernasconi

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Spellings w/c 8th February

This week we are focusing on words which have “silent” letters. It is hard to use phonics or syllable sounding for these words. I have attached a dictation to use to help you understand how to use some of these words. A quiz has also been set in Purple Mash


Dictation:Words with silent letters dictation

I have noticed that I put the spellings into the homework folder last week rather than the spelling folder. I hope that didn’t confuse you.